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I just went through something huge with my SO. I find myself saying you don't have to call, I don't expect you to be in touch unless you really want to, you don't have to do this, it's not a big deal, have fun etc... I did it with something big the other day- I understand if you don't want to see me anymore, I realize you see other people and I don't mean anything to you...

He pointed out something to me and it really made me think. I give him the option to not see me again and he said, Why do women do that? They say that and we come to either one of two conclusions. You don't want us or care anymore- or- You really are cool with us not doing anything you say we don't have to do. So you're telling me that that is code for, I need you, care for you and maybe love you? Why not just say that to us? :S

Well as a woman I need to really let men in on the code. Pay attention. We want you to say it first. When we say the above we mean the following: we care more than is comfortable for us to admit. ;)

BTW- I just got proposed to. :$ My answer? You don't have to, don't think you need to because...
(Yes I got chased around the room a few times too for that...guess I don't learn quickly.) :D

Well, I am still stuck in the hospital and I don't see myself jumping for awhile but it could be worse. (At least now I have someone to send out for food!)

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BTW- I just got proposed to. :$ My answer? You don't have to, don't think you need to because...
(Yes I got chased around the room a few times too for that...guess I don't learn quickly.) :D

Awwwww :$:) That is sooo cool!! Congratulations to you both! :)

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I don't know about that, I am pretty simple. I just want to be loved and fucked a lot. :D

Congratulations Gwen, get well soon and love your man, he sounds like a keeper. ;)
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Wow thanks for the advice.
and women wonder why we don't listen too well. What is said is rarely what is meant. And even then "The Rules" can be changed at any given moment without the consent of the male. Yea i know the "Rules". I heard they don't have this problem on Venus. Women are just sweet and loving all the time. No "Off" switch.:S:$

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Wow thanks for the advice.

and women wonder why we don't listen too well. What is said is rarely what is meant. And even then "The Rules" can be changed at any given moment without the consent of the male. Yea i know the "Rules". I heard they don't have this problem on Venus. Women are just sweet and loving all the time. No "Off" switch.:S:$

Oh just quit your bitching and moaning. :P

Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Wow, that sounds awfully complicated! Wouldn't it be easier for both of you if you just said what you meant?

But congratulations on the engagement (assuming your answer meant "yes".) ;)

Oh, and I think you just helped me to understand something... I was dating this guy for a while who was always trying to "interpret" everything I said. I kept telling him to stop doing that because if I have something to say I will just say it, but I don't think that ever got through to him. Now I'm guessing that he must have dated women in the past who really did speak in some sort of code...

But I still don't see the point in doing that. Relationships are confusing enough without speaking in codes that the other person doesn't understand! ;)

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I've got a code too. When women talk in their code, my response is "we're through". It's code for "I'm sick and tired of your games. Go fuck yourself."

Luckily I found a woman who doesn't play those stupid games. I married her. If you can't be honest with your feelings, what is the point. That lack of honesty really shows how weak the relationship is.


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BTW- I just got proposed to. :$ My answer? You don't have to, don't think you need to because...
(Yes I got chased around the room a few times too for that...guess I don't learn quickly.) :D

:D Were you chased around your hospital room?

Congratulations!! :)

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Yeah, I am an asshole. But women who play games and can't be honest, both with themselves and their significant other, are just wasting the guys time. That is not the way to build a strong relationship. I know of some men who do the same thing, so it is not gender specific. Women tend to do it more often, however.

My wife has as little tolerance for the stupid games as I do. Neither of us are perfect, but at least we see eye to eye. But you're right. I am damn lucky to have her.


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I did it with something big the other day- I understand if you don't want to see me anymore, I realize you see other people and I don't mean anything to you...


BTW- I just got proposed to.

:|??? Huh? You said the above a few days ago and you're considering marriage? I think I am misinterpreting something in your post somehow...:S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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