My Cat is a Murderer

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Scratch one grey Cabondale, IL mouse that snuck into the house via the dryer vent.

The best part was after she snapped its neck, she brought it to me, dropped it on my lap, looked at me with pride in her eyes, and said proudly:


Good Neko.:)
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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The best part was after she snapped its neck, she brought it to me, dropped it on my lap, looked at me with pride in her eyes, and said proudly:


Good Neko

That's cool. The only things that have made it into the house that we or the cats know about are two or three roaches over the past couple years. They love to kill them, play with them, then leave them at the bedroom door for us.

It would make our cat's month if a mouse snuck into the house. With all the rain we've recieved this week, I wouldn't doubt it if it happened this week some time.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yeah, gotta love cats. Whenever mine catches a mouse, chipmunk, or other very small furry animal, (which is rare now because she's a fat, old, lazy bitch who suddenly doesn't like the cold anymore) she puts it on the mat outside the patio door, leaves it there for 12-48 hours proudly prancing around it as if she just committed some kind of divine act, then eats every part of it with the exception of the guts and eyeballs.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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My cat would bring the rodent to the back door and meow until we opened the door and said, "Good kitty". He would then proceed to eat it, right there. Day or night, anytime...he would sit there and meow until we got up and went through this ritual before he'd stop. Guess he needed the praise and recognition that he'd done his part. :P


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Yeah, gotta love cats. Whenever mine catches a mouse, chipmunk, or other very small furry animal, (which is rare now because she's a fat, old, lazy bitch who suddenly doesn't like the cold anymore) she puts it on the mat outside the patio door, leaves it there for 12-48 hours proudly prancing around it as if she just committed some kind of divine act, then eats every part of it with the exception of the guts and eyeballs.

I'm impressed with the fact that your cat could eat around the eyeballs without benefit of fork, knive or opposeable thumbs.

Cool. Disgusting, but cool.B|

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Yeah, gotta love cats. Whenever mine catches a mouse, chipmunk, or other very small furry animal, (which is rare now because she's a fat, old, lazy bitch who suddenly doesn't like the cold anymore) she puts it on the mat outside the patio door, leaves it there for 12-48 hours proudly prancing around it as if she just committed some kind of divine act, then eats every part of it with the exception of the guts and eyeballs.

I'm impressed with the fact that your cat could eat around the eyeballs without benefit of fork, knive or opposeable thumbs.

Cool. Disgusting, but cool.B|

Yeah, she's trained well. Oddly enough of course, when she's doing the indoor thing, whether it be using the litter box or eating the regular cat food from her bowl, she's sloppy as hell.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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Yep, I have my own personal "murderer". Well, except for one robin I rescued a while back. After that "save", he proceeded to catch a little mousy and EAT it under my trailer while I was mowing the lawn next to him.

Apparently 1 point for ME does not go unnoticed.

I think he's out hunting right now.

I applaud your little hunter.


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Heh...she's still sniffing and pawing where she found Mickey this afternoon.

I think she's irritated I pitched the carcass... Wild mice tend to have worms...

Is Minnie gonna sue me now?

Nah, Minnie won't touch that but your kitty is gonna find something BIGGER and BETTER to bring back to you!

Enjoy the carcass!

Or is that, carcass REMOVAL ...


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I wil never forget when my cat first caught a mouse. Or when he dropped it on my pillow the first time. Or when I discovered a mouse's head in his food dish. I was disgusted. I even posted about it. :D:ph34r:

Last thing I saw him catch was a baby bunny. Brought it to the door in our kitchen as we were sitting down eating dinner. I guesss he wanted to contribute to dinner. He was so proud.:S

Each of these times it was all I could do not to yell at him!

Now that we live in the city its a bit harder for him to catch baby bunnies. And luckily he hasn't discovered any mice in our new house!


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Is Minnie gonna sue me now?

Nah, Minnie won't touch that but your kitty is gonna find something BIGGER and BETTER to bring back to you!


Uh oh...Donald and Goofy are informing me that they will either file a wrongful death lawsuit or send Stitch around to beat the crap outta Neko and I...:P
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Uh oh...Donald and Goofy are informing me that they will either file a wrongful death lawsuit or send Stitch around to beat the crap outta Neko and I...:P

Stitch is a pussy ... let them fight it out amongst themselves!


And my murderer's name is TEKO ... hmmm .... ???



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My cat is a lizard killer. She sneaks them into the house inside her mouth and then spits them out and tortures them until they die. I just found another one in the living room when I came home yesterday. Blech!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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We had a female cat that turned into a fierce hunter after she had kittens. Several rabbits, came home after a weekend away and found 2 of the neighbors pet ducks in the garage, and while sitting in the driveway ready to leave for Cedar Point she snatched a bird right out of the air in front of the kids. My oldest kept saying she would drag a deer home someday. It didn't happen but I wouldn't have been too surprised.
Lord, let me be the person my dog thinks I am.

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On Friday the 13th I opened the door to my house thinking.... I don't remember purchasing a feathered pillow but "the boys" have tore into one I see. After rounding the corner to the next room of my house I see my little back toy poodle standing next to his "prize" a dead bird. They had figured out some way of getting the back door open and coaxing a bird into the house to from what the looks of it "Dukes of Hazzards" chasing. I had feathers ALL over the house. >:(

After being upset and saying "WHO KILLED THE BIRD?" They both stood on the stairs looking quiet innocent. Except the little black one who had feathers coming out of his mouth. Hard to look innocent with the evidence on your lips!! :S:ph34r::ph34r:

Attached it the photo of my little "killers". Keep in mind they are all of 11 pounds each!

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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That reminds me of when I heard my female dog in the trash one saturday morning. I think she had forgotten I was home or something, but when I came out of the bedroom she was just walking around the corner from the kitchen with an empty scallops bag in her mouth. As soon as she saw me she opened her mouth to drop it but kind of lost the effect when it stuck to her lip and she was trying to knock it off with her tongue. You know she was saying "Scallops bag? What scallops bag?"
Fly it like you stole it!

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It is amazing how much they are like 2 or 3 year old children. THEY KNOW they are not suppose to but yet they just can't help themselves. The "boys" love to play on my emotions and know how to get out of trouble just like any child who knows their parents.:)

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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