
Selling plasma

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From what I hear they replace the donated testicle with a prosthetic designed to emulate the old one. So you'd never really know it was gone.

Well, except for that subconscious emasculated feeling that will take you many years and $100k of therapy to get over. :S

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I used to sell plasma when I was a student at Georgia Tech, circa 1974. In those days, I think I was probably getting $4 per time, which was enough to buy a ticket to 7200 feet.

After they centrifuge the blood to remove the plasma, they put the rest back into your arm.
One day, I watched an air bubble go back into my arm with the blood. That was the last time I sold plasma.

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There's a plasma joint about a block away from my house, lotsa college kids do it. The money's not bad for a college kid. I understand everyone's opinion about the moral benefits of donation over selling, but I also understand the virtues of paying the bills. The "don't fly for 72 hours after donating" thing is good to keep in mind, although it shouldn't be quite as bad since you still keep your RBC's, but still keep it in mind. Make sure you donate on Monday!

Speaking as a Fire/EMS guy, make sure you have good veins. Over time, they'll trash whichever ones they use, and you want to make sure one of my compatriots will be able to start a line on you if you ever need it! Best plan: find the best vein in your arm and DON'T let the plasma techs use it. Tell 'em it's your lifeline.

Elvisio "badass with a 16ga Jelco" Rodriguez

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organs/blood/sperm should NOT be sold.

they should be donated.

Organs and blood I agree on. As these are essential things needed to live. But sperm is not.

If I am going to contribute to adding more people to this world when there are plenty to be adopted, I want to get paid for it.:ph34r: In for a penny, in for a pound and all that.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Are you thinking of donating eggs also for money? Why not get a job? You havent answered that yet on why you wont pack for pay or get a part time job, instead of farming your body offCrazy

I already have two jobs and go to school. Without having a degree, I don't exactly get paid a lot of money. Lately, I'be been making 6-10 jumps a weekend and it's become a bit costly, so I'm looking for other resources on obtaining money.

Right now there is no way I could pack for money. I spent two hours on my pack job the other night for myself on getting the canopy in the bag. So yeah, packing is out of the question until I get better. I am practicing though!!

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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Hell, it's supply and demand. If they are giving money to do it, I see nothing unethical about selling plasma, eggs, kidneys, whatever. Maybe some think the deed is tainted by filthy lucre instead of being a great, altruistic act, but think of the good your act will do for the recipients. People very close to me are alive today because of plasma donors. Don't go all preachy on me.

I donate blood for free, have since I was a teenager, but my current job gives me a half day off to do it. For me, that's just as good as cash in my pocket. I can't say I do it just to help anymore.:S

Gave a pint last Friday. Did 5 tandems in 100 degree heat Saturday. Thought I was gonna melt.:D

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This thread bugs me on so many levels...:D

I can't respond w/out sending it straight to SC and I try never to go to that scary place.:P

Selling plasma---Can't hurt to give it a shot. I agree it should be donated, rather than sold, but I suppose if one considers jumping a valid reason to take money for their juices others desperately need, then to each their own. Either way it's better to sell/donate than not.

Harvesting your eggs---Two questions: Do you plan on having children of your own? Are you at all health-conscious? If so I greatly recommend researching the hell out of the hormones and process this takes. And be sure to get what you're worth. People pay more for the eggs of girls born blonde/blue-eyed, tall, intelligent, etc.:|
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I originally put in the application to sell my eggs when I was trying to buy a rig. Since then, I have wiped out my savings account and bought my rig. So, I'm not all gung ho about selling my eggs.

If I do meet a couple that really does want my eggs and will be good parents, then I will consider it more, I do not want my eggs to go to random people. I haven't heard back from the organization in a few months, so I'm not all that worried about it.

In reference to selling plasma, that's what the place does around here. To my understanding it's a long process so they give you 5-10 bucks for coming. The place that does it is right next to campus and will give you money for the plasma. If you are giving blood, they do not compensate you for it.

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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Plasma Centers ALWAYS set up shop near college campuses. I went to three different universities and all had a plasma center practically next door.Laugh

That's kinda funny... I think they know us well! Just think, one trip to donate plasma could buy you a whole week of Ramen noodles....:P:P

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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I used to sell plasma when I was a student at Georgia Tech, circa 1974. In those days, I think I was probably getting $4 per time, which was enough to buy a ticket to 7200 feet.

I used to sell plasma when I started jumping in 1974 while at the University of Missouri. I seem to recall $7 a time, two times a week. That paid for three jumps. That's how I made my (almost) first hundred jumps.

Whatever works!

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I'm working on the packing thing!! After paying rent, car/life insurance, utilities....ect. then paying 100 bucks plus each weekend for skydiving gets expensive. I'm making it work though. I teach swim lessons and work in a hooka bar at night.... sure, I only make 11K a year, but I make it work with crazy ideas such as selling plasma... so yay!!

I make it work like whoaaaa

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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Wow!! I absolutely love jumping too, but I could never spend $100 every weekend. My situation is slightly different than yours because I have a family and even if I could afford it, I wouldn't be at the dz every weekend.

I only go out every other weekend, and I do 4 jumps at the most. That's absolutely all our budget can handle, plus after four jumps I'm just too freakin' worn out.

IMO, jumping less (at least for now) seems like a good solution.
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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A slight tangent here... but your 21 with no dependents.... why do you need life insurance?

To pay for any bills left behind and her funeral?

Edited to add: Not saying that she'll die or anything...just a reason for having it.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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