
How many people have never done drugs?

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My wife also... has never done drugs. Has never been high. Has never been drunk. Has never smoked cigs. She delivered three children completely naturally, no epidural, no pain meds, nothing. The forth was an emergency C-section, no choice on that one. Her tolerence for pain is extraordinary.

As for me, plenty of drugs and alcohol, but not anymore... other than one or two drinks socially. There really is no point to altering one's consciousness through drugs... it's just stupid. Does that mean I have an annoying, self-righteous, morally superior mindset that is off-putting?

I don't really care. People who think so aren't the kind of people I'd want to hang out w/ anyway...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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I don't feel better than anyone else for never doing drugs. I hate it when people at parties or whatever would go around telling people not to drink cause they don't. I am pround of myself for never doing them and when I have kids I can honestly tell them I have never done drugs and expect the same.

I never did them in high school out of fear for what would happen if my parents found out. Then when I was 23 or 24 someone handed me a joint and Isaid no right away. Then I though shit I am over 20, own a house and well why don't i? To be honest I am curious but at 26 why start now? Part of me thinks man maybe I am missing out on something, but the other side says look dude your 26 and never done it. Be proud of it.

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Im curious, what is the reason for your hatred of illegal drugs?

Asked and answered at least a thousand times in the past in these very forums. Do a search and save me the trouble of repeating myself.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Im curious, what is the reason for your hatred of illegal drugs?

Asked and answered at least a thousand times in the past in these very forums. Do a search and save me the trouble of repeating myself.

Ok i've searched and read a whole bunch of post where you rattle on about Random testing, but I there is no mention of why you "hate illegal drugs"
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Ok i've searched and read a whole bunch of post where you rattle on about Random testing, but I there is no mention of why you "hate illegal drugs"

Look some more. I consider myself a christian, family oriented law abiding individual. So doing something illegal whatever it may be would not be right in my mind. I have grand children, it would kill me if one of them ruined their lives or someone else's life by being involved in an illegal activity what ever it may be. What is happening to the moral status of our society?
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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if one of them ruined their lives or someone else's life by being involved in an illegal activity what ever it may be.


Here Here...!

I'm still trying to get a handle on this whole 'parent' thing, I find myself thinking...do as I say...not as I did!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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My wife and I....CLEAN always have been
My sister is in rehab she has endangered my 3 children, my Mom, her children. Little white girl in the 'burbs goes to the pit of the city for fixes and these fuckers made the mistake of entering my World while looking for her.
(she stole my daughter's car a traded it with them for drugs) I returned the favor and hunted them down at their homes.
no more troubles and she is now GONE
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Then when I was 23 or 24 someone handed me a joint and Isaid no right away. Then I though shit I am over 20, own a house and well why don't i? To be honest I am curious but at 26 why start now? Part of me thinks man maybe I am missing out on something, but the other side says look dude your 26 and never done it. Be proud of it.

Trust me, you're missing out on nothing (I can only speak of pot). You have the right attitude, be proud of it!B|


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Then when I was 23 or 24 someone handed me a joint and Isaid no right away. Then I though shit I am over 20, own a house and well why don't i? To be honest I am curious but at 26 why start now? Part of me thinks man maybe I am missing out on something, but the other side says look dude your 26 and never done it. Be proud of it.

Trust me, you're missing out on nothing (I can only speak of pot). You have the right attitude, be proud of it!B|

I think its quite a bold/sweeping statement to say that you not missing out on anything by not trying something… don’t get me wrong I’m not saying everyone should go out and take some sort of illegal substance, but from my experience there have been moments that I will remember forever, that I would have missed out on if I/we were not UTI.

I recall a particular time when I was with a group of my dearest friends, and we were on a small island in Thailand, we all tried some shrooms and spend the entire day, and actually most of the night on this beautiful little beach where we were staying having the most bizarre conversations and experiences… no whilst some would argue that we would have had a great time anyway if we hadn’t have had the shrooms, I agree, but this was a different kind of time, not something that we had experienced before, and actually have never done since. But certainly something I’m glad I did and was apart of...

However I also remember many years ago, I was at a party with some friends, and somehow we had gotten hold of some mescaline (the major active component of the small dumpling cactus known as Peyote.) To start with everything was great… however after the party had finished and we had all left, we were all still spun out on the stuff, and were pretty much incapacitated for 2 days, which was not a pleasant sensation. Needless to say I’ve never tried it since, and will never try it again. However when I look back on this, I have no regrets at all that I did it, im almost glad in a way that I had the experience, although not the best time but certainly something I would have missed out on.

The way I look at it is that society leads people to assume that illegal drugs are bad, and that they lead to addiction to crime to suffering. Now whilst this can be the case, although most people happily gloss over the issue of fags and booze, because it’s convenient and not deemed illegal, and most people enjoy them. If you are responsible then what is the problem with the type of high that you choose. I am concerned here about the difference between an act of choice (consumption of a psychoactive substance) and an act of endangerment (putting others at risk by operating equipment while impaired or skydiving while impaired). If an act doesn't endanger others, what right have we to make it a criminal act?
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I do enjoy the feeling of being drunk now and then, but it's really rare that I drink anywhere near that much. I don't like the actual alcohol (hate the taste of alcoholic drinks, actually), so I drink very rarely. I'm a happy, silly, placid drunk.

I have never done any other drugs -- no pot, LSD, cocaine, heroin, anything. I did some nitrous oxide "Whipits" a while ago, but the last time I did that -- whoa! has it really been that long? -- was like 1994!

I like living knowing that I don't need or want drugs to "enhance" my good time. I like to experience my life through no filter on my mind -- just straight.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I am not trying to preach or anything. But I have never done i any and have run into very few people that haven't either. I like to drink, and get drunk.

I saw some interesting stats on an ABC News special hosted by Ted Koppel a few years ago. I couldn't find the ABC numbers online, but I found these which are very similar:

Annual death rates:
- Tobacco: 390,000.
- Alcohol: 80,000.
- All illegal drugs combined: 4,500

Source: http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/basicfax.htm#q3


but as this thread illustrates so well, FAAAR too many people feel morally superior to others simply because they 'bought the party line' that asserts drugs are 'evil'

ignorance really should be painful...[:/]

I've tried a few different drugs, but for the most part try to stay away from them. I've seen first hand the pain they can cause, so I certainly don't feel superior, but it hurts me to see people getting too carried away with them.

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but it hurts me to see people getting too carried away with them.

my point exactly, if you are responsible then where is the harm....
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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but it hurts me to see people getting too carried away with them.

my point exactly, if you are responsible then where is the harm....

It depends first on what you are doing and also what you know about yourself... I personally know that I can get addicted to things very easily, so I try to stay away from things I think could cause serious problems for me. Although I have had alot of fun with certain drugs ;)

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My wife and I....CLEAN always have been
My sister is in rehab she has endangered my 3 children, my Mom, her children. Little white girl in the 'burbs goes to the pit of the city for fixes and these fuckers made the mistake of entering my World while looking for her.
(she stole my daughter's car a traded it with them for drugs) I returned the favor and hunted them down at their homes.
no more troubles and she is now GONE

Good on yer wife and you! :)
Um, the rest of this sounds like something out of Tom Clancy's Without Remorse! B|

Did you... um... off these druggie people?

And do you mean your sister has left... or died?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I am not trying to preach or anything. But I have never done i any and have run into very few people that haven't either. I like to drink, and get drunk.

I saw some interesting stats on an ABC News special hosted by Ted Koppel a few years ago. I couldn't find the ABC numbers online, but I found these which are very similar:

Annual death rates:
- Tobacco: 390,000.
- Alcohol: 80,000.
- All illegal drugs combined: 4,500

Source: http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/basicfax.htm#q3


but as this thread illustrates so well, FAAAR too many people feel morally superior to others simply because they 'bought the party line' that asserts drugs are 'evil'

ignorance really should be painful...[:/]

:D:D:D:D I don't know who the hell you are trying to convince that drugs are NOT bad for you...come on, for the love of Pete...even cigarette smokers admit the shit is bad for you. Who the hell are you kidding?! :S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Then when I was 23 or 24 someone handed me a joint and Isaid no right away. Then I though shit I am over 20, own a house and well why don't i? To be honest I am curious but at 26 why start now? Part of me thinks man maybe I am missing out on something, but the other side says look dude your 26 and never done it. Be proud of it.


Trust me, you're missing out on nothing (I can only speak of pot). You have the right attitude, be proud of it!


I think its quite a bold/sweeping statement to say that you not missing out on anything by not trying something… don’t get me wrong I’m not saying everyone should go out and take some sort of illegal substance, but from my experience there have been moments that I will remember forever, that I would have missed out on if I/we were not UTI.

I stand by my statement. I have seen too many people ruin their lives on pot alone. Sure, I've had my laughs when I smoked it...but it certainly wasn't worth it in the grand scheme of things.


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I bet a damn site more people have ruined there lives on Fags and booze, and I bet your quite bappy to chug a beer .....
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I stand by my statement. I have seen too many people ruin their lives on pot alone. Sure, I've had my laughs when I smoked it...but it certainly wasn't worth it in the grand scheme of things.

In Australia there is a huge problem with Gambling, yet is it illegal, NO… does it ruin peoples lives YES…… your point is moot….
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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Or waffling on about sex? :S

How about sex with waffles afterward? Cuz that's pretty much perfect in my book.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Or waffling on about sex? :S

How about sex with waffles afterward? Cuz that's pretty much perfect in my book.

why wait until afterwards ..... B|
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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