
Is stupidity on the rise?

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I work in customer service so I deal with the general public constantly. I know that there are stupid people out there but I'm amazed at the growing number of them. Is it just me???

People will smack right into a closed automatic door with a giant sign on it that says "please use other door" and then they'll get all confused as to why the door didnt open. Or they will ask where the bathroom is when there is another HUGE sign (literally the size of a person) that reads "restrooms" right in front of thier big stupid face. they ask me the price of something when it's clearly dislpayed either on the product or on the shelf. They can't understand what products are on sale, even though each one is tagged with another big red sign. the list goes on and on.

I thought the signs were there to minimize confusion but it seems that these people still need others to either point to the sign or read it for them. I almost feel like I'm herding cattle because they pretty much have the same brain capacity.

I don't know if it's just laziness and they want everything done for them or if it really is pure stupidity. I used to get pleasure out of making them feel like a jackass with cute little remarks such as, "do you see that giant sign in front of you?" but it's no longer amusing. I'm extremely disheartened by the growing number of retarded people and I hope like hell that most of them stay on the ground.

Please tell me your experiences with the retarded folk so I don't have to feel like such a genius when I know I'm not.
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I work in customer service so I deal with the general public constantly. I know that there are stupid people out there but I'm amazed at the growing number of them. Is it just me???

People will smack right into a closed automatic door with a giant sign on it that says "please use other door" and then they'll get all confused as to why the door didnt open. Or they will ask where the bathroom is when there is another HUGE sign (literally the size of a person) that reads "restrooms" right in front of thier big stupid face. they ask me the price of something when it's clearly dislpayed either on the product or on the shelf. They can't understand what products are on sale, even though each one is tagged with another big red sign. the list goes on and on.

I thought the signs were there to minimize confusion but it seems that these people still need others to either point to the sign or read it for them. I almost feel like I'm herding cattle because they pretty much have the same brain capacity.

I don't know if it's just laziness and they want everything done for them or if it really is pure stupidity. I used to get pleasure out of making them feel like a jackass with cute little remarks such as, "do you see that giant sign in front of you?" but it's no longer amusing. I'm extremely disheartened by the growing number of retarded people and I hope like hell that most of them stay on the ground.

Please tell me your experiences with the retarded folk so I don't have to feel like such a genius when I know I'm not.

You can't cure stupid. Don't try.

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I worked at a Wal-Mart in high school and had the same situation with the door not working once. We put a sign up that said "Out of Order", but people kept nearly walking into it. Finally someone wrote "Door Don't Work" on a sign and put it up and it seemed to solve the problem. :S:P

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I'm not sure 'customer service' is really the niche for you.

We all have our moments of stupidity. It's embarassing enough realizing you've asked a stupid question without the 'customer service rep' going out of their way to help compound the feeling.

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I actuallyt like to ask stoopid questions just to see look on the faces of those that I ask. It's really a cheap way to have fun:PB|
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I'm not sure 'customer service' is really the niche for you.

We all have our moments of stupidity. It's embarassing enough realizing you've asked a stupid question without the 'customer service rep' going out of their way to help compound the feeling.

And I'm not sure giving advice is a niche for you. People need to be let know when they are fucking idiots. it's the only way to start to take a bit out of crime.

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I'm not sure 'customer service' is really the niche for you.

We all have our moments of stupidity. It's embarassing enough realizing you've asked a stupid question without the 'customer service rep' going out of their way to help compound the feeling.

And I'm not sure giving advice is a niche for you. People need to be let know when they are fucking idiots. it's the only way to start to take a bit out of crime.

Does that statement even make any sense?:S

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And I'm not sure giving advice is a niche for you. People need to be let know when they are fucking idiots. it's the only way to start to take a bit out of crime.

I'd like to help take a bite out of crime...or a bite out of you. :)


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Oh, and, I'm not trying to make my living by giving people advice.

You could prolly make a living doing funny responses in the DD forum. :D I still can't stop laughing about fuckface. :D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I'm not sure 'customer service' is really the niche for you.

We all have our moments of stupidity. It's embarassing enough realizing you've asked a stupid question without the 'customer service rep' going out of their way to help compound the feeling.

And I'm not sure giving advice is a niche for you. People need to be let know when they are fucking idiots. it's the only way to start to take a bit out of crime.

Does that statement even make any sense?:S

It doesn't need to make sense. If everything I said made sense, then people like you would finally figure it out.

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I'm not sure 'customer service' is really the niche for you.

We all have our moments of stupidity. It's embarassing enough realizing you've asked a stupid question without the 'customer service rep' going out of their way to help compound the feeling.

You're absolutely right. We all have our moments. More often than not, we have other things on our minds. Doesn't mean we're stupid.

Maybe these retail folk (and I'm ASSUMING the original poster is in retail) need to understand that just because YOU know what that sign means doesn't mean that WE know what that sign means.

I think those of you that complain about having to deal with people in your day to day jobs need to remember that the people you're dealing with are, more often than not, the reason you get a pay cheque.

Just my opinion. And before you ask, yes, my job entails a LOT of customer service.

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