
FOCUS behind the wheel!

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Quick rant~

We live in a 'Yuppie' community North of Houston
that has been and is still growing way beyond what
was likely planned. The traffic at peak hours can be a nightmare.

There are only two exits in town for the freeway to head for downtown Houston, and they, like many of the roads here can't handle to flow of traffic.

Yesterday morning my oldest son got hit by a car while riding his bike to school. He was on the sidewalk crossing an exit driveway where cars dropping students off re enter the street.

The person that hit him was likely 'multi-tasking'
behind the wheel, no doubt running late.

My speculation is that they were in a rush to get into the slight break in traffic and didn't look at the kids crossing ten feet in front.

Accelerating hard...my guy was hit with the center of the vehicle throwing him 10-15 feet in the air, first impact being his neck on the sharp edge of a sign.

He's sore and will recover. It could have been MUCH
worst. Could EASILY have killed him!

I went to the site this morning to sit back and watch.
I was amazed at the number of close calls, eight to be exact...instances in which someone could have
been seriously injured....45 MINUTES!


People on the phone...fixing make-up...yelling
at back seat riders...eating...READING!

I'm a very cautious driver...30 years of being on a motorcycle, it's habit.

But for those who may not be...
PLEASE take a moment and think about the concequences, to yourself and others.

It just takes one second in a lapse of focus.

End Rant.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Your poor little guy!! I hope the "multi-tasking" idiot who did that is taking full resposibility?

My best friend once got bumped by someone exiting across a sidewalk without looking. They didn't even apologize.

Grr. I have about a three-page rant building up, so I'm gonna step out now...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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wow. Glad to see he is okay. You really gotta be careful out there...there are so many people who drive while talking on cell phones, looking at their I-pod, changing radio stations, putting on makeup, eating a big mac, or doing everything but paying attention to where their SUV is going.

Hope your son has a speedy recovery.

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That's a very mild rant. I'd be a lot louder. I hope you guys have the information about the driver.

I nearly got popped on my bicycle many years ago under similar circumstances. The driver said she'd gotten tired of waiting to pull into traffic.

You blood must have run cold.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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OUCH!!! Hope he heals up fast. I don't know how you had the restraint not to pound that driver. >:(

All the best to your son and hopes for a speedy recover.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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Damn... that is one nasty gash. Glad your son will be okay. If it were me, I might have drug the SOB driver out and beat the hell out of him! >:(

Send the same letter you wrote here to the local newspaper's editorials or to their traffic beat column. Heck, why not send the newspaper those same photos. Make a story out of it to help raise awareness out there. It would help get the point across to all those idiots out there.

Heal fast kid...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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That's fucked up. I can't believe people could be so careless, especially in a school zone!! >:(

I'm glad your boy is going to be okay. He's lucky.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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That is TERRIBLE!! The photos are downright scary.

Kudos to you on your restraint, as I'm assuming you haven't popped the guy yet.

Driving behaviour has become a study in our feeling of self-importance. Everyone thinks whatever they are doing and wherever they are going is more important than that of anyone else using the same roads, adjacent sidewalks and general space. How selfish.

I hope the gash heals well, and thank heavens the outcome was only as bad as this.

(ooo, That may have been a rant - didn't know it was in there! ;))


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Amen to that. I was hit (as a pedestrian) by a guy who ran a red light, slammed into another car ($13,000 worth of damage to the vehicle, fortunately, no damage to the two occupants), and slammed into me and threw me into a utility box. Apparently he was on a cell phone at the time...

Glad to hear your son is going to be okay. At least he's got a cool scar to show off!

If there's anything that can be improved at the intersection to make it safer for pedestrians/cyclists, I encourage you to get in touch with the appropriate local authorities (city, county, whatever applies). After three nearly identical accidents at the same intersection (one in which a pedestrian was killed, my accident, and another one that didn't involve a pedestrian), we were able to get the city traffic engineers to come out, look at the intersection, and look at the data and make some changes.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Wow that is some Frankenstein like scar. I hope he heals up fast.

I know your son will remember that day for the rest of his life. Glad he made it through with minimal injury.

I was hit by a van, actually a rear-side mounted mirror of a van, on July 8, 1974 while riding a bicycle, exactly one month before Nixon resigned. I left work early because I was not feeling well. I was riding on the white line of a two-lane road. It was high noon and around 100 degrees out. The mirror clipped my left upper arm and threw me over the handlebars.

A woman from a house right there came out and asked for my name and phone number. She called my Mom. By then the ambulance and cops had arrived. I told the emergency person that my arm was not broken. But the flesh was severely damaged. The flesh hung down to the ground when I sat up and lifted my elbow up even with my shoulder. These emergency guys said to lay down and put one of those plastic inflatable braces on my arm. I kept saying my arm was not broken. Then I asked for some shade. I wasn't feeling well and the sun was not making me feel better. It was 100 degrees out. Some cop took his hat off and gave me some shade. In the ER, a DR wanted to cut off my shirt. I said I'll just take it off. He wouldn't let me do that. I kept saying my arm was not broken. He cut off my shirt. I get x-rayed. Gosh - your arm isn't broken. Duh?! They kept me over night for observation.

My parents sued for costs. I guess it was 3x the actual costs. The lawyer got 1/3. We even had to go to court for the driver. The driver was a 16 yo. I was 17 at the time.

I bought my first motorcycle with the money! It was a Yamaha 250 Enduro.

Bike riding, whether bicycle or motorcycle, does make you a better 4-wheeled vehicle driver. I've lost count of the number of people trying to kill me on my bicycle or motorcycle. Idiots that direct traffic from inside their cars and whimsically change the rules of the road are the worst.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Ouch! So glad he is ok.
There was just a 5 year old little boy killed in a town near me. He had just gotten off the bus which was still stopped and had it's red flashers on, when a woman on a cell phone drove around it and hit him. State law in Ohio is that you must stop for school buses when they have those red lights flashing. I'm not sure about everywhere else.
It is truly sad and makes you think about how precious life is and how quickly something can happen.
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Jim, not all drivers are 'multi-tasking', so are just rude.

I walk my dogs everyday. On the loop back home I put the dogs back on their leashes since we now have to walk on the sidewalk. There are two neighborhood streets that I cross, and they both have stop signs, giving me the right away. I always have to stop, and let the cars go first, as they seem to be blind when ever they approach those stop signs.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Kudos to you on your restraint, as I'm assuming you haven't popped the guy yet.


I was too busy to be angry at the time...
The stupidity was rampent!

The crossing guard made him get up, with blood gushing out of the wound...and walk 150 yards to the nurses office. I got a call from our other son on his cell just seconds after it happened. He was few feet ahead, our daughter a few feet behind.

I was there within minutes...
I walked into the nurses office to find him sitting upright in a chair holding pressure with a gauze bandage.
I have some EM training and guess I went into
auto pilot. I gently layed him down and requested
a blanket since he was obviously in shock
with pulse and breathing erratic.

I asked for an ETA on the ambulance...
which was only then called. Asking the nurse to
use her BP cuff to monitor vitals I inquired if it
was accepted proceedure to 'walk' a trama victim anywhere...

Were there broken bones..spinal injury..
internal injuries?

Amazed at what was going on, I pulled the bandage
to see if there might be a 'pumper' considering the amount of blood and the area of the injury.

Glad to see the wires & pipes intact and the bleeding
was tissue vessels...although there was a 3-4 cm lateral slice on the neck muscle.

I was relieved when the fire - rescue guys got there
with a cervical brace and a back board. They had been looking for him outside, and also couldn't believe he'd been moved!

I didn't get emotional until I was in the ER with him
following the Xrays and preping for the needle work.

I had to hold him at an angle so that the Dr. could
work..and NOTHING I could do eased his fear or comforted the pain he was in.

If just ONE person reads this and perhaps
gives a little thought while driving today....

Maybe at least something good has come
out of this mess.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Damn Jim,
I hope you at least bring all these problems to the attention of the superintendant. Officials need to know about serious stuff like this. It might save someone in the future.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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What he said. Only in a cold, commanding voice, speaking to the principal and the superintendent. Maybe a mandatory emergency-response class for the crossing guards.

That's astounding.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Glad things look good for your boy at this time. You obviously have much more restraint than I. I can think of at least two people that would be in my shallow grave book after that entire incident.
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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I hope your boy isn't too tramatized by all this and makes a swift recovery.
I don't know how I'd react if the same happened to one of my kids.
At least two people need a swift kick up the bum for this one, the driver of course (who should be made fully responsible for his actions) and the nurse or who ever else is responsible for emergencies at this school.
Peoples kids are in the schools care and the school has a responsability to those kids and thier families to ensure that when something like this happens, the response is handled in the correct manner.

Make some noise about it at the school and make them address the obvious shortcomings in the way they handled the situation.
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What he said. Only in a cold, commanding voice, speaking to the principal and the superintendent. Maybe a mandatory emergency-response class for the crossing guards.

That's astounding.

Wendy W.

Exactly what I was thinking. Sounds like the school *nurse?* needs a little refresher too.... This is unbelievable. I think I'd have to be SURE that this is not brushed under the table. It's bad enough that your son was hit, but this kind of response by the school is absolutely appalling!

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I'm glad your son is going to be OK. :)
edited to add: I agree with the posts above. Bring this to the attention of the superintendant - some educating needs to be done. Having EMT training you know this could have been much worse.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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