
active skydivers

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anybody know aprox. how many active skydivers there are in the world??
and i don't mean sexually active:S

Hmmmm......non sexually active skydivers...hmm.........not too damn many I'd say;):P

So, are you saying that just because we are skydives, that we have an active sex life? I just don't get the connection. Gee..........:S
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If you don't want to talk about sex, maybe you can try putting your thread in "general skydiving discussions." Otherwise, I don't think many people will stray away from the topic you have gotten them started on ;)
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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anybody know aprox. how many active skydivers there are in the world??
and i don't mean sexually active:S

if we can refrain from thinking and talking about sex for a minute (i know it's hard), can someone take a good guess as to how many active skydivers there are around the world?


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If I had to make a completely out of the blue guess, I'd put it around 50,000-75,000.. maybe less.

By "active skydivers", I'm defining it as people who are either actively seeking a licence, or are licenced and still jumping.

The one-off tandem kids aren't in that #
cavete terrae.

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If I had to make a completely out of the blue guess, I'd put it around 50,000-75,000.. maybe less.

By "active skydivers", I'm defining it as people who are either actively seeking a licence, or are licenced and still jumping.

The one-off tandem kids aren't in that #

no no, tandems are definately a different beast. i would define active as jumped in the last couple of months or so.

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If I had to make a completely out of the blue guess, I'd put it around 50,000-75,000.. maybe less.

By "active skydivers", I'm defining it as people who are either actively seeking a licence, or are licenced and still jumping.

The one-off tandem kids aren't in that #

no no, tandems are definately a different beast. i would define active as jumped in the last couple of months or so.

I would define active to mean CURRENT according to their countries particvular Federations requirememtns (E.G. ours is 6 jumps in 12 months)
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whatever the definition, it would be very hard to get a close number wouldn't it? i mean you'd have to go to the governing body of each country to get a close figure right? there is no international body?

FIMA is the international body, but i dont know if the figures are collated
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Unless sex with no one else in the room counts I have been NON sexually active since mid April. :D I'll make up for it when I come back to the States though. ;)

Were you on some kind of vow of celibacy back in July??? :S
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