
Someone at WFFC site needs lessons

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i think WFFC is taking the long downward spiral to cya-at-another-boogie.

I agree. And will it continue in that direction untill the Jumpers decide that they want to come back.

If the Jumpers come Back, The vendors will come back. I would really hate to see the convention fade away because of Jumper apathy and misinformation that is being spread. (By misinformation I am referring to many people telling others how dangerous it is and how over crowded the landing areas are and how low time jumpers have no business going. All not true from what I have seen the past two years. It may have been like that at Quincy and maybe the first year or two at Rantoul but It didnt seem that way to me the past two years.)

Boogies like Skyfest, LP and Dublin are growing past being just regional boogies and that is cutting into WFFC attendance as well I believe.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if everyone quit just sitting around talking about how the Convention just isn’t what it used to Be and came back.. It would be just like it used to be. In the end it is up to the Jumpers. I for one hope that people do start coming back, I love the idea of ONE Boogie where Jumpers come from all over the world for one giant Family reunion.

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http://www.freefall.com/vendors.php If thats it.. .its a shame. [:/]

Nah ... it's not a shame :S That's just the way it is. It will be interesting anyway ... and I think if the attendance levels off at 1000 skydivers (including all of the staff and organizers), the two or three vendors that do show may just end up doing very well without the competition.;)

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