
When did you first hear "4:20"

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I can't believe you just found out what 420 means, how old are you anyways? I haven't smoked in awhile, did a lot around freshman/sophmore year of highschool and then again in freshman year of college, and once or twice a year since then, but geesh, I grew up in a small town of 6,000 people and I knew what 420 meant before I ever smoked.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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I can't believe you just found out what 420 means, how old are you anyways? I haven't smoked in awhile, did a lot around freshman/sophmore year of highschool and then again in freshman year of college, and once or twice a year since then, but geesh, I grew up in a small town of 6,000 people and I knew what 420 meant before I ever smoked.

I was probably 30 years old when I found out what it meant. I grew up in a town of about 3000 but it was available. I did it on occasion in high school but never remember hearing 4:20 in relation to it.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I grew up in a town of about 3000, but it was available.


It wasn't until I was a skydiver that I even knew of anyone who could get marijuana. I was around them for about a year before I finally figured it out. :D

I've never tried it myself. I don't want anything to do with something that is illegal. It doesn't matter to me if alcohol is worse. I won't get arrested for having a beer.

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I can't believe you just found out what 420 means, how old are you anyways? I haven't smoked in awhile, did a lot around freshman/sophmore year of highschool and then again in freshman year of college, and once or twice a year since then, but geesh, I grew up in a small town of 6,000 people and I knew what 420 meant before I ever smoked.

It wasn't this week or anything like that. It was about 8 years ago. I was just reminded of it by another 4:20 thread.


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I can't believe you just found out what 420 means, how old are you anyways? I haven't smoked in awhile, did a lot around freshman/sophmore year of highschool and then again in freshman year of college, and once or twice a year since then, but geesh, I grew up in a small town of 6,000 people and I knew what 420 meant before I ever smoked.

I was probably 30 years old when I found out what it meant. I grew up in a town of about 3000 but it was available. I did it on occasion in high school but never remember hearing 4:20 in relation to it.


I'm not sure if 4:20 was an expression back then, so I guess you have an excuse, lol. Not actually sure where the expression actually came from, I had always heard that school gets out around 3pm, I think my highschool got out around 3:30, so that gave you enough time to get outta school and get somewhere to smoke, and by 4:20, you should be lighting up.B|
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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One time I was hanging out with some friends and one looked at the other and asked what time it was. "4:20". When I said something like, "No way, it's not even 3:00 yet!", they explained it to me.



Skydive dallas in 2001.
believe it or not, my mother's USPA number is 420!:)
I will ask her in a crowd what her number is and she says 420 and everyone laughs. She ask's me every time "Why does everyone laugh when they hear that?" I cant say for sure if she has a clue what it means. But she is a MOM and they know it all right? If she doesnt, she plays it well.


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This is news to me too. The people I hung/hang out with didn't/don't need a certain time or day. ANYTIME is/was a good time.;):ph34r::S


Same here...I didn't get high in college...I "STAYED" high! :S

We kinda changed the 4-20 designator to 24-7 :ph34r:

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I heard that it came from the fact that Jerry Garcia died on April 20th.

nah...Jerry Garcia died during the summer. I was with a friend that is a huge Dead Head when we found out. I'm not sure that I've ever been personally present for seeing one person get so fucked up so quickly as I did that day.
Killing threads since 2004.

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I can't believe you just found out what 420 means, how old are you anyways? I haven't smoked in awhile, did a lot around freshman/sophmore year of highschool and then again in freshman year of college, and once or twice a year since then, but geesh, I grew up in a small town of 6,000 people and I knew what 420 meant before I ever smoked.

Well, I'm 36 (that's a lie) and this is the first I knew of it (not a lie).

I'm cool with the fact that I was clueless. :)

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middle school during DARE class,,,

did not help me or shit..
it got me more curious about drugs...
never tried it before, i always thought it will drive me insane (like reefer maddness in 70's),,
after DARE class, police officer made it look cool showing us bunch of stuff,,,
i blame DARE and friendly police officer for getting me into smoking shit...my friend totally agrees..

The quote the conservatives are going to use against sex-ed class now! ;):):$>:(


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I'm not sure if 4:20 was an expression back then, so I guess you have an excuse, lol. Not actually sure where the expression actually came from,

Innocent me didn't know about this 4:20 thing until reading about here on dz.com a few years back. Thanks for the education, guys! :P

On what 4:20 means, isn't it the code that cops use? Like 10-4 means everything okay....4-20 means 'pot'?


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Not sure when I first heard of it, but I've been hearing it a LOT lately. But, then again, like Linder, I like in Austin. :S

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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8th grade[:/] i was forced into an all girls catholic school so it was always 4:20 from the moment i smoked my first J (13 yrs old).... what's better than getting a bunch of catholic school girls blown before morning chapel?? hey, it made it interesting for a change:D

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Skydiving is to me what crack is to a whore. I NEED MY FIX BITCH!

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I first heard the term from Johnny Gates!

There is a small snack shop here in town called "Munchies 4-40 cafe". It is open from 4:20pm until 4:20am.
Appears that the owners were driving around town after midnight looking for something to eat and only finding denny's or waffle house, so they decided to open a place that stayed open till early hours...


"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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This thread is the first I heard of it...but I'm quite behind on my cultural awareness apparently. I just found out at work what an 'emo' was:S
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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