The Gender of Pets...

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It's funny, it seems that most of the single people I know intentionally get pets of the opposite gender.

I know so many women who only get male cats/dogs, and vice versa for men. I for one, always get female cats. My sister only adopts male dogs, as do many female friends. It's strange.

Anyone else notice this?
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I'm going to throw your thinking off. For me:

Three cats: Two female, one male

Three dogs: Two female, one male
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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One male and one female. My first dog was the female.

I think the female dogs are smarter :D (I cant say on cats)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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When I was single:

1 Dog: Female
1 Cat: Male

After being part of a couple added 1 male dog, but only because my female would not have been happy with another female dog in the house. Not sure if our next dog will be male or female when my female passes away.
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It's true. It's true.

It's not so crazy, though. Studies have shown pets tend to bond more with owners of the opposite sex.

Frankly, I don't know whether it's so true or not. Our animals (two males & a female) all seem to bond equally with Billy & I and don't really care who's petting them/playing with them/feeding them as long as they're getting attention.:P
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I have a female dog but it has more to do with me growing up knowing/learning the disposition of female dogs and wanting to deal with a similar attitude for my first pet...

maybe next time I'll get a male dog...
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My kitten is a boy (though he's going to be losing vital parts of defining anatomy in the very near future), and I've always owned male dogs. So, I agree with you. I've always found boy animals to be sweeter...stupider, but sweeter. ;):)
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Snivel my fat 17 pound cat is female. Streamer my baby albino corn snake is still undertermined. I call her a she, but when I popped her today she just pooped so there was insufficiant data to determine boy parts. I think shes really a he, but I cant let him know that because he might have a complex being pink. Heres a poor quality picture of her/him feeding. Shes to adorable.

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Most of my cats have been males, and the dogs we had growing up were all female. I think male cats tend to be a little more easy going and affectionate- at least mine have been! I do get a kick out of our calico (female) because of the way she demands affection on her own terms!

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I have 2 female cats. Shadow chose me and I didn't know what she was for a while, until she let me inspect her. I knew Abby was female before I picked her up, but that was irrelevant to me.

I've also had 2 female dogs in my time. Their gender was explicitly of my parents' chosing, and mostly had to do with wanting the disposition of a large breed (Lab in particular) with the smaller stature of a female.

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I've owned five female beagles in the last seven years...

What are you doing to the poor things to run through 5 in 7 years:o:ph34r:
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Jenn, I strongly suggest next time you spring for the extended bumper to bumper 100,000 mile warranty or pick a different make and model canine. Had you considered contacting the manufacturer?
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Over the years we've had:
1 male cat, 2 female cats
2 female dogs

I never thought much about the sex, they all ended up getting neutered anyway.
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When I was single, I would get female dogs but only because growing up, the females were a lot more loving and if you had more than one, you rarely had to deal with the fights over alpha dominance.

Even still, I wont get two males.

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When I was single, I would get female dogs but only because growing up, the females were a lot more loving and if you had more than one, you rarely had to deal with the fights over alpha dominance.

Even still, I wont get two males.

Um depends on the breeds....the more "native" breeds you cannot have two same sex in the house in some cases...they will fight. My Female Shiba rules the roost over my male husky. No questions asked.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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