
Does skydiving enrich your life?

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I'd have to say it complements it; doesn't enrich it necessarily. But I don't just do it because I'm bored.

Wendy W.
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IMHO, skydiving is a beautiful and colourful sport with endless oppurtunity and immense reward - but there still needs to be a balance.

It will prob take up most of my freetime, but i still do have other hobbies - variety is just as important. Although i do think about it pretty much most of the time.:)
I hope im not dreadfully wrong on that (please correct me if i am wrong :)
Just my 0.02


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Skydiving does enrich my life, but in kind of a morbid way.

Since everyone outside of my family who means the most to me also skydives, I've come to cherish the people in my life. There are no guarantees (particularly in this sport, but also in life in general) that the people we love (or us ourselves) will be here tomorrow.

But I also have a life outside of jumping.

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This might come out weirdly, but im really glad you do enjoy it:)
The people are great, absolutely great and i cherish them to(although ive only met a few the DZ since im a newbie), and i fully agree with the message you put forward, and i hope you stay safe and that noone else in the skydiving world will get hurt (although that isn;t gonna happen unfortunately -:( ).

Although we have different viewoints o the enrichment thing, i do hope you continue to get the most out of jumping and that you stay safe and have a great time.:)
The good thing is, skydiving gives us all pleasure so eveyrone is a winner:)
Cheers for your thoughts,


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Sure skydiving enriches my life. Otherwise, I doubt I'd do it. But, as others have also said, there are other aspects of my life that are even more fulfilling.....family and family time, friends, and work.... Of all of my other activities, skydiving ranks right up there.

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Heck ya it does. Skydiving helps break the monotony in my life. The people at my dz are also my extended family. I get to live a different life when I go skydiving. It's a carefree life where I forget about my 9 to 5 job for the weekend. It also helps me release my stress and what not. I not only get to do what I've been dreaming of doing since I was 5 but I also get to improve my swooping skills and freeflying skills. It's great! I played all the sports and this is the one I'll be sticking to for the rest of my life. :)

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I think... it's good if you feel it's good for you, in my case, I am perfectly happy with my arm's length distance from the twin otter... I am a full time father, it holds me from falling in...

But yeah, I understand what you mean and those of us that have hung around large DZ's know there are some that could need a little help.


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Are you saying that's a good thing?

i dont think its a bad thing. i myself have been an 'all or nothing' person as long as i can remember. it just happends that skydiving is getting more challenging...not boring. everything else ive taken to in the past sort of ends up in the 'well...now what' catagory. skydiving hasnt even come close to that.

does that make an ounce of sense???? :S its beer'o'clock.

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***I used to think the same but then I witnessed how extreme/serious the obsession with this life can get, and that some people will do just about anything to be there... When skydiving takes over all priorities....


I'm trying to balance it out right now. In the past 2 years that I have been jumping I have grown to careless about shit I can't control (politics, news, social issues) and spend more time having fun at the DZ or a boogie. Some old friends say that in the past couple years I have gotten a "don't give a fuck" attitude and that might be true but I don't give a fuck about the things that they are interested in. They are into their kids T-ball and soccer which is fine for them but I don't have kids so I don't care about family crap. My wife is extremely independent and let's me do whatever and go wherever I want so I don't have to fawn all over her. I really like and crave an adrenalin rush and I am going to try and cram as much into the next 10 years as I can.

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'They are into their kids T-ball and soccer which is fine for them but I don't have kids so I don't care about family crap.'

My daughter just spent 20 minutes in SkyVentureArizona... so now we are all re-united and all is good, no more mention about T-Ball.

Btw, I don't give a fuck about the things that your non-skydiver friends are interested in either!! :SB|

I'll see you arround in the next ten years then.

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I'm new to the sport and it is important to me now. Don't know if it will change as I get more time in. It is one place where it doesn't matter what you do in the real world, you are part of the community. Go to a new DZ, and you are welcomed. I have met a lot of kewl people from different DZs across the nation that I would not have met otherwise. Right now, work sucks and jumping allows me to completely forget my weekday concerns. And it is actually cheaper then therapy. So it enriches my life on multiple levels.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

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