
Getting the Pets out of NOLA

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Warning: Rant;)

I'm a major animal/pet person. Veg, donator, volunteer, the works.:P And, I'm a rational, fairly intelligent person---having said that, there's no way in hell I'd leave my animals. (I would however, evacuate earlier to find accomodations that accept pets).

My point, however, is if any city, town, FEMA, govt. whomever wants to be successful in getting everyone to cooperate, evacutate, etc. they have to be realistic---Most people willl absolutely NOT leave their pets. Once they realize that and make plans/accomodations for it, they'll find it will make things a lot simpler.

Is it just me, or is it so insane that there STILL aren't shelters that will take pets? Haven't they learned from numerous hurricanes in the past that one of the main reasons people don't leave is they refuse to abandon their animals?

Sorry---had to get that off my chest:P
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Warning: Rant;)

I'm a major animal/pet person. Veg, donator, volunteer, the works.:P And, I'm a rational, fairly intelligent person---having said that, there's no way in hell I'd leave my animals. (I would however, evacuate earlier to find accomodations that accept pets).

My point, however, is if any city, town, FEMA, govt. whomever wants to be successful in getting everyone to cooperate, evacutate, etc. they have to be realistic---Most people willl absolutely NOT leave their pets. Once they realize that and make plans/accomodations for it, they'll find it will make things a lot simpler.

Is it just me, or is it so insane that there STILL aren't shelters that will take pets? Haven't they learned from numerous hurricanes in the past that one of the main reasons people don't leave is they refuse to abandon their animals?

Sorry---had to get that off my chest:P

I'm completely with you on that. No way would I abandon animals.


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our 3 small dogs have become our children

really do not understand how anyone could leave them to starve or die of thurst

the american indians say
dogs can see your spiret(sole)

I beleave it

watch how a dog reacts around a stranger and it is a good indication how you should react


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My pets (2 dogs and a cat) are included in my emergency plans. That said, I completely understand why most shelters won't take pets.

Allergies. People who are scared of dogs make the dogs more unpredictable. Crowded people are stressed people, which will end up as stressed dogs. Dogs will be chasing the cats, ferrets, mice, etc. Cats will be finding new warm homes to to crawl into, maybe ones with allergic people.

There won't be crates for the dogs, so they'll be running loose. They'll crap, and little children will pick it up or walk in it.

Nope. Pets really don't belong in shelters. Maybe there should be shelters that are specifically pet-friendly, that have crates already provided. Where do you get those?

Wendy W.
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That said, I completely understand why most shelters won't take pets.

Allergies. People who are scared of dogs make the dogs more unpredictable.

What I meant was shelters that specifically took animals---being that anyone who went there obviously had pets and/or knew they were not allergic.

It's obviously not a perfect idea, but neither are the shelters in general. Any emergency is chaos--that goes w/out saying. You have to plan to reduce the chaos as much as possible and being that one of the main reasons people don't evacuate, etc. is b/c of their animals, I'd say providing somewhere for these people & their pets to go would DEFINITELY decrease the chaos.

I absolutely can not STAND to watch the animals, some tied to posts on the porch surrounded by water on TV. I change the station. I'm not ignorant to it obviously, but no reason I need to see it again, and again. It just really pisses me off, pardon my french.

I ransacked my place, and though I"m NOT a packrate, found a truck load of stuff I took to donate to the victims of Katrina.

Some will not agree, but as far as my financial contribution---that went strickly toward the various groups going in to rescue animals/pets, etc.;):P In a strange way, I always feel worse for animals than people. When I was little and saw the movie Dances With Wolves though I didn't like it, I didn't cry when the white man and the indians fought and hurt/killed one another. But, when a soldier took aim and shoot Two Socks, the wolf, I was hysterical. Natural reaction.>:(

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Here is a link to donate to help save the poor animals neglected by there ignorant pathetic owners!!!

This organization does a lot of good and they have raise over 130,000 which was there goal to get there
mobile pet rescue unit down there. You can donate smaller amount as well... At first that was a little misleading.


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I to would take pets, heck Id take pets before my kids (joking)

Anyone who leaves their pets would lose my respect and my empathy. There is no reason in the world to do it in my opinion. Here when they tell people to evacuate they tell you to bring your pets and there are some shelters that will accept pets.
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I think I remember seeing an interview with an animal control type person (someone with animal experience anyways) saying that if you leave most domestic dogs/cats behind, their instincts will kick in and they should be able to survive.

Now, I don't think we're necessarily talking about just abandoning your pet if you move out of the house (which is still irresponsible). I think what you guys are talking about is not just letting the animal drown or whatever - at least give the animal a chance! I definitely agree with that. What I do disagree with is valuing your pet as you would another human being. Sorry, I don't agree. But again, as someone said, leaving a (e.g. dog) tied up where it will probably drown since it couldn't even try and swim a way is just plain wrong.

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What I do disagree with is valuing your pet as you would another human being. Sorry, I don't agree.

At the risk of getting this thread kicked over to Speakers Corner, pets are members of the family. Decent people don't leave family members behind.

Particularly with dogs, there is also a trust relationship there. Abandoning a pet, especially a dog, is an act of betrayal that speaks volumes about the person that does it.


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What I do disagree with is valuing your pet as you would another human being. Sorry, I don't agree.

At the risk of getting this thread kicked over to Speakers Corner, pets are members of the family. Decent people don't leave family members behind.

Particularly with dogs, there is also a trust relationship there. Abandoning a pet, especially a dog, is an act of betrayal that speaks volumes about the person that does it.


Again, it depends on the exact situation, but actual humans come first. I don't toe the PETA line, who pretty much equate animals = people, but definitely disagree with how animals are frequently treated in the meat industry for example.

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>At the risk of getting this thread kicked over to Speakers Corner,
>pets are members of the family. Decent people don't leave family
>members behind.

Decent people don't go for the lethal injection when Grandma gets arthritis in her hips, but those same decent people will often euthanize their pets when they can no longer walk. Comparing dogs to humans is not really supportable. They're animals.

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>At the risk of getting this thread kicked over to Speakers Corner,
>pets are members of the family. Decent people don't leave family
>members behind.

Decent people don't go for the lethal injection when Grandma gets arthritis in her hips, but those same decent people will often euthanize their pets when they can no longer walk. Comparing dogs to humans is not really supportable. They're animals.

Yeah, but you can't tell PETA that (wrt your last two sentences). Then again, they'd probably say it is ok to euthanize Grandma.

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Decent people don't go for the lethal injection when Grandma gets arthritis in her hips, but those same decent people will often euthanize their pets when they can no longer walk. Comparing dogs to humans is not really supportable. They're animals.

Nobody really needs to support the comparison. It's a matter of individual conscience. Social values evolve. During my lifetime I have seen an increase in the value placed on animal life and an apparent decrease in the value of human life.

I would view any comparisons on relative value of human life vs. animal life on a case-by-case basis. For example, which life is worth more--a seeing eye dog or Charles Manson? For me it's an easy choice.

It gets a lot less clear when comparing the arthritic grandma to a deeply loved family dog. For example, let's say you were in NOLA before the storm and getting ready to evacuate and there was room in the car for either granny or the dog, but not both, and granny says, "I'm old and about to die anyway--take Fido and leave me behind."

I'm quite sure there are people who would take the dog.


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>At the risk of getting this thread kicked over to Speakers Corner,
>pets are members of the family. Decent people don't leave family
>members behind.

Decent people don't go for the lethal injection when Grandma gets arthritis in her hips, but those same decent people will often euthanize their pets when they can no longer walk. Comparing dogs to humans is not really supportable. They're animals.

Looking after a person with arthritis is a lot easier than looking after an animal with arthritis. The person knows why they are in so much pain, you cant explain it to the animal. The person can also be placed in a wheel chair and remain fairly mobile, the animal can only lie on the ground wimpering in pain each time it tries to move or get up. Their quality of life are completely different.

On the topic of euthanasia, apparently some ill patients at the hospital in new orleans were euthanaised just before the hurricane hit because the nurses knew they would not survive. At least, that's what we were told on the news here (in Australia).
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What I do disagree with is valuing your pet as you would another human being. Sorry, I don't agree.

At the risk of getting this thread kicked over to Speakers Corner, pets are members of the family. Decent people don't leave family members behind.

Particularly with dogs, there is also a trust relationship there. Abandoning a pet, especially a dog, is an act of betrayal that speaks volumes about the person that does it.


Lots of decent people who love their pets barely have money to feed them. A lot of people didn't have money to find accommodations for themselves that would accept their pets. That was the harsh reality. The fact that they kept themselves safe and hoped that their pets would survive doesn't speak badly of the people who left their pets behind, imho. If I had to choose between my child's safety and my pets', I would keep my child safe, no doubt, even if that meant my pets would drown. I would still be overjoyed if I were reunited with my pets, because I LOVE them!

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Thanks, Walt, for your comments:P;)

I love the Charles Manson comparison:o Though, as much as I can, I try to let God do the judging and choose to try and understand/forgive instead.

I don't kill anything---except cockroaches---nobody's perfect. :P I tend to agree with valueing everything equally. In my opinion, we are all God's creatures & creations and all deserve respect for our differences and importance to the world. Animals deserve the right to life as much as humans. I don't feel their life is inferior. I do, however, believe in the food chain--though I'm 90% vegan as my personal choice.

Bill's comaprison to a humane euthanization of a pained animal to arthritic grandma really holds no water, in my opinion. Afterall, Dr. Kevorkian wasn't putting grandmas to sleep, for lack of a better way of putting it, against their will.

(Edited for spelling/grammar)
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--though I'm 90% vegan as my personal choice.

(Sorry, brief thread drift)

Could explain the "90%"? I'd say my mom is about that too, for health reasons, but I'm only this way for brief spells (religious reasons). She eats honey, butter on bread and the occasional egg if it is in some casserole or baked in something, but that is it.

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I am with you on the animals. I have 3 dogs, 3 birds and 2 frogs, and couldn't leave without them. Especially because my birds are COMPLETELY dependent on me because I keep them clipped so they don't fly into windows, ceiling fans, our out the door into a 118 degree summer day.

My opinion on why certain groups of us feel more strongly towards keeping the animals safe is (my total opinion of course), is animals have no prejudice, they love unconditionally, and for an owner to think "everyone for yourself", is just sickening. I've seen the pictures of little dogs (that you know aren't outside dogs) sitting on the side of the road covered in muck, just waiting for their owner to come back, or looking for their home. Or the picture of the dog sitting next to it's dead owner for 4 days I think is what the news crew said. [:/] See, even when their owners are dead, they wait for them, they don't take off... It really breaks my heart.

I put in an application to be a "foster home" for displaced animals, unfortunately because of the number of my pets already, I think they will think I'm a nutty person and no way no how. But it is worth a shot to help the animals get back to a somewhat normal life. Plus it will give my dogs another friend to torture instead of eachother. :P

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Could explain the "90%"? I'd say my mom is about that too, for health reasons,

As mentioned, I do believe in the food chain and think it is OK for us to eat animals. I, however, have a problem with how they are raised, treated, handled & slaughtered. I have done a lot of research into it, which I won't go into to keep it brief, but it's the norm, not the exception. So, for me, I don't eat these things for animal welfare reasons first, and of course secondly for health reasons.

By 90%, I mean: I don't eat any pig ever. I have the once in a blue moon chicken or beef (once in a blue moon, meaning one of the two probably once/2 months or so). I eat fish probably 1-2 times a week but NEVER farmed. The rest of the time, I eat soy and vegan everything. Fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, soy cheese, soy milk, whole grains, etc.:P:);) I also own some leather products, but most I've had a very long time and were not for "b/c it was trendy at the time", but rather coats I'll always have to wear. I NEVER buy fur or other animals skins (snake, lamb etc.) and try, when I can to instead by REALLY GOOD "pleather" instead of leather. Most really good faux's cost the same if not more than the real stuff. Also, a lot of designer's have non-leather options, like Gucci will have an all-leather bag, but the same bag in their signature fabric with just leather straps/buckle. I, obviously, opt for the second option:P;)

It's like the man & the starfish (a poem I keep in my wallet). Even the little things make a difference;):P
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Oh my gosh, I admire you for applying to foster.

I put serious thought into and decided I could not do it for various reasons.

I do, volunteer, however and donate to several animal charites monthly.

I have two kitties, a recent adopted doggie (from the animal control shelter) and I'm SERIOUSLY thinking of adopting a third kitty that I also saw at the shelter. We have numerous bird feeders and the same squirrels & birds come around often.

Since I don't kill anything, we have a TON of lizards and frogs around the house (natural way to keep bugs out). Some of it may have to do with living at the beach, but I've owned my home here for over 2 years and never once sprayed for bugs (though I've had it inspected regularly). I really believe it's all the frogs & lizards. I, :$, even have names for the ones I see regularly. Most are w/out tails, of course, since as mentioned, I have cats. But, my cats don't seem to kill them, just play and let go. We get a few snakes that come around b/c of the lizards and frogs. When I see one, usually I just grab it Jeff Corwin-style and put it near the small lake across the street (no homes by it). I've seen enough snakes and lived in Florida my whole life to know the difference b/w the poisonous ones and the non-poisonous. Thankfully, haven't seen a poisonous one yet.:P

We also have a magnificant banana spider I named Chiquita. The web is HUGE in our tree. She's really beautiful to see.

OK, there's a novel for you. Obviously I LOVE all animals/creatures, especially my little "angels" as I call my own.
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Good for you to apply for foster home care, there is going to be a huge demand for this over the coming weeks as more animals are found. Last night we got our 2nd delivery of dogs to the Marin Humane Society, with more scheduled in the coming days. I think it is pretty amazing that shelters as far away as California are receiving so many animals (our shelter alone may be getting approx. 500 animals in the coming days) Working with these dogs brings on so many emotions, empathy for the dogs themselves of course, who can even begin to imagine what they have gone through? Empathy for the previous owners, many of these animals were obviously well cared for, and I cannot begin to understand how these people must feel, did my pet drown, or was it rescued and in some shelter somewhere now in the country? Our shelter is fully coopertating with all agencies to help identify and re-unite them with their previous owners, but most will probably never know. The vast majority of the dogs received were not chipped, nor spayed/neutered. On the other hand, its uplifting to see the numbers of people that are volunteering their time to help, last nights load went well past midnight, but most of the people who came stayed until it was finished. It helps to re-affirm that there is some goodness left out there in the world and are willing to help, while so many others are just interested in who to blame for the whole disaster. Figure that out later, in the meantime, do what you can for who you can, whether they be biped or quadraped!


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> For example, which life is worth more--a seeing eye dog or Charles
> Manson? For me it's an easy choice.

Silly comparison. Which is worth more - a Dodge Neon or Charles Manson? Doesn't say anything about their rights.

>I'm quite sure there are people who would take the dog.

Even if you had to walk out, and the dog was profoundly arthritic? That would be pretty cruel in my book.

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