
Hey Street racers!

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Yes, fuck us.

Fuck racing in general actually... who cares if people getting killed by street racers damages the image of racing as a whole. Fuck people who would like to be able to drive sports cars without having every police officer they pass completely focused on them waiting for them to speed. Fuck it.

Fuck the people who get killed by street racers too... they shouldn't have been in the way to begin with. Fuck them... I hope someone kicks their asses.

Fuck acting like an adult too... it's overrated.

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Fuck what people say dude.

Type your story and ignore them. There are always people who act like there perfect in their PC world, and there are always people who are ready to judge they all need a long mirror.

Then there is always people that will just say what they think others want to heir so that they will be more liked. FUCK THEM DUDE.

I would love to heir about the ass whopping.

Yeah! Go for it.

Who cares about other people being able to drive to work or drive their kids to school without getting run off the road and killed by some self-centered asshole who wants to have a little fun.:S

I'm sorry, I must have forgotten, It's all about you. :S

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Fuck what people say dude.

Type your story and ignore them. There are always people who act like there perfect in their PC world, and there are always people who are ready to judge they all need a long mirror.

Then there is always people that will just say what they think others want to heir so that they will be more liked. FUCK THEM DUDE.

I would love to heir about the ass whopping.

You go you badass. Take that fast and the furious car of yours, find some unsuspecting guy who doesnt have as much power as your car and race him through traffic at 120mph...that is fucking impressive. I bet you have the chicks just lining up to fuck you eh Vin Diesel?

What a fucking joke.

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I used to run my 95 Prelude in Toronto. We'd run on the streets, but we'd try to make it as safe as possible - blocking traffic with tow-trucks, etc. The dificulty was that the things that make it safer - like blocking traffic - make it easier for the cops to find you.

I upgraded the airfilters and pipes on my Prelude (front to back), but kept it otherwise stock. It was an assload of fun.

I destroyed the engine in 2000 and got $500 for it on a trade-in. Now I drive something far too practical - an Element.

Street racing really is far too expensive to keep up. There's so many things I'd rather do with the money, having a tricked out car just for that purpose is silly.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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They're all just jealous they haven't seen your car :ph34r: Next time we'll go for a ride B|

Thanks again for the DVD - kept me entertained at work today ;)


And exactly what kind of car does Darius drive?

Are you one of the chicks lining up to fuck him since he lives his life a quarter mile at a time?

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Actually, I'm married, and I don't think his gf would take to kindly to me taking him :D- and he already posted his car in the top of the thread there bright one.

And since you're so good at judging people based on the internet - I put you just about GW in deserving my respect .

Arianna Frances

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Actually, I'm married, and I don't think his gf would take to kindly to me taking him :D- and he already posted his car in the top of the thread there bright one.

And since you're so good at judging people based on the internet - I put you just about GW in deserving my respect .


Are you really telling me I am jealous of a fucking Pontiac? Seriously? Please tell me you are fucking kidding????:S


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No, this is a good engine..

No turbo spinny things and whooshers and shit. Just real torque.

1460 long stroke with 160BHP in a 700kg front wheel drive shell on slicks. The car is a true 'cossie beater'. Its nice taking it to the circuits and kicking there ass. Modified saloon champion again this year. 4th time in a row B| Oh yeah baby!

NOTE: The engine install might not look the neatest but it was after a seasons worth of hard racing (and a couple of accidents) :S

Or for special occasions there is the spaceframe GT Metro silhouette. 1293cc BDH? (I think) putting out 210BHP in a 500kg car ;)

Now that impresses me, not street stuff with bolt on mods.... yuk!

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There are always people who act like there perfect in their PC world, and there are always people who are ready to judge they all need a long mirror.

I don't act like I'm perfect. I have my own issues and problems, and there are plenty of things I'm not good at. There are times in my life that I have failed and I know there are many times I will fail again. There are times I am in over my head and don't know it.

Knowing that I am not perfect, and having the personal humility to know that I am nowhere near as good as many people think I am leads me to simply do my best not to put myself in situations where my personal needs, desires and wants cause or may cause others to live a personal hell.

There may yet come a day when I become so arrogant as to become socioparhic as to the desires of others. Perhaps my desire to play my music loudly will lead me to purchase a 5k amp sound system. Perhaps my desire for sex will lead me to go bang every chick I can find, regardless of whether they want it. Anyone seeking to judge me should look in a mirror so they may discover the splinter in their eye before noting the log within mine.

No, it's not PC to take issue with the way others act. In this multicultural world, who am I to state my values?


Then there is always people that will just say what they think others want to heir so that they will be more liked.

And there are those of us, like me, who have cried the tears at the closed casket of a friend who was killed by this activity. Some don't want to hear what I have to say about it. Some do.



Tell that to Diana's daughters. Actually, the street racers fucked them, but good.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yea people stick a bunch of bolt ons and some stickers on their Civic and they call it a nice car. (cause stickers add horse power too)

I used to drive a civic. It was o.k. I tried putting on a new exhaust, cold air intake, yada yada yada. Nothing I did to that car would make it half the car my v-dub is.

The first time I drove my GTI I was in love. It really surprised me. Definately more bang for your buck than my Civic. The 1.8 Turbo engine is refreshing. The copious amounts of low end torque never cease to put a smile on my face. (or surpirse the macho car guy next to me in traffic) Now when a Civic pulls up to me and revs it's loud exhaust, I just give them my I'm just a little girl who knows nothing about cars smile..... then I rev MY engine. Once they hear the turbo, they usually knock it off.
I'm not saying my GTI is the shit, there's plenty of cars that would spank me off the line (WRX) but for something stock it's pretty nice... considering I only paid 2 grand more than my honda.

I wish I could afford an audi, but it's pretty much the same engine (just no all wheel drive :( )

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What did you do, remove the engine?

Last I checked, the Pantera weighed closer to 3,000lbs.


Doh! Sorry about that . . . . . typo on my part. I meant to write 2300 lbs.

The interior of the car only has one seat; no creature comforts at all either (ie. no dashboard etc.). The car was built specifically for an old California Pantera racing league from back in the late 70's. I don't know too much about it, other than I know one of the tracks they used to race at was the old Riverside raceway (not in existence anymore).

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Well, after reading all this nonsense about dinky little cars running so great, I've decided that I'll jump in...lol. I can be found most weekends at the Carolina Dragway in Jackson, SC. Just look for the Polar Bear, walk up, introduce yourself and lay your money down....and ya' might do it soon cause the Bear is up for sale due to health problems.

Oh yeah, the car in the background goes pretty good too...for a stock '06 Charger R/T Hemi...

"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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Are you referring to the people that have enough respect for the lives of other people to not race each other down the highway in traffic?

I am only referring to those that are so bored in their daily lives that they feel the need to vocalize their 'political' opinion in a thread that was meant more for some fun story telling. :P

Nay Sayers, or perhaps more accurately for this thread, the self proclaimed "Perfect Drivers"; Here for entertainment purposes only! :D:D Because the rest of us know better.

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care to share any specs? i love gn's/t-types. although i'm partial to turbos in general.

This one is a Regal T-Type WE-4. There really isn't too much done to it. Upgraded turbo, a T-44, 3" down pipe running through stock exhaust, Duttweiler (sp?) modified stock intercooler, the engine is a crate motor from GM which was then blue printed and balanced. Currently running only 15 psi but I have another chip with some injectors that I could kick the boost up. It is fun to drive though and sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Most of the racers I came across are pretty cool regardless.

BTW, what is that motor you posted going in? Looks like it could be really fun!!

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