
See getting out of the plane is far safer than landing in it..

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:o - Scary...I would go up to that pilot and plant a big wet one on his, or her, lips for landing that plane in one piece!
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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That is a wild shot...great call by the pilot, and glad to see it down in one piece. My brother and his family lives in Oregon, and they got walloped by the winds. Dave drives one of the massive cranes (the kind that can reach up to the top of high rises...), and told me it was a bit hairy; he was doing some emergency work on one of the bridges because of the storm last month (washed out some of the walls, I guess, in the Hood River), and promised me he'd get free of the crane before it went over. It never did, but he said it was close. And my sister-in-law and the babies lost power, too...so they camped out in the family room with the fireplace going.

Wicked weather, to be sure. Since I'm flying in a week up there, I'm hoping it calms down long enough for Dad and me to land...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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And it will be interesting to see when AcmeSkydiver and NWFlyer are able to post again. Unless NWFlyer has flown out of town, it may be a day or six before either one is able to post again.

Oh wait, crackberry...NWFlyer. OK, maybe postwhoring will resume before power returns.

Hope all of you without power stay safe and warm.


Anybody want to bet when people in the west half of the state reappear online?

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Have a generator running somewhere?

Or are you one of the very lucky people?

I am very lucky...

I have a generator so I have power to my pet fish.. and the fridge and other essential things....BUT the lines down the road from me are so shredded that It will still be a few days till power is on. Needless to say.. there is NO internet or cable to the house.. even though I have the tv and cable and dvd all powered up.
I do have internet here at work though.

I have lived in the NW for 30 years so I have all the essentials...Wood Stove, Propane wall heater.. so when the electric furnace goes out I have lots of nice warm heat in the house.
I have the generator to power the essentials.. so I can run the microwave to cook while the electric stove is out. I also have propane stoves in the camper.. the motor home and in a couple opf my boats.. so cooking is not an issue.

I have plenty of food.. canned and dried and smoked... I also have a freezer full of fish and game that I can open and grab something quickly and will keep everything frozen hard for a t least 4 days.. after that.. If I had to I could hook up another genset and power up the freezer..

The only thing I REALLLY worried about is the 5 ft diameter fir tree to the south of me in my neighbors horse pasture. It is about 150 ft high with branches that are 6" to 12" in diameter..If it blew down it would take out my house... but so far so good... it has dropped a few brances that have landed in my yard...one of them smushed my metal shed that held my gardening stuff...replaced the shed....

this time one hit the garage and bent the lean to that holds firewood.. nothing major... so all is good.

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Krisanne won't have a problem, as the area she lives in is fine. Jaye, on the other hand, is in one of the harder hit places. The district where I work is a mess and, according to the utility folks, won't have power restored for a few days at best.

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I'm so happy that my landlord had the house and hot water tank heated with natural gas! Losing the power was fun in our case.

The house stayed nice and toasty, we lit a fire and a bunch of candles (which were supervised by us when lit!), had some french bread and cheese and drank some wine.

Good evening.:)

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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See getting out of the plane is far safer than landing in it..

I'm sorry Amazon but you should know better to be saying such rubbish. What I mean by that is that you should know that if the winds are high that we as skydivers shouldn't take to the skies in the first place. Remember that saying "It's better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air instead of being in the air wishing you were on the ground".

Now as far as this video is concerned, here's two comments:

1) I'm glad the pilot did a go-around on his/her first attempt. It just goes to show that these professionals flying for us know what they are doing (commercial aviation is the safest form of transportation).

2) All commercial flights are IFR and all IFR flights have alternate airports to land at. If the weather at one airport is really bad, then the pilot needs to divert to their alternate. I know the whole PAC-NW was hammered with this storm and as a lowly private pilot and I can't tell what sort of fuel reserves those big birds have (I only know about the small planes I fly). But if the WX at Sea-Tac (and surrounding areas) was so sketchy, then maybe that plane never should have left the ground to begin with.

So in summary ... the video was worth posting, but not the comment about jumping being safer than flying. Skydiving is NOT safer than flying. All forms of aviation have their inherit risks. I know I don't need to tell you this, but life is terminal. None of us gets out of here alive.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Krisanne won't have a problem, as the area she lives in is fine. Jaye, on the other hand, is in one of the harder hit places. The district where I work is a mess and, according to the utility folks, won't have power restored for a few days at best.


Do you have power? If not, how are you surviving? Congrats if you do!

Who else besides you and Karenmeal did I forget to mention?

Arch? I can arch just fine with my back to the ground.

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I'm so happy that my landlord had the house and hot water tank heated with natural gas! Losing the power was fun in our case.

The house stayed nice and toasty, we lit a fire and a bunch of candles (which were supervised by us when lit!), had some french bread and cheese and drank some wine.

Good evening.:)

Glad you are warm and toasty. But wondering...what type of natural gas heat works without power? Something in the wall? Glad you being careful with the candles, there is some video of an apartment fire which they are attributing to candles.

Arch? I can arch just fine with my back to the ground.

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Gee.. I can get an argument anywhere....:P

It was a JOKE... SARCASM....sheesh...

I STILL prefer my landings to landing in any plane... landings ALWAYS scare me...I like to guess which service the pilot learned his craft in.. by the way he lands.. Navy or Air Force...just based on the landing.

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It was a JOKE... SARCASM....sheesh...

Yes I know.

It just don't want others to build the wrong impression of what flying is and isn't. Plus you need to remember that (well maybe you didn't know this) that I was a pilot before I was a skydiver and as a pilot you're brought up to never give up on landing that airplane (even if that means going around on a botched landing attempt).

Plus I have to laugh that a couple of summers ago when I was still jumping in Colorado, Suzy (an awesome Eloy pilot who was working for the summer in CO) was bringing the entire Otter load down after the winds radically picked up after we took off and many of the non-pilot jumpers were panicing as Suzy got close to the ground saying crap like "shit here comes the ground it's getting bigger" and my response to them was "of course the ground is coming closer and getting bigger, we're landing".


I STILL prefer my landings to landing in any plane...

That's because you're in control of your own destiny. As a passenger in an aircraft you're at the mercy of the pilot. Not to say that pilots don't make mistakes (we're all human) but the vast majority of skydiving jump plane pilots out there are experienced aviators and they know what they are doing. I've landed with Suzy from Eloy with extremely high winds and with only one engine on a seperate occasion and as far as I'm concerned, I trust my life with her good judgement. She knows what she's doing. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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> I'm so happy that my landlord had the house and hot water tank heated with natural gas!

I'm happy that we have a completely independent power system! Although it's not as much fun at all - power goes out and comes back on six hours later and we never notice.

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Can you imagine what it would feel like if...

Commercial airplanes of the future are more like the B2, a flying wing where the seats are layout out across much of the wing span?

How it would feel to be in a plane rocking like that - way out/far from the centerline? :oB|

Seriously, that is a major problem for that type of configuration.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I've got power at my place and the g/f's where I've been staying recently (closer to work).

My major concern is with work. We're seeing a sharp spike in carbon monoxide problems and with elderly folks in the cold. The next thing will be an increase in fire activity.

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Krisanne won't have a problem, as the area she lives in is fine. Jaye, on the other hand, is in one of the harder hit places. The district where I work is a mess and, according to the utility folks, won't have power restored for a few days at best.

Power was fine when I got home last night, but the cable was out till just now (and, of course, the cable internet along with it). I'm very glad I didn't have to come home after midnight last night to a cold *and* dark house. My heat and hot water is natural gas powered, and I have a gas fireplace in the living room, so the worst thing would have been being without light.

Sea-Tac was a clusterfuck last night - major baggage delays, but despite being late, I did at least get in last night. According to our pilot ATC was *thisclose* to sending us to Spokane.

I really must start calling JohnMitchell with my flight information to make sure my flights get taken care of.;)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Are you a firefighter or EMS?

CO is nasty. Christmas 96 morning, my CO alarm started going off, chimmeny plugged (rental.) Glad I had a CO alarm.

My folks wouldn't have a CO alarm if I didn't buy and install it.

I wonder when CO alarms will be required by law. I hope soon, and I hope it's a faster process than the smoke detectors were.

Stay safe,


Can't imagine what AcmeSkydiver is doing with a house full of guests.

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