
dateing non-jumpers

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and with in the small group of female jumpers there is even fewer good looking ones...

You are absolutely correct. It is amazing how unattractive these athletic types are. I never date skydivers. :)

Oh, isn't "with in" one word? :ph34r:

("lovin' every minute of it... lovin' every minute of it...:ph34r:)

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now I find myself disinterested in dating anyone that either isn't a skydiver..or at the very least isn't interested in trying an AFF first jump course

I used to think like you, but have pulled a 180°. It's refreshing not to have my life revolve around skydiving. Of course, the fact that she went through AFF (after we started dating) just to see what it felt like didn't hurt her case.B|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I think he's using reverse psychology. After reading his post any skygirl would think she's the hottest thing on the planet if he would pay any attention to her... since his standards are so high and all...
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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So lets get this straight. You meet a girl who does not jump. You court her and begin a relationship. Then you only want to jump or talk about jumping.

At least I can commend you on dating intelligent women. They are smart enough to realize that you do not understand about give and take in a relationship. Then they break up with you.

Keep dating the smart women. Perhaps slowly you will learn something from them. See once the sugar coating is gone there needs to be some substance to a relationship. It take two people create that substance. Quit being so self centered and show some interest in these women you allegedly care about. You will be amazed how far a little effort goes. You know, the stupid things, listen to her, spend time with her, treat her better than all your friends, respect her. I could go on; but, you would not understand.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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... with in the small group of female jumpers there is even fewer good looking ones...

Reminds me of a friend who made the remark that the reason an even moderately good-looking skydiving chick got such a huge amount of attention was the fact that the rest looked like asses that were tired of shitting.

Now, I am not commenting on the correctness of this statement. I am merely relaying a funny formulation (and diving for cover). :D
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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Thank you! I had a great time on the rafting trip!! Looking forward to jumping this weekend at the Farm Boogie!!! Save me a few jumps!! :P

I will have the pin taken out of my ankle on the 25th - jump while I can for awhile!! :o

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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due to the fact that there are more male jumpers than female its hard to find one worth while to meet. and with in the small group of female jumpers there is even fewer good looking ones... but that could just be my location. are there any hotti jumpers you know of?
So most of us hook up with non-jumpers. Now maybe its just me but i have had the worst luck with girls not mixing with my jumping. at first they think its hot or whatever then then they just get annoyed by it because its all i ever talk about and want to do.

in short those who have never jumped dont understand what we do and why. does anyone else have this problem?

In the sport of skydiving, there is one woman for every 5-6 guys (used to be a lot less). Out of that 20%, give or take a couple of points, the number of attractive women is proportionate to the national average. Unfortunately, as in every walk of life, the attractive women are not pursued only by the attractive men, so that leaves all of the single, heterosexual men--a number we'll estimate, for these purposes, at 50% of the skydiving population--pursuing roughly 1% of the skydiving population. Your problem isn't ugly skydiving chicks; it's horny skydiving guys.

I'm sure there is a small minority of whuffo women in the world who would start dating a skydiver, only to decide well into the relationship that they don't like him skydiving anymore, but for the most part, this "whuffos don't get us" crap I hear bantered about all the time is just skydiver speak for "I can't find a woman who appreciates my shallow, self-centered existence."

If skydiving is currently all you want to talk about or do, I suggest you either only date AFF students or get yourself a fucking life. You may equate these women's annoyance with skydiving to a woman who doesn't support your career, but in actuality it's a lot closer to a woman who doesn't support your drug habit. She was cool with it at first because she assumed it was just recreational and you had it under control, but now that she sees what a raging addict you are, she's a lot less tolerant.

Also, where the hell are you finding whuffo chicks who think skydiving is "hot" at first? I find myself waiting until the third date to bring it up and then approaching it as delicately as if I were telling them I have kids. Jumping out of airplanes is not a turn-on for most adult women.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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if you could pass the popcorn my way i would be grateful, i could use it to help wash out the taste of my own foot. HAHA this ass ripping will take a bit to heal.
yes i would have to say i am obsessed with the sport. i only have 82 jumps and the moment i eat, drink and sleep sky diving. I'm sure the obsession will slowly fade and my life wont revolve around sky diving, but as for now i just want to jump.

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an honest reply.

I have found myself wanting to find someone to date and I keep looking for it around the dz because that's where I spend most of my time. The problem is most of the people are taken or im not interested. It's not that I wouldn't date a wuffo. I would. Most of them wouldn't put up with me wanting to be at the DZ every weekend. I jump 4 days a week, have a full time job, and edit video most of the week when I am not at work. Who has free time these days right?

It doesn't help that the only non-skydivers I meet most of the time are first jump students or tandems.

I suppose I could get out more and try to meet other people. Though, I am happy with skydiving and I have goals I want to meet.

It's pretty strange cause I am quite torn between the two desires. So far skydiving has won out on most things I have put it up against though. It really is a lot of fun. That is probally why I have spent pretty much _every_ summer weekend at the DZ since I started skydiving, even when it is raining and shitty.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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