
Goldcoast Skydivers under attack!

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I'm posting this in a couple of places to keep people up to date on our legal battles with the airport. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the people that have called, written and made donations to help us fight this battle. Yesterday we successfully moved our case to Federal Court. The county court date of February 22nd is no longer valid. I also initiated an investigation with the FAA into the Federal Funds scam that is going on at the airport. Now suddenly, the airport wants to work out some kind of agreement. It's too little and too late for that. Someone will be held accountable for what they've done to me and what they're doing with the huge sums of grant money they're getting. They reopened the second gate so people can now drive up to our property and not have to park in the airport parking lot. We're open for business as usual. After all this is over, we're gonna do something special for all the people that have helped us with this fight.

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Hey Guys, looks like we're that much closer to the "Up Yours" Boogie of 2005:P

I am sure that the Them Toadsuckers crwdogs will gladly do our part at our May boogie at Gold Coast! ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Ok, There is more to Mikes last post pertaining to us showing our support and clearing up any rumors that may be going around. (See highlighted Qoute)
Mikes holding a meeting tonight (Sat Feb 19th) at the DZ when the beerlight comes on, lets be there! I'd like to extend my personal thanks to all of you out there who have responded to our DZ's plight, all the moral and financial support is greatly appreciatedB|. Thank you all so very much!
The fights not over and Mike is not going to be satisfied with anything other than victory this time, he's been screwed with before and did not follow up with countersuits, this time the gloves are off!!! GO GET"EM MIKE!


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 20:51:27 EST
From: [email protected]
Subject: Gold Coast IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!

Hey Everyone,

I'm posting this in a couple of places to keep people up to date on our
legal battles with the airport. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the
people that have called, written and made donations to help us fight this
battle. Yesterday we successfully moved our case to Federal Court. The county
court date of February 22nd is no longer valid. I also initiated an investigation
with the FAA into the Federal Funds scam that is going on at the airport.
Now suddenly, the airport wants to work out some kind of agreement. It's too
little and too late for that. Someone will be held accountable for what they've
done to me and what they're doing with the huge sums of grant money they're
getting. They reopened the second gate so people can now drive up to our
property and not have to park in the airport parking lot. We're open for business
as usual. After all this is over, we're gonna do something special for all
the people that have helped us with this fight.

We are going to have a "town hall" type meeting at the drop zone Saturday
night after the jumping is over. Maybe we can settle some things and clear up
all the rumors. I heard today that someone heard someone else
say...skydivers were escorted off the DZ by the police last weekend. These kind of rumors
don't help matters. This forum is open to all jumpers and I encourage you to
attend. We'll order pizza or something and clear the air about a few
things. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Remember, this fight is
for all the people that enjoy the freedom of body flight. We're open and
flying and have a busy weekend ahead. I look forward to seeing all of you!!

Blue Skies,


ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Any updates on what was discussed this weekend?

Here are the basics:
* Mike ain't backing down - it's balls to the walls for everyone on the airport board as well as the county supervisor
* Airport board is being super-nice wanting to assist in making signs to help redirect DZ traffic through another gate, etc. Mike is having none of it - their balls are still going to be nailed to the wall.
* Airport is talking settlement but so far, the settlement isn't good enough - ball nailing continues.
* The FAA is looking into the false numbers submitted. We will see how that goes.
* We are open for business pending the federal court hearing. The date for this hearing has not been set, as of yet. It could be a month or more; we do not know.
* A boogie will be planned once we win this thing. Look for more information about that to come after the win.
* We need your support. We have almost $2000 in the [email protected] PayPal account. We also need you to come out to the DZ and jump. We had a TON of people this past weekend and it was a blast. 70-degree sunny days!! What fun.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Absolutely Bitchin! Laurel, thank you for that update and for your work in gathering donations for Goldcoast SkydiversB|.

Folks, Mikes not giving up as you can see, he's not just going to be satisfied with being allowed to operate, he's going after them now!
I sincerely hope that all goes well, that the JCAA gets whats coming to them!
I think the signs point out the obvious...
They know they were wrong trying to evict Goldcoast,
they want to talk settlement and Mikey don't like it,
they know they de-frauded the tax-payers,
they lied to the FAA about T/O & L's numbers...

People with your continued support, moral and financial, Mike and the staff of Goldcoast will "Nail their balls to the wall!"...
And when its over and the smoke has cleared, I hope that other Airport Authorities can look back at this and think twice before unleashing their tax-payer funded legal dept loose on their local dropzone for any reason.

This fight is for all skydivers and DZ's!

*** We need your support. We have almost $2000 in the [email protected] PayPal account. We also need you to come out to the DZ and jump. We had a TON of people this past weekend and it was a blast. 70-degree sunny days!! What fun.*******

Once again thanks to all of you for your support.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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they know they de-frauded the tax-payers,
they lied to the FAA about T/O & L's numbers...

With what appears to be obvious fraud has anyone notified the local news? Have they picked up on the story?

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Hello there!

I just wanted to show sympathy and support for Goldcoast and Mike. I´m from Germany and did my AFF-course in September 04 at Trent Lott during my summer vacation. They gave me a warm welcome and helped me a lot in doing the AFF in "english language", what was not that easy for me.

I just heard about Mike´s trouble this morning and the only thing I can say about it is:
"Don´t let them kick you out of business! I planned to visit all you guys and do some jumping time and again..."

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Local news has been contacted multiple times about coverage of the ongoing legal wrangling and the JCAA's lies and mis-appropriations.
We've had some local newspaper coverage mainly just talking about the battle between Goldcoast and the JCAA. Why they haven't picked it up and atleast investigated it themselves is a mystery to me too, after all it would make a hell of a story...
JCAA board members charged with de-frauding tax-payers!
FAA to take action...

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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DiverDriver, to the best of my knowledge they (Certain members of the JCAA and/or the Airport Manager)have been confronted with their "Numbers" only by Mike and a very few others, the documents that were presented for appropriation of the federal tax-payers money to fund the ATC tower and runway improvements have been requested thru "FOIA", Freedom of Information Act, and I don't know as to whether they've been received yet.
I do not know if any formal acqusations have been made by any person/s or authority.
I do know that Mike and others are hard on this and out for the JCAA's ass on this matter, amongst them are many fine upstanding citizens and military types both active and retired.
I talked with Mike about why he felt he was being harassed and made the following report in one of my posts to this thread,

Mike seems to think this is over the ATC tower they are building on the airport.
The JCAA (Jackson County Airport Authority) supposedly (Mike/Others have requested and are waiting for these documents under the "Freedom of Information Act") delivered documents detailing aprox 30,000+ take-off and landings per year in their request for public (Federal taxes, that you and I pay) tax dollars to improve the runway/taxiways and build the ATC tower.
Mike and others wanted to know where these figures came from, because they believe them to be grossly/fraudulently over-stated.

*** 30,000+ T & L's per year = 82 per day, everyday of the year***
This airport does no-where near that, might be lucky to do that in a week according to Mike and others. More like 5000+ per year with Goldcoast operations accounting for more than half of those.
Heck, even if they we're counting the individual skydivers it wouldn't add up!

( The following is not exact, but to the best of my memory...)
Apparently Mike appalled at such a waste of tax-payer dollars and the lack of need for the tower, met with someone from the JCAA or some-such and asked "Where did you get these figures?" and was told that "They weren't sure who supplied the numbers." to which Mike replied something about de-frauding tax-payers and was promptly "Invited" out of this persons office. Since then Mike says he has had more nit-picking problems than ever before in his twelve (12) year history, and this is not his first court battle with the JCAA (but thats history not being covered today).

I was not able to make saturday nights "Town Hall Meeting" at the DZ, where Mike and others dispelled some rumors and answered questions as to the current proceedings regarding Goldcoast and the JCAA. Had I been there, I would have asked your questions, myself. The reason I made the comments I made in this mornings post is because of what Laurel reported from the meeting at my request. A entity such as the JCAA does not do a legal 180' when they have a case, when they know their claims will hold water, they now want to IMO just shut Mike up instead of shut him down.
Make Mike happy and maybe he'll be quite. Mike is saying "Not this time!"........
Please PM or E-Mail Mike with questions and any ideas, he's been pretty open about this to everyone, get your answers from the man.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Actually, the airport is now under official investigation by the FAA. No one will admit to me where their operations figures came from so maybe they can explain to the FAA. Manly Barton, our District One Supervisor, took these mysterious figures to the Atlanta Regional Office to support the need for a control tower at Trent Lott International Airport. When I questioned him at his office, he politely asked me to leave and threatened that if I didn't support the tower project I would get no help from the Jackson County Board of Supervisors. I pointed out that the supervisors have never helped me in the 12 years I have been at the airport, so that threat didn't hold water with me. Since that meeting, it has been Manly Barton's appointee to the Airport Board that has launched this unending attack on Gold Coast Skydivers. Coincidence, I think not. I have caught them in lie after lie and have reported all this data to the FAA. When I questioned the Airport Manager about why I couldn't get a long term lease, she replied, on tape, that all the tenants at the airport had a one year lease. That proved to be a lie when I subpoenaed the records. Then she had the audacity to say that she became the Airport Manager in April and was not aware of the terms of the leases. When I pointed out that one of the 5 year leases had been signed in July, 3 months after she was hired and had her signature on it, she looked down and said "I must have made a mistake". Tell that to a jury. We've got them on the run now and are not going to back down. Someone has to pay the consequences for their actions, otherwise they will continue the harassment. This fight is not just for Gold Coast Skydivers, but for everyone who enjoys the freedom of body flight. Thanks to all those that have contributed to our defense fund and for those that have called and wished us well. We will win this battle!!

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This fight is not just for Gold Coast Skydivers, but for everyone who enjoys the freedom of body flight.


Thanks to all those that have contributed to our defense fund and for those that have called and wished us well. We will win this battle!!!

and i second the Thanks to all who have supported Gold Coast. this is our beautiful home that we don't want to lose ~ Thank you Mike and Leanne for the meeting and pizza on saturday. as always, YOU Rock!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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Good, i'm glad to hear that they're fleaing. It just stinks that Goldcoast has to go through all this garbage. I seriously can't wait to fly my lightning there B|. Thanks for keeping us updated, and posted. I'm rooting for you.

CReW SKies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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Mike, thank you for providing the clear facts from your side of the fence, your post answers many questions that have been asked and boost the moral of all skydivers knowing that a DZ/DZO can take on the "Big Boys" and keep skydivers skydiving!

Folks, y'all know my rant by now;)....

The JCAA and other "Authorities" who are supposed to hold the public trust and serve our needs has attempted to screw us, to serve themselves to our hard earned $$$$ that we are screwed out of in the first place.
How did they attempt to do this?
Blatant fraud!
When caught with their hand in the cookie jar they resort to?
Blatant lies
What have they inflicted upon this DZ/DZO in the past/present?
Blatant lies
Frivolous lawsuits
Lost time and Money

Mike can, and will, win this fight just as he said he will, but he needs help.
How can we help Mike/Goldcoast and our fellow skydivers?
By providing continued moral and financial support.
Laurel has her post linking to the "Goldcoast legal defense fund" or call Goldcoast and buy a jump ticket over the phone while exspressing your support.

If anyone wants to donate to Igo's fund, William has set up a PayPal account at [email protected]. If you need instructions on how to send monies to a PayPal account, you can contact William at [email protected].

Also, you can always call the dropzone at 1-800-796-7117 to purchase a jump ticket. They are $20 each.

Any help would be much appreciated by Mike. Remember, your dropzone could be next.

This ain't cheap, and we all know DZ's are Cash Cows:P , please donate and help keep this DZ open, keep your fellow jumpers jumping!!!

Mike is fighting for us,
Mike, that has to be the next boogie...
"The Balls to the Wall Boogie":D
I've no doubt that there is not one skydiver on these boards who isn't rooting for you and Goldcoast, your DZ's reputation as a "Fun & Friendly DZ" is well known too thousands of skydivers.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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As a drunken old lady once blubbered this line in a movie called Moving Violations:
'Yeah! Fuck em! Rip their balls off!'
And after Mike nails their balls to the wall, how about a game of darts?
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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i loved that movie

Me too! Think about it, with all the nuts we have on dropzone.com, we could have easily filled in the cast on that movie! [Sly]
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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This letter was sent by the FAA to the airport manager at Trent Lott International Airport.

Dear Ms Snapp: (airport manager)

Jackson County and the Jackson County Airport Authority entered into certain obligations by accepting Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants for Trent Lott International Airport. Among these is the obligation to make the airport available to all types and classes of aeronautical activity on fair and reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination. Additionally, the airport sponsor is obligated to make the airport as self sufficient as possible.

We have received specific, written complaints from Mr. Mike Igo of Gold Coast Skydivers alleging discriminatory leasing practices on Trent Lott International Airport. Mr. Igo alleges as follows:

(1) Without cause or reason, the ground lease for his packing dome was not renewed.
(2) In spite of fully complying with the terms of the lease for his main building by January 16, 2005, he was issued an eviction notice on January 18, 2005.
(3) The lease offered him was limited to one year, while several other tenants on the airport were given five year leases.

Please respond in writing to these specific complaints. You should address to the extent possible why these alleged actions are not violations of the grant assurances.


William J. Schuller, P.E.
Program Manager

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