
Thinking of quiting....

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I don't know what to say Joe, except I expect to see you around when we have sushi night near the tunnel :P:P

No worries about jumping - it'll always be there if you want to come back. Unless it's made illegal, or too expensive by fuel costs, or if there's a nuclear armageddon or something. 'Till then, there's always BASE :)
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Wow this thread turned into a retard fest. I didnt post this to create drama...the people creating drama are you holier than thou people. You two are probably the same type of people that flame someone when they come and ask for info. I know some people on here have been in this situation where they just feel bored with the sport, and some of the people in it. I was hoping someone who has been here would post some thoughts, and most did....besides you guys.

Riddler and Keith: Thanks guys...you are two of the cooler people in the sport.

Later dudes...:)
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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For some reason I reached a saturation point with skydiving as well. I still love it, but I don't NEED to be in the air anymore.

I also have a couple of new exciting, high-adrenaline sports that seem more interesting to me than jumping on certain days.

To be honest, I am a bit sad about it because skydiving defined so much of who I was for a few years. Now it's just a part of me that I like.

I guess we should just go forward with how we feel and do whatever is most exciting. It's pretty cool though, that we have so many amazing sports to choose from B|

I haven't seen such convoluted lines of conversation and such expert chronicling thereof since my days of all day bong marathons in college. ~ Lindercles

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Sorry, I missed this one earlier.

Is someone selling a trailer?

What kind of gear is available too?:S

I have a trailer I will give to you but you have to come get it in Tennessee.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Hey Joe

Find balance in your life and do non-skydiving things with your free hours. Don't be afraid to take some time away from the sport this winter and do some other things. But if you can afford it, DON'T SELL your gear. I haven't been jumping much since I left CO. But I am trying to find other things to fill the void. I still love being in the air and I'm itching to get some good swooping in, but I'm okay with my current status of not jumping that much. I made a jump off of a local cliff here yesterday and while I was scared as shit prior to exiting, I was very very happy to be back under canopy (this object we jumped from yesterday is pretty sweat) and am still on my high from that jump.

Skydiving is the shits. But there are many many other fun things to do in life. Get out there and explore what the world has to offer. When you're ready to make another skydive, hopefully you'll have some gear to jump.


(whos' missing CO, but has found a few cool things here in BC)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Why do people feel compelled to tell us thay are going to quit?

I wonder the same thing. Is it because they want to be talked out of it? Do they need others to tell them it's okay to stop jumping? Or is it a need to know that they'll be missed at the dz? I don't get it. But then again, I don't see myself quitting skydiving until the day I'm no longer physically capable of jumping.

Jump if you want to jump. Don't jump if you don't want to jump. It's okay either way.

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I am finding balance in my life right now Steve, and thanks for the kind words. I love to hike, bike, and ride my motorcycle.

Sadly I just look at it as this.....When I wake up I look at 3 things, mtn bike, gear, motorcycle.

mtn bike = free and tons of fun
motorcycle = $8 of a grand old time
jumping = $150 + to have some fun, but not the most fun...

I would rather ride my bike 20 times than jump 1 day.[:/]

PS- Where did tweedle de and tweedle dumb go?
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I know the feeling on other hobbies, some of them are closer, more convenient cheaper or more interesting in the moment.

First jump back after a break is always fun though. I kinda agree with other comments though, jump or don't jump, it's up to you. Who needs to know?

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DON'T SELL your gear.


You might want to consider selling the cypres if you got one. Wait to long and it will turn into a paper weight. [:/]

The rest of your gear will still be good for a very long time if stored correctly.

USPA dues:)


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