
F---er Shot my cat!!!!

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So.... over the last few months mt cat has come home with these strange little rond wounds. Two on his side and one on his head. I thought that an owl had messed with him, because they looked like puncture wounds to me.

Wel,l I come home last night and he walks up to me and I notice a weird round thing sticking out of his head. On the left side, between the eye and the ear. upon closer insepection I saw it was a pellet!

Now I had to take it out of his head. It was stock in about half way. Basically it broke the skin and stopped when it hit his skull. This is at least the 3rd time that he shot him.

When confronted about it he said that he did shoot him and that he did it because my cat and his had been getting into fights. Hey if your cat is going to be outside and he gets in a fight then so be it. That is one of the things that cats do.

I sholdhave beaten him up. I really wanted to. This person acted like he was a friend. He would come over to my place and visit and tell me what a nice cat he is and blah blah blah. Then I find out what he has been doing to him for the last 4 or 5 months.

So everyone knows the way it is. In the Ghetto almost everyone has cat and they are outdoor cats. SO it isn't like my cat is the only on that was in his yard . I don't know about the fights. I never heard any.

Thismay answer a wuestion as to where I few other cats have gone as well. Th stupid f---er may have done this to others anyimals as well.

Tha bad thing for me (other thenmy cat getting shot) is tha I tried todo the rigt thing last night. (ie not beating him up), but one of the other folks that live in the ghetto didn't and threw a rock through one of his windows........................

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but one of the other folks that live in the ghetto didn't and threw a rock through one of his windows........................

Oh yeah, the childish response to a bad situation. Classy.

In any case, shooting a cat this way is a pisshead thing to do. Since he knows the cat, he could have come over and talked to you first. Strange how people completely skip the whole communication thing and go straight to knee"jerk" actions (like shooting a cat or vandalizing property).

All to avoid a little tiny bit of uncomfortably conversation.

At least Dom did the classy thing and went over to hash it out.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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He cared if I found out! I am trying to be thebigger man here. That means things are not ok between us. He knows to stay away from me and my cat!

I told him verysimply that if ANYTHING happens to my cat again, or if my cat ends up missing. I will hold him responsible!!! I will beat him at that point!!

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What a PAL!! Everyone can use more 'friends' like him....NOT.

Its time for you to be a friend to your pet and the other pets in the neighborhood, especially those that have 'disappeared'. Use that number and turn him in. He broke the law by shooting your pet and who knows how that poor kitty is scarred now.

Beating him up and other people busting windows are not going to achieve anything more than creating more violence. He needs to pay for what he's done. Blue skies~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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I doubt this guy will be a welcome resident now that his dirty little secret is out. If he shot your cat, he's probably shot other people's pets as well. I'm not sure what I'd do if someone did that to one of my cats, but tying him to a tree and shooting him several times with a pellet gun sounds like a good start!

Calling animal cruelty and reporting him is probably a better option though.

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He cared if I found out! I am trying to be thebigger man here. That means things are not ok between us. He knows to stay away from me and my cat!

I told him verysimply that if ANYTHING happens to my cat again, or if my cat ends up missing. I will hold him responsible!!! I will beat him at that point!!

Why try to be the bigger man? The guy deserves to get the living piss beat out of him. No questions asked. No mercy shown.


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Why try to be the bigger man? The guy deserves to get the living piss beat out of him. No questions asked. No mercy shown.

2 Wrongs never make a Right, in that direction anachy lies:P Let justice run it's course (call the RSPCA/BlueCross * delete as regionally appropriate)


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Why try to be the bigger man? The guy deserves to get the living piss beat out of him. No questions asked. No mercy shown.

2 Wrongs never make a Right, in that direction anachy lies:P Let justice run it's course (call the RSPCA/BlueCross * delete as regionally appropriate)

nice Shrop

1 - if shooting the cat is illegal, then he should be 'handled' by the law

2 - throwing a rock through a window is illegal, whoever did it should be 'handled' by the law

3 - beating someone up is, in this case anyway, illegal, if it happens, the assaultant should be 'handled' by the law

3 different things, all wrong, and not related no matter how much the last two want to think they are, fortunately we have laws to deal with this stuff instead of impotent vigilantism

Bunch of posturing attitudes on the site today. Or at least big talkers showing off their poor judgement - but I bet the all the women are really impressed:S - maybe marking the territory is the next step, just peeing all over.

I think stuff like this would happen less if people would just turn in the perps instead of 'taking it into their own hands'.

Dom - you talked to him and he's an asshat. either turn him in now or turn him in later if it happens again to your pet or another's pet. Bruising your knuckles on his chin is the child's way out. When we handle these things without passion, the problem is fixed, when we let our attitudes get in the way, things get worse fast.

It's the whole reason the justice system exists.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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No. Our Ghetto is across the street and seperate frm the DZ.

Ok. If the guy is a jumper, I hope the dz steps up and does the right thing. I'm getting really sick of reading about bad things happening on the dz and no one being held accountable.

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Posturing might be new for the Bonfire, but I can name a couple of individuals who do it in nearly every post in SC. And it gets on my nerves.

I agree with everyone who said to take legal action (not suing, but calling the authorities, I mean). Be mature and let the law handle it.

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