
Just when you thought OJ was starting to become an OK guy.....

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He does a TV show where he describes to an interviewer how he would kill his wife and friend should he ever be inclined to.>:(

Do you think a sufficient amount of karma is coming his way?


Dude are you f'ing kidding? What an idiot. :S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Personally, I'm surprised he has time to do a television show. After all, wasn't he planning on spending the rest of his life looking for the "real killer"?


Cut him some slack. This 'finding the real killer' stuff is not that easy.

According to the Aruban Manual for solving crimes, it clearly states that if the murder occurs in L.A. you first search all the golf courses in Florida. If you then come up empty, you then search all the strip clubs in Florida and so on..............................:P



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not quite...you move to Florida to avoid the collection process on your multi-million dollar estate and NFL retirement from the civil case that he owes $33,000,000 on...Florida is great for deadbeats...and murderers that blab their mouths to books and interviews whilst being protected under double jeapordy ...
this country has possibly THE most fucked up legal (criminal justice most assuredly) system on the planet!

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Ok, it's tacky, but here's an OJ joke:

Did you hear about OJ's new margerine endorsement?
- I can't believe I'm Not Guilty.



So how come everybody invites OJ over for Thanksgiving year after year ?

'Cuz he's so good at carving the white meat !

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I think, what is eating at O.J. is, he's guilty, been found not guilty and wants to admit to the crime... knowing, noone can do anything about it. It' kind of a 'nanner-nanner', suckers! I think, he's just an arrogant jerk who got away with murder. He had one helluva defense team and an over-confident prosecutor.


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