
Lainey: She's the BEST

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I dont know where to start, but i would like to thank her here.
Dearest Lainey, Thank you for every PM. Every nice
thought. Every everything.
You've been the greatest friend and pen pal anyone could ask for. Sorry if this embarrasses you, but the world should know how awesome you are.
Happy last day of work at that place ! See you in a year or so.:)Jaffa

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sounds like a reason for some shum-pan-ya..
or not... Im just thirsty, anyway that was
mad cool, day is brighter.. mad lub 2 lainey...
from cocheese :P hell, I'll even throw my luv
in there...

Im just here for the beer and smiles...
can't really get beer online yet so that
just leaves the smiles. but if I could get beer
online... I'd be arrested with the quickness,
but for real, cocheese seems pretty sincere about
this as appose to his ummm.... "luv rabbit gimmi
some" persona, so lainy must be a real down chica,
enough to derserve something like this from the

Im done..


"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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i have to agree......we have spent many late nights.......well late for me.......laughing at our diffrences. She has kept me company many of nights when i have 24 hour duty...we even have a date to go to a haunted corn maze ;)

i couldnt sit here and even begin to describe her if i wanted to, there is not enough words in the english language or time in the day.

so lainey, from your special jake.....heres to you :D
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Awe, :$

Thanks so much guys! Jafa man you are the sweetest, this is way too much niceness for me haha I don't know what to say.

I love talking to you guys, I know i'm pretty far away but it's just nice to know there are people that care. I love hearing about what's happening with you guys, it really brightens up my day and if i can help in anyway then that's cool with me :)
Special Jake, we're doing the haunted corn maze for sure. B| you rock sweety.

Ah, just as i was reading this my head office just sent me a massive bunch of flowers and bottle of wine and box of liqueur filled chocolates, i think they're encouraging me to start drinking at 9:30am! sounds good to me!!! B|

thanks again guys :$

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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haha of course darling! They're truffles, you want Irish Wiskey, Tia Maria, Rum, Jamaican Rum...? B|

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Yay...nice thread. Lainey, I hope that you know that I think that you are pretty wonderful. :)
Plus, you look EXACTLY like my younger brother's lovely fiance, Candace. Except she is 36, while you are 20 (?), which is totally strange. Much like you, she is has the biggest heart, and she is one of the sweetest women that I have ever met in my entire life.

Maybe one day, I will have the pleasure of meeting you and jumping with you in person, as well. Much love to you, Aussie girl Lainey. Good luck with all.


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Yep, i start a new job on Monday, i've been at my current work for a while now so it's pretty strange to be leaving, i'm sending out goodbye emails and just basically enjoying my last day, going out for lunch at midday so the wine will come in handy then B|

Rosa, thank you so much for your message, you are such a wonderful person. Even though we haven't had a chance to chat all that much over the past year it's been lovely to be surprised by a PM from you, you always have such beautiful things to say and I always appreciate the kindness you've shown me. We will definately have to meet one day and share the sky. :)
Oi Squeak, everyone knows the east coast is where it's at, get your butt to Sydney man! haha :P

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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where ya going babe? you better not be leaving us? i have to agree with cocheese on this one that lainey is by far one of the sweetest girls i've met. i hadn't even been in australia for a week and we spent hours and hours just walking around Sydney showing me the ropes. i know you've been looking for a new job, continue school, be a slacker, whatever it is you've been looking to do, i'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.

you best be coming up to the US this summer like you promised me you would when i left (hint hint, WFFC is in August, come then!)... and biatch, where are my PMs these days?!?!?! you forget about your favorite yank? you best not have!:P;):D

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haha oh Krisanne, you get your butt to Oz and we'll see what we can organise :P:D

Bobby, oiiiiiiiii yank!!! where are MY PMs these days??? ahahaha. yeah yeah much time was wasted on that boy from the US, walking round sydney at crazy hours drinking smoothies, getting WAY too drunk. i had fun so it's all good sweety ;). I'm leaving my job and starting a new one on monday so yeah, hopefully it all goes well... means i can't take holidays till next year though so i've delayed WFFC by a year, but you BETTER be there in 2006 to go crazy with me!!!

Oi Dave, out of everyone you should be saying nice things 'cos i can easilly come after you this weekend if you're not careful :P:D You jumping this saturday? my rig should be all good by then so i'm dying to get back up :)

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Hey thanks Jason :)
Dave, cool stuff, well i'll see ya then! Ooh 300th! that's cool man, i gotta put on a case from the Easter weekend too. My 100th is coming up probably next week so i'll owe another then B|

Rollin' in the money are we Dave? hehe Krisanne, make sure you get a first class ticket off him! only the best! ;)

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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She does totally rock. I'd jump the fence for her. :D

ummm . That has to be the highest compliment another woman could make. Dang .;)

Well, unless you're a lesbian. In which case it'd be a big-old insult.

But since I like the boys, it's definitely the highest compliment.

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