
ow!ow!ow! wisdom teeth SUCK!

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My wisdom teeth on both top and bottom on the left side are killing me!I can barely open my mouth to eat or drink anything without them cutting into the jaw muscle and my inner cheek.Then ofcourse eating anything hurts like hell too!(guess this would be a great diet opportunity:S)It was like this when the one on the top right came in but not this bad.Ow!!!!:SB|

I've tried spraying cloraseptic onto the side of my mouth as far back as I could get to the wisdom teeth and that made me gag and almost barf..I hate that shit.I've searched the house fo oragel and came up empty.I took 4 ibuprofen..nada.Even brushing my teeth back there hurts!But I'm still doing it anyway b/c I dont want to have dog breath.:|

Ack! this has been going on for about a week now.Yes,I know I probably should go to the dentist but I'm broke and would rather use that as a last option.I've ridden it out before w/o the dentist,so I'm hoping I can do so this time,but I dont know.

Anyone have any tips on killing tooth aches or oral pain in general,since the pain is mostly my poor cut up inner cheek and jaw muscle?If anyone knows of anything that can help you'll soo be on my Christmas card list lol.

I think the only 'wisdom' you get from wisdom teeth is learning more about pain killers!:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Orajel. Makes it hard to swallow (because it gets numb), though, so make sure you know that before attempting nookie with the hubby. :)

But you REALLY should go to the dentist. There are all sorts of problems that can crop up from letting that continue.

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You might have an infection. That happened to me right before I had my wisdom teeth out (back in September). The skin (gums) still cover the teeth a little bit which allows food and such to get trapped between the top of the wisdom tooth and the gum flap (under the flap). It gets infected and becomes VERY painful. I had antibiotics and rinsed 3 times a day with a Hydrogen Piroxide (sp?) mouthwash. They sell it at Walgreens (or where ever) already put together for you by Colgate.

Once that cleared up I had my wisdom teeth out. It wasn't too bad, I was put completely under, although I did get two dry sockets. I was at work the next day after the surgery.

The surgery cost about $1300 or so, I have good insurance, though, so only paid about $200.
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Hmm,I didnt even think about that.I just figured it was "growing pains" from the damn things coming in.I'll def keep that in mind.Thanks.If it doesnt get better in a few days I'll go to the dentist.But I'm looking at any other option right now.

The top has already come in for good,no gum tissue over it anymore and the bottom is playing peek-a-boo breaking the gumline and then back below it again.Right now it just seems like the top one is doing all the damange/pain b/c its cutting into the side of my mouth and jaw muscle.The bottom one is just sore around the gums.Ofcourse being the wife of a state govt employee I'm lucky enough to have pretty darn good insurance too.I just dont have the $ right now,nor do I have time to go to the friggin dentist.My dad is having knee surgery tomorrow and I've got to go up there and help with him and basically take his place in helping sort through/rearrange/clean out/sell my grandmother's estate plus help him with taking care of homestead and all (25) of our horses while hes lamed up and on crutches.So I'll be up there for atleast the next week.:| Why do medical problems always happen at the most inopportune,inconvenient times?>:(

For those saying oragel,yes I already knew that one and how it works...gets real numb+nasty taste.In high school we used to rub it all over our friends' mouth piece in band as a practical joke.:ph34r:I've torn my house apart looking for a tube that I know is in here somewhere.If not, I cant run out and get any today b/c my hubby took my truck to work today and I'm w/o transportation since I cant drive either his mustang or truck since I dont know how to drive a standard...but if this gets any worse I might just try to teach myself.:D

Hmmm, cost of dentist vs. hubby needing a new transmission.I wonder...:D

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Rinsing with a warm salt water solution might help get some for the gunkies out from under the gum line.

Maybe breaking some ice cubes up and sucking on those, and putting a cold pack on your jaw line to help with the aching.

I'm sending you {{{{vibes}}}} to have you feel better!

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Go to a dentist! There is no alternative. Don't neglect your teeth! I'm sure that the pain relief will be worth your copay amount.

When I got my wisdom teeth out I was put completely under, came home, took a 20 minute nap and then washed and waxed my car and laid out in the sun the rest of the day. (This was in highschool.) If I had needed to be responsible and care for horses or something I could have totally gone and done that. (I probably should have had someone drive me for something like that though.)

Obviously I don't know how you respond to anestesia, but the recovery from the surgery was waaayy minimal for me.

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Go to a dentist! There is no alternative. Don't neglect your teeth! I'm sure that the pain relief will be worth your copay amount. ...If I had needed to be responsible and care for horses or something I could have totally gone and done that. (I probably should have had someone drive me for something like that though.)

Obviously I don't know how you respond to anestesia, but the recovery from the surgery was waaayy minimal for me.

Well, right now I dont have anyone who can drive me up to my parents' place b/c my hubby has to work and there really isnt anyone else available to do so either.So I'm just gonna have to grimace and bear it and hope its just 'growing pains' of the tooth rubbing against the tissue in my mouth that isnt used to having something back there irritating it.

I dont know how I respond to anesthesia either...I've never been admitted to a hospital or had any form of surgery in my life.So I've never been anesthetized.The only thing close that I've had is a topical anesthisa applied to my knees when I was having routine knee injections.But that cant be compared to actually being 'put under'.

If it still bothers me (or gets worse) I WILL go to the dentist after I get back from helping my parents in about a week+/-. By then my husband will have gotten paid too,since hes only paid the 1st of every month,and I'll have the extra cash to cover the copay.But for now helping my parents is alot more important.My dad is having major knee surgery tomorrow.So a tooth ache really isnt a top priority for me.

But for now,I'm just looking for anything to help either put off a dentist's visit and/or temporarily relieve the pain.I'll try the saline rinse b/c I've used that in the past for a sore throat and know it works ok for that,so maybe it'll help this too.I'll definitely have my hubby pick up some orajel on his way home aswell.B|

Thanks guys.I appreciate the info/advice and I'm still open to any more suggestions.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Don't bother with the dentist. They will probibly tell you that you need to see an Oral Surgeon.

Well, the way my insurance is set up I have to see a dentist first and get a referal before they will pay for me to see an oral surgeon b/c thats considered a "specialist".:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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That sucks. A lot of dentists up here don't want to do molar extractions, so I just went to the Oral without going to see the dentist first. You should see if there is an Oral Surgeon that works out of the same office as a dentist in your area.
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Get thee there soon. IIRC, someone I know here on DZ.com had to have his removed due to an infection that they caused. The infection turned out to be pretty much life-threatening.

Get it done, girly.:)
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I never knew my wisdom teeth were there until the orthodontist took the x-rays. Getting them taken out really sucked. Just make sure you dont do like a buddy of mine and only get 2 pulled out then have to go back 3 years later to get the other 2 pulled. Get them all done at once. Good luck.
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Here's my .02. I'm qualified because I do have perfect teeth.;)

Best way to avoid expensive dental bills is to religiously go for your regular cleanings, whether you have insurance or not.

Brush after every meal. Make sure you brush your gums.

Floss every day.

Now about the wisdom teeth. They suck! If they are causing pain, guess what? They will have to come out sooner than later. But once they're gone, you never have to worry about them again.

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 1 week after my braces were removed. My orthodontist wanted them out because they were impacted and they would eventually apply pressure on the rest of my teeth and screw up his work. Fortunately, when I had the surgery it was not at a time when I had any infection. The recovery was quite unpleasant...probably because mine were impacted. It sounds like yours have broken through the gum, so your surgery might be a lot easier with a much easier recovery.

Good luck and feel well. Trust me, you will not regret having them removed. Talk to the oral surgeon about a payment plan if the money is tight.

Hang in there,


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