
I saw two Bald Eagles today!

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I have caught glimpses of a Bald Eagle over the last couple years as they fly up the river, but these two today were hanging out really close to where I work across from the river and then circled as they climbed a thermal right overhead. They got so high that I lost them in the binoculars!

It was one of the coolest things! Only lasted about 15 minutes, but it was so neat to watch since it is such a rare treat to see Bald Eagles here. Although there are more and more sightings in this area in their migrating seasons.

The picture is the best I could get.

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Two flew over our 'X' at our DZ right after I landed on Saturday. B| They circled the DZ after everyone was on the ground...weird, it was like they were trying to figure out what the heck we were. :ph34r:

I flew over 2 big red hawks under canopy. And we have a pair of bald eagles that live on the lake near our house. Those two birds are HUGE.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I saw a bald beaver (and that's a rare treat too) - and NO! I'm not sending you a picture :P
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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im so jealous of birds....they get to do what we pay tons of $$$ for....not fair! I see birds just gliding in circles above the trees while im working....i know they are doing it just to piss me off.
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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I have a very cool bald eagle encounter. I was driving home from work around dusk. It was late summer. I was on a 2 lane highway out in the country. Noone else was on the road. I saw up in the distance a very large bird land in the road. I knew it was something special so I slowed down my car. As I got closer I saw it was a bald eagle. I stopped the car and I think I startled it. It immediately took off and landed on the hood of my car with its claws wrapped around the edge of the hood where the wipers are. It was literally right in front of my face! I sat there stunned for a moment and then it opened its wings, which covered the full width of my windshield and took off. My moonroof was open so I was able to watch it fly right over me.

My physical therapist is into new age stuff and she told me that they bring very good luck.

I hope they bring good luck to you Chris. Who knows, maybe your wife will get pregnant with twins!B|



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We live on the Mississippi in Illinois, and they migrate here every winter to fish at the lock and dam.
Same thing, there used to hardly be any, and it was a real surprise to see them. Now we have a couple of dozen who locate in what we call the "eagle tree" on Arsenal Island, and I have a client who has an aerie on her property and we see them REALLY up close and personal (scary really) there.
Every time I see a bunch of them out circling over the river, I think of all of you guys circling, following the leader in to land. It's kind of a nice feeling in the dead of winter to look up and see the traffic in the sky.
[email protected]

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We've got so many bald eagles up here they are like pigeons. There is a lady down in Homer they call the Eagle Lady who feeds the bald eagles everyday at 10am. She literally has "HUNDREDS" of them eat out of her hand. I'll try to get some pics next weekend and post them. Here is the only one I have compressed.....

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And even if you are a native american the feather must still be registered with the govt. This goes for any bird of prey though, not just eagles. Unless you have a permit for the animal it is a federal offence to have any part of it, including one feather. I dont know about feeding them though...
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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