
Would you want to know if you will die and when or not?

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This post stems from a convo I had with my dad...he was recently diagnosed with a genetic disorder which produces excess amounts of iron into the blood (hemochromotosis)and he has to get a pint of blood drawn every week because with his condition he can't get rid of the iron and it causes toxic levels of iron to make direct deposits to vital organs leading to organ failure then death. My bro and I have to get tested for the mutated gene. My brother had his blood test already and has elevated liver enzymes which is a direct correlation to the condition...and I had a blood test back in July/August and it said something similar, but I need to go back for another check just to make sure. My brother and I are sorta weird on this one...we are nonchalent because we both have so much going on in our lives that this is the least of our worries..really, it is. Regardless, it's out of our control and we'll just deal with it as it comes.


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I might want to know so I could throw one helll of a party on credit and not have to pay the bill.;)So if I ever change the dates of the Dublin boogie you will know something is up.


Made me F&*#@kin laugh !!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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i'd rather not know. because as the day got closer it would wreak such psychological havoc i couldn't enjoy the rest of my life.

I understand. If a doc gave me 5 months..then it became a year later..and the level of hope and determination would be *interesting*:S


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not at all.. she didnt say you get the script for the rest of your life.. per the original post you only know about the events that lead to your death...

what happens before then is entirely up to you.....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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If I _could_ know, it would mean that much of what we understand about physics and causality would be out the window. Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? It would certainly be interesting; would change the world as we know it.

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I'd want to know so that I can stop working and have constant fun. I rack up the credit, have sex with whom ever I please and see as much as the world as I can....Then right before dooms day I'd throw myself in front of a train or something so I can I say HA HA!

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I'd want to know so that I can stop working and have constant fun. I rack up the credit, have sex with whom ever I please and see as much as the world as I can....Then right before dooms day I'd throw myself in front of a train or something so I can I say HA HA!

What if throwing yourself in front of the train because you thought you were gonna die anyway, was how you were gonna die? Maybe you woulda lived for 50 years if not for that train, see the problems knowing causes?

RMH said it best already "I'll deal with it when it comes up"

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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I'd want to know so that I can stop working and have constant fun. I rack up the credit, have sex with whom ever I please and see as much as the world as I can....Then right before dooms day I'd throw myself in front of a train or something so I can I say HA HA!

What if throwing yourself in front of the train because you thought you were gonna die anyway, was how you were gonna die? Maybe you woulda lived for 50 years if not for that train, see the problems knowing causes? RMH said it best already "I'll deal with it when it comes up"

Yes but look at all the fun I'd have:)

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Just curious if you would want to know if/when you would die in advance or would you prefer the surprise of such information?

Realistically speaking, suprise.

But then, if I were to know exactly when, then conceivably I could engage in a virtually limitless parade of death-defying activities which no one could imagine possible (except for myself who knows it won't kill me) up until just shortly before that appointed time. Basically, I could help or take advantage of society in a virtually limitless fashion - probably build a incredibly lucrative career on trying to (by all appearances) off myself but somehow miraculously pulling whatever stunt off - every time. Also walk into raging fires to save kittens, defuse bombs, become the greatest lion-tamer in the world, and of course, impress women. B|

Best I don't know.

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