
Help With Evil Ideas to Stop Speeding Neighbors

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I stand corrected, Wendy.:P

Billy came home tonight and had a new story for me along the lines of:

Hey, you know those renters who speed all the time? Well, I saw the one the other day and found out where they worked and spoke with their supervisor. Just now I saw the car driving and it was driving sooooooo slow.


Hopefully just "tattling" on the one will be enough and the others will follow suit.
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Although it seems like you might have found your solution and plenty of suggestions already,I'll add one more.

We live in an apt complex in a college town and there are always cars hauling it up and down the main street between our buildings.Several wrecks happen every year here b/c people wont slow down but luckily no person or their pet has been hit yet.

We've thought about getting a tricycle and a doll that looks to be about the size of a young child.Put tricycle and doll on one side of the road,tie a fairly inconspicuous rope/string to it and wait on the opposite side of the road.When some speeding asshole comes hauling down the road just yank the bike and doll into the road/their path of travel.They'll think its a real child since they dont have time to get a good look at it b/c their speeding and they'll lock up their breaks trying to avoid it.The end result is that it will at the very least scare the shit out of the jerk.:ph34r:>:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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circle the house in a king air with a bunch of friends and when they leave everybody gets out and swoops em'

or type up a fake letter from a non existant HOA stating if they continue thier behaviour they will declare thier rental agreement null and void, it'll send them on a wild goose chase trying to contact said HOA and at least scare them a bit
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Flat tyres will make it hard for them to speed

All you need is one flat tire if, for example, one or more lug nuts have had Loc-Tite applied and been filed round. It's always tough for a car to speed when on the back of a tow truck, and if by chance "I guess you won't be speeding today" is the typewritten note left under the car, all of them might get the hint. By the way, if you can type the note on the letterhead of a hated neighbor, even more power to you, but leave no fingerprints.

Another thing that is helpful to slow the nice young boys down for their safety is to make a small crimp in the fuel line where it comes out of th fuel tank. Whomever the unknown person is who does such a dastardly thing should not cut or otherwise damage the line due to possible environmental damage or fire risk. It's amazing how just a little crimp in it will do marvels to make a vehicle sluggish but operative (enough fuel gets through to keep it running). He'd be lucky to get the car 0-20 in three seconds.

Even a few drop of hunting lure applied to the engine at night (or likely anytime before 11:00 a.m.) while they are sleeping, with a note that say, "speeding in neighborhoods STINKS" left in the fuel door, although the risk of increased speeds exist as they attempt to limit any and all time spent inside the vehicle.

A more direct approach would be to cut pieces in of bologna in the shape of letters to spell out "slow down" and apply them directly to the hood paint. For an added touch, make an extra one with a smiley. Mind you, this is destructive and bordering on vandalism, so I wouldn't recommend it any more than I would recommend chaining two of the offending cars together by the axles and leaving a note saying, "Don't Drag Race - Drag Ass."

Since the cops never seem to be around when you need them, scrape the paint off of the rear license plate numbers and letters - he'll be ticketed right quick for it. It could make for an interesting day to apply something that looks like dried blood around the trunk and license plate. The car won't be tearing around the neighborhood if the forensics team is busy tearing up the car in the impound yard looking for evidence. Expect the car to be gone for up to a week. The cops WILL find something to charge him with, too.

Dont' get me wrong - I do not recommend any activities like this, and I will give anyone who participates in such things a firm scolding. I would suggest that you first attempt to speak to the fellows and give them some guidance. After all, don't learn safety by accident.

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I wish I could think of something truly unique but, I can't.[:/] I do know that some Limberberger cheese stuck to the exaust pipe will stink to high heavens for weeks. Or perhaps put a rock or some other hard object just behind the car and out of sight so when they back up it gets stuck under it. If you are lucky it will also do major dammage to the drivetrain of the car.

As I said I wish I could think of something truly evil. Right now I'm busy watching for pumpkin theives in my neighborhood.

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