
Do you have buttons?

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Oh, in real life? Mostly travel-related, like driving pet peeves and people who expect air-travel to be easy and hassel-free and all about them and their oversized luggage and then get upset when reality happens.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Are there things people can say that set you off, push your buttons, send you into a mind reeling rampage and make you post three page replies?

Yep. Some things that push my buttons are when people say or write things that are inherently hypocritical.

For example, "Who are you to say I'm wrong?" Seems to me that person is saying it's wrong to challenge a person's opinions, meanwhile doing it.

Or, "I hate intolerant people."

It's like writing, "polepe hwo make typos, cannot splel and have bad grammar should get you're dictionaries out - its not that hrad.."

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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It's like writing, "polepe hwo make typos, cannot splel and have bad grammar should get you're dictionaries out - its not that hrad.."

Or just use spell check!

I must admit, I'm horrible at spelling and grammar. Spell check is my savior but I guess I'm stuck with the other problem.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Or just use spell check!

That's a fragment. Consider revising it...;):P

You don't complain about people's grammar and spelling. My issue is with people complaining about the conduct of others while doing it themselves.

While this is Speaker's Corner material, it's like Dianne Feinstein speaking out against weapons while she's got a CCW and is packing heat. That stuff drives me crazy!

Or Republicans who say, "Dishonest Democrats have done a complete 180 on this filibuster thing!" Yeah, so have you.

Or like me sayign all lawyers are lying scumbuckets. Well, actually, I CAN say that all lawyers are lying scumbuckets...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I hate overly complicated parking lots, especially ones with curbs everywhere. You can see where you want to go and it's only about 15 feet away. But you have to drive around miles of curbs and roll through fifteen stop signs to get there.

I also hate neckties.

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Hypocrites, and people who purposely write stuff to incite anger, such as:

"Dumbass conservatives do it again", or
"Those whacko liberals and their gun control".

In real life:

Don't laugh at me when I'm angry. I'll verbally castrate you.

Don't ask me the same thing over and over again.

And don't ever refer to me as "childish" or "psycho", because my childish, psycho ass will cause you a world of hurt. :D

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Are there things people can say that set you off, push your buttons, send you into a mind reeling rampage and make you post three page replies?

I do. People who are elitist, entitled, or talk down to the people around them. Drives me up the wall.
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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Someone just said something to me to push MY buttons.... but it wasn't an angry button at all. :):$B|

Ohhh, it was that button... gooooooddd button...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Are there things people can say that set you off, push your buttons, send you into a mind reeling rampage and make you post three page replies?

1. People who can't admit how much better than them I am.

2. Just about anyone who works in the financial services industry, including me.

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I have buttons. But mainly you have to be pretty big to push em.
Im laid back.

I have the road rage... I cant belive some of these idiots are allowed a license! Even me!

Certain things spoken or written will upset me, but I tend to ever blow those things off.

Im just to easy! :D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I go nuts when I see shit (plants, trees , fences) in violation of Right-of-way space around telephone poles, and ground pedastels(& power pads).
I have damage: scars & pemenant damage from these things occuring.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I don't usually have road rage but this morning I had to flip someone off:

I was getting off the freeway. There are two lanes that veer to the left and merge onto another street and I was in the far left lane behind a cab. He was behind a minivan. People in the right lane kept turning because there weren't any cars but the stupid retarded minivan just sat there so the cab starts honking and the guy doesn't move. Then I start honking with the cab and finally after a minute of this the guy goes. The cab and I eventually pass him and we're all at a light with the cab one lane over from us sitting there waiting for the light to change. This is at a light with like 20 cars in front of us at a dead standstill. The stupid minivan is behind me and the a-hole driver starts honking like a jackass. I do what's right and flip them off. I look in the rear view mirror and the passenger is kind of making a "not you, the cab driver in the next lane " pointy hands gesture. I just flipped them off again. I wanted to slam my car in reverse and pound into them but I was a good girl and just use my finger.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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