
Vibes needed....

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I need alot of vibes right now, Im having a rough time. I would get into it more, but I have a for real stalker here, the bad kind, who is causing me more grief, so I have to be careful what I say. Feel free to PM me.

I have alot people here that I consider sepcial friends and I know I can rely on ya'll for good vibes and "e" hugs....

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From this website?

That would really piss me off. I'm sure you already blocked her from PMs right?

There's another reason to not have any info in your profile.


Blocking her from my PM's wont do anything, she isnt PM'ing me, just following what I do and PM'ing those she notices me talking to more on here...

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Sorry to hear that... :(
Do I need to bust out the fanny floss on her??? :D

Good luck sweetie, g

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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Blocking her from my PM's wont do anything, she isnt PM'ing me, just following what I do and PM'ing those she notices me talking to more on here...

Wow. Sorry that you are going through this right now. [:/] That's very creepy, but I am sadly not surprised, especially that it's a woman. That's truly weird and disturbing to say the least. It sucks, but try to be above it.

Hopefully, this pathetic person will get a life and leave you alone.

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Thanks everyone!!!!

I didnt really wanna so much turn this into a thread about her, I wish I could mention her user name, but I cant and wont. Im not gonna lower myself to her level.

She is far from the reason I need vibes right now, she is just simply the reason why I cant be more explicit about what is going on.

This entire week has sucked monkey ass, one thing after another, and they have been big things at that. Then tonight DCF shows up at my house, someone reported me for leaving my 10 yro son home alone (after school 2 hrs) and that my kinds were skinny & hungry. Well after about 45 minutes of a nice conversation, she said she could tell it was afalse report and would make the proper notations. But it hit me like a ton of bricks, I mean what else??????? But on a positve note, I start a new job on Monday....

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I need alot of vibes right now, Im having a rough time. I would get into it more, but I have a for real stalker here, the bad kind, who is causing me more grief, so I have to be careful what I say. Feel free to PM me.

I have alot people here that I consider sepcial friends and I know I can rely on ya'll for good vibes and "e" hugs....

You sure can rely on me for vibes, e-hugs, and whatever else you need, girly. You know how to reach me. :)
So for now <<>> :P

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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A big hug and thanks to everyone who gave me vibes, either in the post or PM... there are somme really special people on this site and I hope to meet a lot you if the chance ever arises.

I am going to one of the greenies or maybe even HH about my other issue here, hopefully that will fix it.

My evening ended pretty good, I watched a movie, had a drink and fell asleep on the couch, with 4 kittens asleep on me...:P

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Be strong. Be smart. Most likely, you have nothing to fear. In fact, you should consider confronting the person. Whatever you do, don't allow your trepidation to spin out of control. More importantly, know you have the power, not them. Simply report your concern to your local police department and let them know what you did and tell them to back off. They most likely will. If you're that flipped out about it do this:
1.) Gather as much information about this person within reason. What you're looking for is behavior--people have tendencies.
2.) Contact your local university's psychology dept. and inquire as if you're a student into the phenomenom of stalkers and who might be best suited to answer questions regarding one. Bingo, free advice.
You'll be just fine. Remember, you're only threatened- to the extent you allow your own thoughts of them to torment you, vs your desire to let them know to BTFO!

You're always the starter in your own life!

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I need alot of vibes right now, Im having a rough time. I would get into it more, but I have a for real stalker here, the bad kind, who is causing me more grief, so I have to be careful what I say. Feel free to PM me.

I have alot people here that I consider sepcial friends and I know I can rely on ya'll for good vibes and "e" hugs....

Try to take care of yourself, relax, get some sleep, etc. Be good to yourself--it will drive your antagonizer(s) absolutely insane!

Tomorrow will be an entirely different day and most likely a whole lot better.

Meanwhile, your stalker probably needs a boyfriend. May I offer this guy? (see attachment)


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