
Tanning... fake or real?

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I may be pale, but I don't have any of those unsightly tan lines, either. ;)

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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Growing up in FL, I was a huge sun worshipper in addition to spending hours every day in a swimsuit because I was a competitive swimmer. I had an awesome tan and loved it! Now that I am 40 and am spending money on products to control the lines on my face, I think about what an idiot I was. I also look at the 80 year old women here who have dark tans and think they look awful, their skin is so deeply lined and leathery looking, I don't want to look like that!

I still get a light tan, but not from laying out. It's mostly just through working in the yard, hanging at the dz or from sitting at soccer games. But, if I think I'm going to be out in the sun for more than 30-45 min, I put sunscreen on. I already have white dots on my skin from where the dermatologist said I've tanned so much I've taken the pigment away. [:/] I also just had 3 freckles frozen with liquid nitrogen this week because they looked "suspicious".

Since I still like looking tan, I use the Jergens tanning lotion every day. I don't think it looks orangy at all and it's relatively inexpensive when you consider that it's a moisturizer also.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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first pic neck scare where i used a cream on pre-cancerous spot that had spread.

second pic is a spot on my right arm that is one of 4 on my body that will be cut out soon.

third pic is a scar on my right arm not far from pic 2 from a previous surgery.

It's not only about looking like a piece of leather!!

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Yeah I'm the same way. I'm 35 and still get carded for beer more often than not... The last time I was given children's prices (without asking!) I was 23!

Dude! What liquor store did you go to to get children's prices?? What's the common discount? I'm there!!!

Muff Brother #2169

"You can take the girl out of the sky, but not the sky out of the girl!"

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A healthy glow is love-el-ly.

I am a bit of a freak-of-nature in that I'm mostly of German decent but have olive-toned skin. I can get pretty fair in the winter, but I tan easily--not burn.

Like, Skymama, I used to only put SPF 7 on--and it was OIL, not block when I used to swim coach. I would get black in the summers.

Since freshman year of college, though, I started loading on the block--at least SPF 15, usually SPF 30 with frequent re-applications. I also started using special moisturizers to help prevent/repair whatever previous underlying damage I might have caused. (There's nothing apparent, but these things don't show up for years.)

I have never fake-baked. And I haven't even used self-tanner in the longest time b/c I never do seem to apply it accurately (My hands always seemed to look monkey-ish from washing after applying:D)

I LOVE the fair/light glow look. I think more than that on someone who is not of Latin or other dark-complexioned decent, looks ridiculous & sometimes scary.

And that's my story:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Same here. I don't believe in "staying out of the sun". I LIVE for outdoor activities in my free time--the beach, gardening, fishing, biking, surfing, kayaking...whatever---they're ALL in the sun.

Lots-o-block and frequent re-applications. Oh, and I just bought an awesome straw floppy hat and beach stick-in-the-sand umbrella--but the latter is mostly for my doggie;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Healthy untanned skin looks a whole lot better than unhealthy tanned skin. Of course, some of it has to do with one's selection of parents :)
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Don't know if it is mentioned or not, but I just thought that I would throw out there that getting a tan is just as harmful for your skin and getting burned. Its true, so all those people that think that they are not in danger of skin cancer becuase they tan, are wrong. Wear sunscreen and enjoy it, I do.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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Sorry to keep bumping this thread but when I was younger and getting too much sun I never the consequences of what I was doing. Now some 30 years later I find out.
I had 4 surgeries done at the same time monday. Here are the 3 on my back.
The shoulder and mid back are about 2 inches long with about 8 or 10 stitches. same for my arm.

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