
breakup with girlfriend: 2pm. meet new girl and take down her number: 10pm

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rofl at all the responses by the vicious she-warriors.

she broke up with me, so all the feminist mongers can get off the warpath, lol.

so it's not bragging, being broken up with sucks. but getting a girl's number immediately makes you realize there's a big life just waiting to be had. (and it's always nice to feel wanted!) :)

:D if i say what i want to say right now, i'll have to buy beer for my first banning. so...... good job on whoring yourself out there!!! woooohoooo to you!!! :D:D

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Good for you...

Sorry about the breakup (the being dumped part) but at least you can move on. I'm sure it makes you feel good to know you're wanted by someone else. :PB|

Don't worry about all of the feminists here... take them with a grain of salt and keep on laughing! :D:D:D:D

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good job on whoring yourself out there!!! woooohoooo to you!!! :D:D

I'd pay a dollar if he met that girl that night at a church gathering.

It was a PHONE NUMBER for gosh sakes, not like he went out and bought a hooker. Or had a one night stand. Or likes sheep. Or hates RSLs. Or freeflies.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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good job on whoring yourself out there!!! woooohoooo to you!!! :D:D

I'd pay a dollar if he met that girl that night at a church gathering.

It was a PHONE NUMBER for gosh sakes, not like he went out and bought a hooker. Or had a one night stand. Or likes sheep. Or hates RSLs. Or freeflies.

Or jumps a Racer. Or flies a Sabre. Or doesn't use a CYPRES. Or started jumping wingsuits at way less than 200 jumps. Or...

Hold on, wait a minute....

Never mind... :D
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I LOVE you healthy (mentally= normal)B|
outlook on things.:)My girlfriend and I did a "break" and I visited her, she said she wanted me to know she went on a date.
I almost teared up, I asked if we'll still be friends (APts next door). She said yes and I felt great!
We were like brohter and sister for years, not my deal. I was up and going happy in 15 mins after "being set free".:)Can't love for someone who doesn't love you:)
p.s. Your a fox, my numer is: 717-555-1212:ph34r:

Bwahaha @ the number!! Noice!!

And thanks for the appreciation - it's kinda fun being on the other side of most chick's opinions (based on responses here). I really don't see anything wrong with Supe's post, especially knowing now that he got dumped.

We all wanna feel wanted, don't we? Besides, it would be hypocritical of me to blast him, since I honestly can't claim that I never broke things of with someone (in college) and then met someone else within hours (not saying anything happened with the new guy - it didn't)

But, it was college. You couldn't turn around without thinking, "How YOU doin'?" :)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Do people not realize my name is "JUMPERGIRL?"

Maybe I should have typed it as I meant it.... Don't worry about all of the "feminists" here.

People use that word WAY too loselyand I was simply replying to his use of it. In no way did I intend to imply anyone who does not agree with his "behavior" is a feminist. I apologize for offending anyone.

However, if we're too be offended by others comments, then I can certainly take offense to AT LEAST half of what's written in this forum. But I'm not.

**weegegirl - this was not a direct reply to you.... :)

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good job on whoring yourself out there!!! woooohoooo to you!!! :D:D

I'd pay a dollar if he met that girl that night at a church gathering.

It was a PHONE NUMBER for gosh sakes, not like he went out and bought a hooker. Or had a one night stand. Or likes sheep. Or hates RSLs. Or freeflies.

Or jumps a Racer. Or flies a Sabre. Or doesn't use a CYPRES. Or started jumping wingsuits at way less than 200 jumps. Or...

Hold on, wait a minute....

Never mind... :D

Hey... what are you guys implying??? huh??? huh??? JACKASSES!!! :D:D:P

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feminist? where? what makes someone a feminist for any comment they've made in this thread???comeback.

i figured the obvious amount of man-hating evident in the posts would be enough to clue you in.

and before you rebut, feminists are notorious for man-hating. there's the logic for you.

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feminist? where? what makes someone a feminist for any comment they've made in this thread???

Nothing you said in this thread makes you a feminist, it's what *I* say that matters! So with that settled, you're a raging feminist Liz! :P

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I really shouldn't feel the need to justify myself here, but I will anyway, because that's how I am. :D

When he made it sound like he dumped her and then immediately met someone else, it seemed to show a lack of caring and sensitivity. People (excuse me, MEN :D) very often dump people and then show no sensitivity to the hurt the other one might be feeling. And then to say something about it so happily seemed like a dick move. [:/]

Now if HE got dumped BY HER, all bets are off. Shove that shit in her face! :D

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feminist? where? what makes someone a feminist for any comment they've made in this thread???

Nothing you said in this thread makes you a feminist, it's what *I* say that matters! So with that settled, you're a raging feminist Liz! :P


Sweet!! So should I just start sleeping with hot women now then???? :D

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feminist? where? what makes someone a feminist for any comment they've made in this thread???

Nothing you said in this thread makes you a feminist, it's what *I* say that matters! So with that settled, you're a raging feminist Liz! :P


Sweet!! So should I just start sleeping with hot women now then???? :D

He said raging feminist, Liz, not "flaming feminist."
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I LOVE you healthy (mentally= normal)B|
outlook on things.:)My girlfriend and I did a "break" and I visited her, she said she wanted me to know she went on a date.
I almost teared up, I asked if we'll still be friends (APts next door). She said yes and I felt great!
We were like brohter and sister for years, not my deal. I was up and going happy in 15 mins after "being set free".:)Can't love for someone who doesn't love you:)
p.s. Your a fox, my numer is: 717-555-1212:ph34r:

Bwahaha @ the number!! Noice!!

And thanks for the appreciation - it's kinda fun being on the other side of most chick's opinions (based on responses here). I really don't see anything wrong with Supe's post, especially knowing now that he got dumped.

We all wanna feel wanted, don't we? Besides, it would be hypocritical of me to blast him, since I honestly can't claim that I never broke things of with someone (in college) and then met someone else within hours (not saying anything happened with the new guy - it didn't)

But, it was college. You couldn't turn around without thinking, "How YOU doin'?" :)

I have to agree with Rebecca, I don't know of many people that haven't done that. Hell, I have! I can tell you right now, there is a lot of hypocrites posting some BS. Everyone is so quick to jump on this guy, I'm not sure why Is it because he is a newbie?

Supe Supe, listen, just be careful what you post about and you won't have to worry about all the H8TRS on this website. Do your thang bro! Hell, I would do the same in a heart beat regardless of what anyone thought about me. If they don't like it, F'em. That's what I think anyway.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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You know maybe you should give us her number so we can tell her how much of a jerk you are when it comes to dating.

Wonder what it is about some males (I won't call them men) that makes them run from a breakup straight into another relationship without any time in between to learn from the last one?

I can’t give him a hard time. I think every one is being a little bit holier-than-thou here.

I know lots of woman/men some woman I have first hand experience that find the next guy before they even brake up with the guy there dating right now. You know the one you flirt with and talk to then the sec you brake up you knows who you’re calling.
Fuck there is a bunch of people on here that seem to be dating and changing partners very frequently.
I don’t see any thing wrong with that

If he was cheating on his GF then yea that would be fucked up.

Edit: This is for everyone not just you mouth i just used your post
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Fuck there is a bunch of people on here that seem to be dating and changing partners very frequently.
I don’t see any thing wrong with that

DARIUS... DUDE.. what an idea... We have a Drunk Dial list.. now youcome up with the Drunk Dating list.... there could be a whole new forum....with a who is who of current hookups.. just think how much fun it would be to check later.... after everyone moves on...



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DARIUS... DUDE.. what an idea... We have a Drunk Dial list.. now youcome up with the Drunk Dating list.... there could be a whole new forum....with a who is who of current hookups.. just think how much fun it would be to check later.... after everyone moves on...



Yeah.. and it would be really cool to have more of these "men are assholes" or "women are sluts" posts..
:S and then we can all just be one happy family of angry and bitter skydivers cause we've all been fucked over or fucked with... YAY!! Happy Friday...

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