
Just broke,when were your worst part of life?

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:| yeah my GF that i loved so much has desided to take herself and her kids away from me,whith my best freindB|
I have been in forever pain since last monday,and cant find out how to move on.
When i eat i puik it all up again,all i can take is water,i didnt thourght you could feel so bad ever.

I once were divorsed from a girl and my 2 kids,however we did it the way so we still could stay freinds,which im really happy about.This time i feel like im dyingB|[:/]

Guess im getting old n soft,oh well...
not asking for any wipes or any just wanted to yell it out.

Any surgestions on how to move on when you suddenly lost your perfect gf,her lovely kids you love as high as your own,you lost your best freind and you dont want to cry out by your x as she might read the signals wrong...
Im taking a break in BASE and skydive untill im healed here as im getting scared about myself here:|how wrong is that...(not that i want to kill myself i couldnt do so towards the kids(all 4 of them)).

what did you do to forget and move on?i want my happy smiling life back...

Call me stupied but if she asked me to come back before she really makes it together whith him,i would take her back...Stupied? yes.... but i love this girl and her kids so high that i dont know how i bummed this one so much..i have failed,and im paying the ultimate price right nowB|
I would even forget all this to convince her.... just getting a chance to get my life back...

2 months ago we were about to buy house,i cant belive how fast this has turned downhill...

I probaly wont get her back,not even as a freind,but i really wanted to...

I owe her so much,inkluding my life...(yes she saved my life once).

so hard the 3 past years has been,loosing freinds from my hobbies,loosing freinds as they didnt wanted to be arround a person that could die each day,a complicated broken leg and now this.. is it all worth it?right now it dosnt seems so,but i also rember the good times,now i just dont have any close to share them whith anymore.

Lene,i love you so much,dont do this,take me back please....

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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about 11 years ago, I caught my GF of 3 years cheating on me. It fucking sucked. as I was only in my early 20's I did not handle it very well and went on a bit of a bender for about 5 years. I drank heavily took hard drugs and went and picked up girls and treated them like shit. I was not a particularly nice person to women during this time - the way I saw it I wanted to treat them like shit before they treated me like shit.

Looking back, I realise that escaping through drink and drugs just prolonged the problems, the best thing is to try and think and deal with it with a straight head. Look at things logically and try and move yourself into new things that dont remind you of the person. Move house, change jobs, find new places to go and new people to hang out with - I found this worked well with 1 other horrible break up I have had.

I feel for you dude, and I hope you end up with what makes you smile - whatever it is.

I just wanted to write to let you know you aint alone and some of us have been through similar shit - and we still end up happy in the end............... its just a shitty time until the smiles come back............

be strong bro................

Remember, Im a phone call away anytime............

You dirty lazy pink hat wearing danish mincer!

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damn bro.

The only thing i can say is go be with your friends. DO NOT lock yourself up in your place and sulk about it. Go be with your buddies and try to get a smile on your face. If you live near a big city go spend and entire day walking around a place you have never been before. One thing i personally do when I'm stressed is go out to the middle of nowhere and just hike around and look for cool pictures.......but i'm a photographer so that works for me lol.

It sounds like you really want to get over this and move on. If so get off DZ.com and get your ass in gear son!!! :)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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when I'm stressed is go out to the middle of nowhere and just hike around and look for cool pictures.......but i'm a photographer so that works for me lol.

just got myself a eos 350d last weekend,didnt used it alot yet of as this,but i guess your right...


It sounds like you really want to get over this and move on. If so get off DZ.com and get your ass in gear son!!! :)

i had gear on 2 times after this spening my time on to of an A thinking about life,thats why i DONT do it before im healed.. i dont want to get any bad ideas og quick getaways....

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Ok so go find a national park and test that puppy out!!! and make sure to post the results :)
Oh no i understand you not wanting to go jumping right now. when my grandpa passed i felt the same way. What i ment by get your ass in gear in get moving, get going, go do something.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Oh sweety. I am sorry you're hurting so badly. Hugs baby. I react the same way when sad.
I've lost about 20lbs. since my Da passed. People were asking me if I had an eating disorder. :S
Just do things to clear your head and get your mind off it. I hope it gets better Faber. Take care.
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Dude, that was painful to read. Sometimes life does indeed suck ass. We have all been there my friend. My only suggestions would be to try and spend some time with your immediate (parents, siblings) family or with friends who truly care about you, don't listen to depressing music, go outside and do something fun, then go get laid by a chick better looking than the one who betrayed you. As for your best friend, he is nothing to you now, so don't kill him...prison sucks. Hang in there man.

If you find yourself in hell, keep going. --
Winston Churchill
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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I'm so sorry to hear, Faber. As everyone has said, go find something to do be it a walk, picture taking, swimming, spending time with family, etc. Best wishes and hugs!
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Dude, take that new camera and go see YOUR kids. Take some pictures of them having fun. I would bet the smiles on their faces and their joy will make you remember that things can be good. Life will go on, you just have to find your way in it. Hope all is better soon.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Ach, I'm hurting for you from reading that.

My #1 heartbreak paralyzed me for a year (figuratively) - during my last semester of grad school, the entire interview and job search process, and eventually 8 months of looking for a job before I moved forward. It hurt.

I healed though. And so will you, Faber. To be honest, this will take a lot of time to get over. I'm sorry if that's too blunt, but the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can start looking forward to the day you're back to really happy. In the meantime, it's OK to mourn. But DO get out there and live your life. Brains just had a great suggestion. You had a great suggestion too -about waiting on the BASE - that's smart. (I just realized how pedantic I suddenly sound - sorry - past regrets surfacing)

Anyway, I just want to hug you and tell you it'll be alright. 'Cause it will one day. Hang in there, and cry when you need to. We're here to talk anytime. :)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Faber!!!! snap out of it Brother. I read all your posts over there I think your an incredible source of knowledge, and a super cool guy.

Fucken move onn, Put as many experiences between you and her as possible. these are the things we learn in life. She wasn't your GF and he wasn't your BF.

Now the pain. Man thats a day to day situation, the best thing you can do is don't dwell on the relationship. That was yesterday it's gone, you have so many incredible tomorrows I promise you will be O.K.


There people out here who care a great deal about someone they don't even know or seen, you are a brother to me, and one day we will flick together, what ever that means, be it building antenna span earth or plane.

I was young when I experienced this, took a while. even been close to it since then. Man you'll see.


ED. CYA[-------------------------(><

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I have failed

You haven't failed anything mate, life throws these things in your face from time to time,
you know that fear you have on a new exit point or some dodgy climb ? how do you cope with that ?

Answer ? you deal with it and you have to, you may feel like your falling apart and you have more shit than shovels,
but listen up.. it gets better every day, you may not notice it, but it does... word.

Dude, we're always here for you, and by 'we' I mean skydivers and BASE jumpers,
you have plenty on your plate to keep yourself occupied, and it's not like you don't have any friends or hobby's,
it's just a question of pulling yourself up by the roots, making new goals, and getting on with it.

Sure it's hard, but it could have been a whole lot worse, you love her.. sure, that takes some balls just to say it,
but it's time to take your own life back now mate, because nobody is going to do it for you.. that part is down to you.

You just need some focus & direction right now, small achievable goals (which I know you have in there somewhere),
and I'm no expert on life mate, I have my own trails of destruction & re-construction, so take only what you need to get by.

And as for throwing up your food ? well you could do with losing some weight, and seal blubber goes straight on the hips anyway dude. :P

Patience my friend, good things come to those who wait, so be cool and focus on your next few steps. :)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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thanks again to evryone im happy you guys are arround here.. what i didnt post in my first post is that IM the lonely wolf... as i broke my leg 2 years ago i lost most of my freinds arround here,they simply didnt wanted to see more...
My family lives far away(not that far but far enough)that i cant just go see them...
At this point i have 1 freind and a xwife and my kids arround here to give a hugh,the kids does the best thing(theyre really awesome and concerned about me).

I have failed in my world.. i wouldnt hold the family together and even as you need to be minimum 2 to do so i have some guilt aswell,it hasnt been all fun for Lene looking at be beeing sad as freinds has gone or died,she supported me all the way and thats might why this is so hard.I will never find a woman like her again for sure...

Walking to an exit point is no more scarry than this,all my evryday and ½ my freinds has disapered..
How do i make new freinds? i dunno as Adrian says i look like shit and live my life,most people dont like that... besides its kind of harsh to go out and say "hey im a skydiver and BASE jumper,i want freinds just dont let you scare about i can die evryday".
Im not a social person,as im writing here its a sign that as i were injuryed and lost most freinds arround here a found new once at the net(many better than i ever had arround here out side the pc).but i live in DK,and i cant just go out an weekend to pay all you guys visits all the time,if i could we would have meet more often...


well you could do with losing some weight

says you??? he he atleast i keep the beer inside:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. (Ok...I'm done yelling now. :$)

You have friends - they just may not be conveniently accessible. ;) And, you have 2 wonderful kids.


...i wouldnt hold the family together...

Hon...It takes 2 to make things work and sometimes no matter what love just isn't enough to keep things together. You ended up with 2 beautiful kids that you love and that love you out of the situation. What's more wonderful than that? B|


How do i make new freinds

errr....say "Hi." :P Yeah...skydiving is scary to a lot of people...BASE even more so, but a true friend will be there for you. So, when you do make a new friend, you'll know they are truly interested in you.


Adrian says i look like shit...

Prove it....post more naked pics. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I am so sorry for your pain. I know how hard in can be when there are kid involved. I totally agree with Brains

Dude, take that new camera and go see YOUR kids. Take some pictures of them having fun. I would bet the smiles on their faces and their joy will make you remember that things can be good.

All you can do right now is be the best dad you can to your own children. They need you too, and they will thank you for it later.

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Adrian says i look like shit...

I never said that. B|


How do i make new freinds

I think tea-bagging strangers is considered 'faux pas' anywhere dude. ;)

Although, hats off for the direct approach, maybe just buying a drink would work too. :)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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errr....say "Hi." Yeah...skydiving is scary to a lot of people...BASE even more so, but a true friend will be there for you. So, when you do make a new friend, you'll know they are truly interested in you.

problem is that i dont really want to be borring to a wuffo about my stuff(and as skydivers i cant stop talking about it;))



Adrian says i look like shit...


Prove it....post more naked pics. :)

i would in the first place but my fat covers the lens,snot and tears are running so i cant see,its kind of dificult to make them...
But post some of you i might cheer up get a smile on my face and find a way to do it,what can i loose...

Just a note: its Lenes kids im loosing not my own 2 kids,my xwife is all over(guess she hope to be back playing),so i see my own 2 kids alot,theyre truly amacing and worryed about me. they have made drawings of their hearts to me,and gives loads of hugs and kisses.theyre awsome...
But i also love Lenes kids and they cant be here[:/]

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Although, hats off for the direct approach, maybe just buying a drink would work too.:)

i never payed anything for any at first meeting or talk,as the reasson i dont want to "buy" people.If they like me arround they deafently will wait for my round they will get as i know them...

i like the tea-bagging idea but im not sure many will.

thanks guys you really got a smile(not big but its there)back on my lips

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Heartache is the worst kind of pain; much worse than broken bones.

You need to try and keep yourself busy while time takes the edge off. Things become more bearable with time.

"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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The worst part of my life?

Dude, I've been in an extremely similar mindset, but for different reasons. I was twenty years old. I'd failed out of college. Dean Wormer in Animal House could have been speaking to me when he said to Flounder, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

So, there I was - a failure at school, working two menial jobs, with no relationship on the horizon. I WAS Flounder, and I was literally floundering. I'd stopped drinking, etc. Suicidal ideations took place. I was feeling sorry for myself, ADHD for causing it, etc.

One day, I made a decision that was going to make my life worse - I decided to do whatever it took to get back into college.

It sounds weird, doesn't it? That a person would make his life worse by getting back into college? It surprised me, too. The friends I made? I had no time for them anymore. Working 75 hours per week and going to school? They pressured me to hang out with them, but I had to study.

I dropped 80 pounds in less than 4 months, going from 245 to 165. I got no sleep, I worked my ass off in physical, low-wage labor. Literally, I was wasting away.

The low-point came one night at about 11:30 while I was working to close up the movie theater where I was working. 7 or 8 of my coworkers, including one I had a HUGE crush on, showed up for what was seemingly an intervention. They decided I needed to go out and hang with them, have fun, etc. They were worried about me. After 20 minutes of explaining I needed to study for a test the next day, I left to go study. My life was hell.

Goddamn, it was the hardest decision I ever made. I satyed up till 3:30, slept until 5:00, went to work from 6-3, took the test at 3:30.

A few days later got the grade - A+. I'd lost my perfect friends for that test. I'd given up all of my sanity for it. I'd eventually give up 1/3 of my body weight for it. Short term hell. Long term gain.

Only in later years would I realize that my worst moments - when I was most miserable, most despairing were my best moments. The misery that came before - when I was having suicidal ideations and despairing at what had become of me - THAT was when I was at my worst.

My man, you will reflect these times as your best moments when self-pity leaves you. You cannot expect that to happen now, or any time soon.

Youv'e also got damned good reason to be depressed! Don't numb it, though. FEEL IT. Get the whole damned effect. Let it get worse and worse - until it reaches full effect it will never go away.

A person can never get over something like this. You can only get better, but you've got to get worse first. Like thoroughly cleaning a room, you've first gotta mess it up before you can put things where they belong.

Also, read 813's story. THAT cat's been through it, and he knows what he'd do if he had the chance to do it again. Either suffer now, or suffer later. I'm glad to know you are taking the track of suffering now.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Hey there,

I know we've never met and you're like "Karen who?!", why the f do I care what she's gonna say... You might, you might not....but I just wanted to tell that it's ok to hurt and be mad and want to rage.
I'm sorry that you're going through bad times right now. This past year has sucked for me (one of the worst years of my life.... lost a good and dear friend - one way close to my heart, way too much work and not enough appreciation from those above me, personal life.... leave it at not the best year ever) So I know what it's like to HURT. And know what it's like to think BAD things... but I know that's not the right answer. Life is too short as is, and in the end, we're graded not on the money we have or the toys we've collected, but rather on the stories of life and how we've grown.
When this is all said and done, we're gonna be sitting around a huge ass campfire and telling stories - It sounds like you have some kickass stories - you might even be above me on that level. But you don't want to end it with "yeah, I was feeling stupid and sad, sorry for my lonely ass so I did something bad".... at least that's what I told myself to make it from day to day. Just kinda look to the next chapter in your story... it's horrid now and you just want the book to end, but there is more time to try to get better tales.

And sometimes all you can do is focus on breeathing.... it's amazing how simple that is and how much it helps. I'm not talking about the whole zen or yoga meditation type stuffs that takes a "deep understanding" of blah blah blah..... just breathe. Enjoy the feel of it... realize that it's the ONLY thing that is really important to you. Seriously.

Anyway... I hope that at least some of this helps and someday we may even meet and you'll be "Karen who?"

Take Care and I wish you comfort


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problem is that i dont really want to be borring to a wuffo about my stuff(and as skydivers i cant stop talking about it)

**nodding head** we've all bored our whuffo friends at one time or another, but guess what? We can still maintain whuffo friends who don't mind us talking about skydiving every once in awhile. It's work but it can happen. Plus...go to the nearest DZ (or get ahold of your BASE buds) and go grab a drink or so with them.


i would in the first place but my fat covers the lens,snot and tears are running so i cant see,its kind of dificult to make them...

Well...I (and the other women on the boards) would be the ones to judge whether or not your fat. As to snot and tears...well...as a person that has cried before, I know that they eventually dry up 'cause you run out of them, so...as soon as that happens, more pics, please. :)


But post some of you i might cheer up get a smile on my face and find a way to do it,what can i loose...

Here's the closest thing to naked that I'll post on the boards - unless I end up doing a swimsuit dive and then that **might** get posted.

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Continue to let your own kids know how much you love them.
Hugs and talks (about what is going on in their life) are so important.
The sun will shine again in your life. Sometimes we think it won't, but hang in there, and all of a sudden your smile and confidence is back.
You are important..... just look at all the posts of those that care.

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