
Should I Spread My Wings and Fly?

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I've got a decision to make, and it hasn't been easy for me. I quit my job last week because I hated it there. I couldn't stand to wake up each morning knowing I had to go to that hell-hole. Well, now I'm unemployed with no job in the near future, my car is going down-hill, and I mean quickly, and the guy I was sort-of seeing is an asshole. Anyways, with all that being said, I was talking to my mother (who lives an hour away from me now) and she said she thinks all I need is a change. She said to spread my wings and fly.. Fly to Arizona to live with my uncle and aunt. Hmm... That's a possibility. All I would really lose are all my buds at the DZ, and my parents being really close. My best bud (also skydiving buddy) is moving to Reno in less than 30 days, so I've just about lost him already. Should I move to Arizona and start a new life, or stay in Texas and look for a job here, where I've lived most of all my life? [:/]

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Should I move to Arizona and start a new life

Yes you should! This is one of those rare crossroads in life where you get to reinvent yourself before you get tied down. You can always return to Texas and the knowledge you acquire even if you “fail” in Arizona or where ever your path happens to lead will serve you well the rest of your life. Ditch the guy and pounce on this opportunity! And don't be afraid to fail, failure is the key to success if you learn from what it teaches you. Good luck.

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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Follow your heart. If you're not sure what your heart is, here is a great decision-making tool from Harvey McKay:

If you can't get to "yes" then the answer is "no"

For example, if you ask yourself if you should move to Arizona and you can't quite get over that hump to say yes, then the answer IS no.

That being said, who the hell wouldn't want you living in their town?!!!!


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Hey Girl,
The world is your oyster! If you think a change would do you good, then by all means go for it. You can always go back to Texas if don't like AZ and I know that you will have no problems making new friends no matter where you are at.

Look how many new friends you made this past weekend including me!:)

Spread those wings girl and go see the world. We only get one shot at it, so make the most of it.

Thanks again for making last weekend great!

Later Tater,
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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I had the same decision to make back in the mid 90's. Left my job and my comfy nest with family close by and traveled. Had the time of my life. Saw a bunch of this beautiful country. Once the money ran out, moved to a new city having to find a job. It worked for me. I learned so much about myself that I could not see in my nest. Go for it. The nest will be there if you need it.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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Go for it. You can always go back "home" although I have found that home is where the heart is.

Good luck...if you need an ear to listen, I'm here. I've done the moving thing and will again in the relatively near future.

Just make sure I know where to come visit and help you cause some trouble. :);):D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Should I move to Arizona and start a new life

Yes you should! This is one of those rare crossroads in life where you get to reinvent yourself before you get tied down. You can always return to Texas and the knowledge you acquire even if you “fail” in Arizona or where ever your path happens to lead will serve you well the rest of your life. Ditch the guy and pounce on this opportunity! And don't be afraid to fail, failure is the key to success if you learn from what it teaches you. Good luck.

Uh-huh. What he said. :)
Do it now while you are single and young and unattached. You may not have an opportunity to do it again in the future!
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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"I've been around for you, I've been up and down for you, but I just can't get any relief..." Sorry, I have "Time for Me to Fly" by REO Speedwagon stuck in my head now ever since I read your thread title.

I think you should take this opportunity and run with it. There was a reason you quit your job and there is a reason that this opportunity of Arizona has opened up to you. If I had an opportunity to move to AZ (ie. family/friends) I would definitely take it. I've always, always, always wanted to live there.

Go for it girl. You are young, you've got everything going for you. Just do it! ;)

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Follow your heart.

so glad that i got to meet u this past weekend..i wrote a poem called follow your heart..

Fallow your heart
It will not let you down
It will not dissappoint you
It will not hurt you

If you truley believe and trust
Follow your heart

only you can let yourself down
only you can dissapoint yourself
only you....Can hurt yourself

Be true to you....
who you are
Follow your heart

My heart is true and honest
and i will follow

with time as my guide

gotta a poem about time that goes with this one,,but enough of my dribble

sherry(sp?) go with what u feel is right for you..I made a major move when i decided to move south after 20 yrs of living in the north(Qcy ILL) with my family and friends..Change can be very scary and in time may be the best thing you ever do for your self,,you won't know unless you give it a whirl,,iffin thats what U wanna do...Life is short
If there are no trials in life,how will u know what is really imprtortant
luv2liv,,,SUMMOOO 1


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I've talked it over with all parties involved. My aunt and uncle are overjoyed to have me come stay with them. I have another friend in Phoenix who is just giddy that the thought of moving even crossed my mind. If I leave Texas, it will be after the boogie in Aggieland. It would be a good time to say my "until next time" because it will never be a "goodbye". I have a plane ticket waiting for me... I'll be calling about a job in Phoenix in the morning. Wish me well, and thanks for all your prayers, poems, and advice. :|

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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just think of the movies... it will be hard at first, then good things wll start to happen, you will win the lottery or make it big in the field you are in or maybe become friends with a rich person and they will help ya out, things will be going good and then you will find that the guy you have had as a friend helping you through all of it is actually in love with you and you him and you will kiss.... then fade to black and roll the credits cuz it's happily ever after then.... see just like in the movies..... give it a go....... if i wasn't such a pack rat i would of probly done that when i got out of the air force, ut i relized i wouldn't have enough space to store all my crap so i didn't.... go for it, you are only young once....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Wish me well,
lots of your wishes sent to uo shari( did i get the sp right).. u will do well whereever u land..keep all up to date with ur new adventure
If there are no trials in life,how will u know what is really imprtortant
luv2liv,,,SUMMOOO 1


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I quit my job last week because I hated it there. I couldn't stand to wake up each morning knowing I had to go to that hell-hole. Well, now I'm unemployed with no job in the near future, my car is going down-hill, and I mean quickly, and the guy I was sort-of seeing is an asshole.


"When you're going through Hell....


~Sir Winston Churchill

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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*** And pleeeeeeeease oh pleeeeeeeeeeeease give me the opportunity to meet you in person before you leave!!!


Hope you get the chance Walt because she is a lot of fun.

Good luck girl and I'll be sending you all of my best vibes!:)Keep us posted.

"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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