
Couch FREAKS!!!!!

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ps women only showers are lame

Yeah, Q, giving them a choice is really stupid.:S If a woman doesn't mind, good for her. But if she does, how is that 'lame'.

I'll tell that to my friend's wife who was molested 2 years ago in the showers how lame it is.

Maybe we can just threaten them to use the coed showers, or even physically force them to just dance naked on the runway, I mean, it's for their own good, they just don't realize they are there for the entertainment of every 50 jump college newbie who can't get a date or see a breast any other time. :S

Even if there is a women's only shower, I expect a couple drunk/stoned idiots to force their way in shouting "COUCH FREAKS WOOOOOOOOO". Just to make a point.

edit: Just for the record - dqpacker was being funny and flip. I know him and he's very respectful to women and great with kids and small animals - if a woman needed someone to guard the shower door and asked, he'd be a great protector - he'd peek, but he'd do it:P. But any port in a storm to make my point. Even obtusely inferring a harmless post.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I went three years in a row!!! And got to jump a 6' Penis (ok 5'5" captain pecker) 2 out of the three years - what fun!!!

Missed you last year Aimee. Kept waiting for you to come by the campsite looking for video on the dick dive. You gotta make it back this year. By the way, I think I have some photo's from the 2003 dick dive. I'll have to try and find them.


Ha ha hey there!!!! Those are still my favorite, although shortest videos!!!!! If I get back out there you can bet we will be knocking on your door!!!

Oh and yea, if you got photos, that'd be cool I have a few that Eric pulled off of the video tape, but they would probably come out better from you.

I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!

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Believe me, the couch freaks will NOT put up with any guys invading the privacy of the women's showers. It will simply not be tolerated. The showers are completely separate with separate entrances. They are very nice stall showers that we are renting just so women can have privacy.

It's been at least one year since I've seen Joy literally tear apart a drunk wierdo. I'm kind of looking forward to it. Say hi to the old timers for me, if they even make it to the DZ anymore.

See you Wednesday - as always

13 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes, 4 seconds

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Believe me, the couch freaks will NOT put up with any guys invading the privacy of the women's showers. It will simply not be tolerated. The showers are completely separate with separate entrances. They are very nice stall showers that we are renting just so women can have privacy.

That is the best news I've read. I might just have to make it up to the boogie this year.

Oh, and Val, I'm lame too;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Ha ha hey there!!!! Those are still my favorite, although shortest videos!!!!! If I get back out there you can bet we will be knocking on your door!!!

What do you mean "if"? It's Dollar Daze, how can you live in the midwest and not come? What about Matt? Is he going to make it?

Skydive Radio

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Bill, Shut up!!! You don't know what you are talking about. You are just trying to scare off all the newbies that might come to Couch Freaks, but thanks to you they might not show up now. Thanks alot Bill! I thought you were a true blue couchfeak. No now really, I agree with you that if they can't handle the coed showers than they are probably not suitable for Couch Freaks. But there has been alot of complaints about the showers in the last few years, mainly because a couple idiots decided it would be a good idea to lurk the showers a whole lot!!!! There is always some jackass that ruins it for everyone else. Anyway there will be women only showers with a security guard at the door I can promise you that!!![:/]
Truely flying yourself is the best freedom you will ever feel!

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Bill, Shut up!!!

PM Sent -

But Publicly - note Mary and Val and Sunshine posting that they would consider coming now - I think you got the reaction backwards you'll see more people because you've greatly improved the event with this and more stuff. Unless you are worried about losing the couple of lurkers this year...

And publicly - Why do you consider it 'ruined' by giving women a choice?

Still one of the best boogies around.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Ha ha hey there!!!! Those are still my favorite, although shortest videos!!!!! If I get back out there you can bet we will be knocking on your door!!!

What do you mean "if"? It's Dollar Daze, how can you live in the midwest and not come? What about Matt? Is he going to make it?

He called me last night - I was totally confused till he said "couch"!!! Left me a msg saying I better get my ass there!!!! But yea, he won't miss it.

I'm contemplating, but with gas prices my decision will probably be based on a ride share option now since it is about an 8 hour drive!!! :(

I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!

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DQ, you naughty boy! Are you gonna sport your mullet this year? I thought about asking eric to shave my head, but I don't know if I have the guts for a faux-hawk. Are you guys going to be down wednesday? Will you save a spot for us & the FoodleMobile? We have to think of vehicle decorating ideas this weekend.
I was thinking about weird toys and maxi-pads.

You say, what's that sound coming out of the hole in the wood?

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my decision will probably be based on a ride share option now since it is about an 8 hour drive!!!

I could give you a ride! You'd have to put up with my singing Abba, though.

hmmm 8 hours of abba?? is it worth it!!!! :)

When are you going? I do want to go, but like I said the drive is my biggest hang up. That and my work schedule for the week before labor day.

I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!

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When are you going?

I'm not really sure. I didn't entertain the idea of going at all until this week, so who knows? All that matters is that the TEAM is going to be there!!! :ph34r:

I still have "initiation" packages, of course!!! :) :o

Dammit - now you all are putting ideas in my head that shouldn't be there!!!! Once you go couch, you never go.....well I can't figure out what to put there that makes sense, but you know what I mean!!!

I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!

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Bill, some people just don't get it.

Yes, I agree with you, Couch Freaks is a great boogie to attend. If I can talk my buddy into flying me out there, I will be attending this year since the shower situation has changed.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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