
Are you content with how you've lived your life?

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that if something happened tomorrow you would feel as though your life was complete?

Nope. Not by a longshot. 3 years ago, I would have said "Yes." I'd accomplished those things I had always wanted to accomplish. Interestingly, it was not until a couple of years ago that I met the woman of my dreams. I've now got a son I adore.

Back a couple of years ago, I was content with how i lived my life. But, you've really gotta go through life to find out what you have been missing. Katie, today is the most content with my life that I ever have been. But, I can't wait to find out what I've missed so far that life has to throw at me.

A Bruce Sprinsteen song says it best:

"Some they want to die young men, young and gloriously.
Get it straight now mister, hey buddy that ain't me
Cuz I got something on my minfd, yeah
That sets me straight and walking proud
And I want all the time, all that heaven will allow."

I want to be the old man who realizes that he's lived his life to the fullest and has done his job. I'm not there yet. Not by a longshot. I'm not yet content because there is still so much more to do. What is left to do I just don't know.

And that's the greatest part! I simply cannot wait to see what life throws at me!:)
I want to see my son grow up. I want to see if Conor had any siblings. I want to take that vacation to Europe. I want to get my "A!" There are hundreds of things I want to do.

I've lived my life well with few regrets. But wow! How can I be content with life when things just keep looking better, more fulfilling and more exciting?:)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Of course! Why would I not be? I say it like it is. Even when talking about myself.

Maybe I am more morbid b/c I am prepared to die on any given day. :S


K-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B|



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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...that if something happened tomorrow you would feel as though your life was complete?




Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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...that if something happened tomorrow you would feel as though your life was complete?

I know it sounds morbid, but I really feel as though I've lived a life in good conscience and with no regrets..how about you?

2 VERY separate questions there Kay.

1st No my life would not be complete, I'm 42 and there a load of living yet to do.B|B|B|

2nd If i were to die tomorrow the only regret I would have is not having more time with my wife:):ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Sure. Most people make the mistake of second-guessing the decisions that they made at a certain point in their life. The Monday Morning Quarterback.

Essentially, we make decisions based on the information/feelings that we have at the time. On the field, at that moment, I made a decision based on what I knew. That is the best we can do.

I told my son:
60% of the decisions in my life only worked at the time in history that they were made.
25% are pretty good ideas and make good general rules.
10% only work for me because of my attitude and lifestyle.
5% - I'm wrong some of the time.

I've told him about how I lived my life. He has to figure out what category that it falls into.

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I am absolutely content with how I have lived my life so far. I have no regrets and no doubt that I have made the best of the time I have had. I have experienced more things than I think many people do their entire life and I am extremely grateful for having had the opportunity to do so.

That said, there is a lot more I want to do. One of the simple truths I have realized is that I will never have the time in my life to do all the things I want to do, go all the places I want to go and spend the time I want to spend with the people I know. All I can do is make the best of the time I have and not worry too much about what I could have done in the past.

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Definately. Any mistakes I made were just as important in making the person I am today than the choices that turned out good. I wouldn't change anything. The things I did poorly on, I learned from and am still learing from and they were perhaps not super healthy, but what I needed at the time.
I've never felt this more strongly than I do right now, as I am trying to live a life of mindfulness of my own needs without being a doormat to more negative people who were in my life. I make boundaries now and know when to tell peole it's none of their business and that I won't apologize for my life ever again.

You say, what's that sound coming out of the hole in the wood?

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...that if something happened tomorrow you would feel as though your life was complete?

I know it sounds morbid, but I really feel as though I've lived a life in good conscience and with no regrets..how about you?

I think I'd be kinda pissed, there is so much more I want to do. Jump ALOT, Base Jump, Suba dive with some whale Sharks, (and inspite of getting dings on my Mancard) find someone that I could share all those things with. I spent way to many years partying and not accomplishing alot of my goals. Now that I'm finally getting started doing things I have really wanted to do. If I died today I kick the shit out of the GrimReaper and tell him I'm not done livng yet and to piss off!!! But other than that I'm happy with what I've done and people I've meet but I'M not done yet!!!

***Glory Favors the Bold***

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I try to make choices and to live my life so that I will be satisfied with the person I am and the decisions that I have made.

Along the way I have been hurt, faced some tough decisions, and delt with a few regrets. I am a work in progress.

I wouldn't change a thing though. Everything, all of my past, totals up to who I am today. I can look at myself in the mirror and be happy with what I see.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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why waste your time gazing into your own navel worrying about stuff? i read/hear sometimes that people are trying to "be the best they can" blah blah blah

Life is passing us all by, when we're dead... we're dead and there ain't no re-run. why waste your time trying to be anything? live your life.... say stupid things...do wrong things....do right things....and feel alive !!!!

I personally, find people who are constantly striving to be perfect..... terribly dull. yes, well done.. 10/10 for being wholesome, but 0/10 for being interesting. the people i've found most interesting so far are the ones who do the wrong things sometimes, say the wrong things sometimes, people who are fun to be around.

the vast majority of people lead very mundane lives, they get up and go to work 5 days a week, maybe do something interesting at the weekends...maybe not. I've found that the people who have this long list of things they want to do, don't do those things and lead the normal boring life that most of us do...yet they feel the need to justify to themselves/others that they will accomplish their goals in life... yeah right LOL bit like some women who are always going to start that diet, but never do ;) they feel better for saying they are just about to start it though, almost as if just about to is good enough
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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