
Take care, Texans

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Hey Walt, I'm only a street over from Zennie. I'm riding it out also. Zennie knows where I live so if you guys hook up and we're all standing on Sunday. I plan on bbq & beer :ph34r:

Send me a PM with your address and phone number so we can exchange.

PM sent--thanks!!!


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nevermind, i just read the thread. i'm riding it out too.:)
edit again: hehe! my once delightful sig is umm... kind of all over the place. clicky V
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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you guys hook up and we're all standing on Sunday. I plan on bbq & beer :ph34r:

Don't forget the MargaRITA's. :)
Stay safe all ya'll down yonder, ya heah?
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Hey Walt, I'm only a street over from Zennie. I'm riding it out also. Zennie knows where I live so if you guys hook up and we're all standing on Sunday. I plan on bbq & beer :ph34r:

Just don't go to Walt's place. He'll probably have an apartment full of stray armadillos, racoons and opossums. ;)

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Do you know any tips for safely sedating a cat for travel? I heard half a Benadryl?

Please, please don't give your cat anything that a vet hasn't given an approval for. Cats can die on something as simple as a half of an asprin. Consult with your vet first. I used to work for veterinarians and this is the best advice I can give.

Good luck and keep safe.

Skydiving gave me a reason to live
I'm not afraid of what I'll miss when I die...I'm afraid of what I'll miss as I live

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Don't worry - I wouldn't!!! I remember a friend saying her vet recommended it for her cat's travel issues, but I'd get confirmation first.

I'm not sure we'll be able to get out anyway.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Do you know any tips for safely sedating a cat for travel? I heard half a Benadryl?

2mg Valium works pretty well but it takes a while to take effect.

NO! Don't waste Valium on the cat. Just take a few yourself and you won't even notice the cat. :P But seriously, don't give your cat anything that you didn't get from the vet or that isn't specifically for cats! The vet can give you some good stuff...

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Just got off the phone with my brother-in-law. He left Houston, headed this way, over 5-hrs. ago and has managed 22-miles! He said, the cause was, folks running out of gas. They have trucks going along I-10, trying to fuel cars to keep things rolling. Some folks gave-up and went back! It's a mess.
Slappie, Walt, Rebecca, Amanduh and all you folks in the Houston area, be safe. Keeping y'all in my prayers. We want to talk with you... not about you.


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Don't you worry there, cowboy. Rita is my bitch.

I will be snug as a bug in a rug by landfall; either in San Antonio if I-10 moves, or my friends' cozy sheltered brick apartment (which didn't even see standing water in Allison).

I gots my plans and I's stickin' to 'em.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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My brother lives in Lake Charles, La and he has moved his family toward the east. My dad and sister are in Houston and not going anywhere. Dad says it's crazy in all the stores and traffic is a nightmare.

Please say some prayers for them and all the other affected people down there.:(

Skydiving gave me a reason to live
I'm not afraid of what I'll miss when I die...I'm afraid of what I'll miss as I live

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Thanks, Chuck! I'll be sure to get some kick ass video footage for ya!! I already got some from the damn traffic I was stuck in this morning!! 15 miles in over 5 hours W00T W00T! ..ppl pissin on the freeways...walking their dogs out the window while driving themselves...people on top of their cars...ppl passing beers back and forth..it reminded me of Mardi Gras cruisin or something...and there dorky me is in the middle of it out of my car video taping away! HAHAHA!!

~*Pirate Duh*~

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My class has been called off for tomorrow since all of our departments wanted us at the department for added man power. Nope, not out on the streets, since its a few more weeks till we can do that, but they need us there so other personal can hit the streets.

The problem isn't the storm in my area of TX (although we're supposed to have close to a Cat 1 when it hits us, plus all the tornados spawned off and such), but all the evacuated folks causing problems. Not because they want to cause problems, but this is a high stress time with a high stress event which causes emotions to be running high. So problems will erupt, unfortunately.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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