
What song should I learn tonight?

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Wynona's Big Brown Beaver.

Hell YEAH!

But you need a six string fretless to get it just right. :P

oh, and you need to play it "overhand"
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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Six string fretless. So that's how it's done ?

That was Les's usual axe. It's pretty distinct, as he tended to flaunt it with a lot of smooth slides, even double and triple stops as heard on the Beaver. B|

*Love* the right hand tapping on Jerry Was A Race Car driver. The only way to fudge that one on a four-banger is to use lighter strings and tune high, or play an octave lower. :S Even then, it's not the same without the fretless.

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I'm not worthy. But thanks for the info.

Heard the song today and wondered if it was easy or hard to play for someone who knows guitars. Catchy beat every time i hear it.

i bet if you ask him to repeat it excactly he wouldnt be able to. but im sure he could get closer than anyone else.

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On the 4 string bass geetar, that is.

Ya suck ass as a bass player!
Sorrry if that sounds harsh but it is reality.

Try the cello or maybe a violin.

A good bass player needs *soul* . He ain't askin' how to play a song!! He's just layin' it down!!


Pick up that base ,Brother, and just bounce away on what you FEEL!

Eat you some chicken and down some Thunderbird !!!!!


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Any and all Sublime and Bob Marley.

Then get an acoustic bass and come to the Farm, or Monroe, or any boogie that I'm at and back me up f*cker.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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I saw Rat Dog play back in 1997 and Rob Wasserman played "Satisfaction" solo on a four string. It was pretty bad ass and it reall was not to hard whe I figured it out.

If you want to learn what I think is one of the greatest basslines ever,figure out Paul McCartney's bassline in "Something." Most don't notice it, and once I did, I just thought to myself, "DAYUM!"

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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