
I'm gonna get shot if I keep doing this...

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Yeah, this morning yet another wannabe punk-ass pulls up next to me on the way to work with his stereo thumping and rattling my damned windows. Being a nice morning I had the windows down.

Considering the amount of time that my son is in the car, I've got a Baby Einsten music CD loaded to ease him on those short drives. For those unfamiliar, it's classical music done in baby instruments - bells, harps, glockenspiels, etc. About as sissy as you can get.

So I switched CD and pumped that fucker up to full volume.

I of course learned that treble can be heard over pumped up subwoofer - something about fidelity in th eupper end of the musical spectrum. The guy gives me a look like, "Wut da fuk iz yew doing?" (I reckon that's how he would spell it). I just moved my head in rhythm to the beat of Beethoven in flute. The car on the other side of me had this older gal looking and laughing and gave me a thumbs up.

The guy just peeled out at the light - unfortunately there was no cop to see it. I realize, of course, that if I keep doing this someone's just gonna cap me. So why, oh why, can't I stop?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Awesome!!! I've often wanted to do the same, but I don't have anything nearly as perfect as Baby Einstein to retort with!!


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I just usually give the standard middle finger....it is realyl not a good idea cause one day someone is going to chase me down or something

Or they will chase ME down when you do that from my passenger seat:D

CCowden-- it's called the "gangster lean";):D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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That's my tactic on occasion. Definitely askin' for it.

That's why Lawrocket's response was so great - he was pumping his music just like homey was. Just because it was classical on baby instruments doesn't mean he can't roll like that too.

What's a punk gonna say? "Well, I shot him 'cause his music was louder"?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I often pull up next to "those types" and recline my seat WAY back too

You know, you folks are just egging me on. I think I'm gonna start carrying some props now.

Things I'll need:

1) Get me a baseball cap to wear sideways, or a beanie;
2) Some stick-on tattoos so I can show how hardcore I am;
3) I'll do a gangsta lean out da window;
4) Maybe even sport a gold chain with it..

I do think I need to upgrade to some real tweeters, too. My God, I'm gonna get capped...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You definitely have to get a big stupid looking wing for the back of your car and a muffler that makes your car sound like shit. Apparently you can make any car, yes ANY, cool by just adding a dumb looking wing, shitty sounding muffler, and an obnoxiously loud stereo. Drive around with your seat leaned way back, with your retro babseball hat and jersey on and you are da bomb!:D

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You definitely have to get a big stupid looking wing for the back of your car and a muffler that makes your car sound like shit. Apparently you can make any car, yes ANY, cool by just adding a dumb looking wing, shitty sounding muffler, and an obnoxiously loud stereo. Drive around with your seat leaned way back, with your retro babseball hat and jersey on and you are da bomb!:D

Dude, don't forget one of those Honda "R" stickers. AggieDave swears they add 30 HP:D:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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You definitely have to get a big stupid looking wing for the back of your car and a muffler that makes your car sound like shit. Apparently you can make any car, yes ANY, cool by just adding a dumb looking wing, shitty sounding muffler, and an obnoxiously loud stereo. Drive around with your seat leaned way back, with your retro babseball hat and jersey on and you are da bomb!:D

ok how about along with that, how about get a baby blue Grand Am from the 80's and add the spoiler and some chrome spinner rims and lower the car so it smashes into the ground every time you run over a pebble...... That would be stylin'.B|
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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Don't forget your $200 Wal-mart spinners!!!

I bet if you just carried two of them...and jumped out real quick and stuck them on the side of your car that he/she was on....you could really get the impression across!!!

Of course - if you jump out too quickly - he might assume yer frontin' and get out himself!!

Then you'd better hope the light turns green real quick!!!:D:D

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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I often pull up next to "those types" and recline my seat WAY back too

You know, you folks are just egging me on. I think I'm gonna start carrying some props now.

Things I'll need:

1) Get me a baseball cap to wear sideways, or a beanie;

a top hat may work better! Or a beret.....:D
Scars remind us that the past is real

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You definitely have to get a big stupid looking wing for the back of your car and a muffler that makes your car sound like shit. Apparently you can make any car, yes ANY, cool by just adding a dumb looking wing, shitty sounding muffler, and an obnoxiously loud stereo. Drive around with your seat leaned way back, with your retro babseball hat and jersey on and you are da bomb!:D

I saw a Kia Rio with one a few weeks ago (with the fart-can exhaust too). It pulled up next to me while I was driving my brother's 425HP Ford Lighting and started revving the engine. It was a good laugh.:P

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I just usually give the standard middle finger....it is really not a good idea cause one day someone is going to chase me down or something

You got that right! I use my middle finger or both arms to tell someone to "fuck off" pretty liberally on the highway. Even gotten chased 20 miles a couple times... :S Believe it or not, I've been menaced by a couple of crazed 18 wheeler truckers who didn't like my "salute"... well jeez louise... if you'd move the fuck over to the right lane instead of riding in the left lane like you owned it, I wouldn't be flipping your ass off!
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Get some Bach CD's. Those violins stay way up there in the treble clef. Maybe for a tough guy persona, some Mussorvsky.B| Nothing says "Gangsta Killa" like "Night on Bald Mountain" blaring with the background buzz of those kazoo exhausts pipes.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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Yanno, my stereo will pretty much crack the asphalt behind my car, but I always turn it down at lights and in residential areas. It's just rude to not do so.

That being said, if I pull up next to someone and they have the rap shaking my windows, I'll throw in the 1812 Overture (the one with the digital canon fire) or something really off the wall like Frank Sinatra and let it thump.>:(
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