List of ways to mess with your cat... (add to this list)

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6 - Clothes pin on their tails
7 - Lay them on their side on the linoleum and spin them until they are dizzy
8 - Spin them the other way
9 - Staredown
10 - Shrinkwrap
11 - Shave them

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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11 - Shave them

One of my cats likes to be shaved. I shave him so he won't shed, but he gets all into and likes the electric shaver. The other cat that i don't shave just looks on in wonderment.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Gently tie a helium balloon to their tail. They use their tails for balance, so they usually just freeze in place and yowl when their tail is stuck straight up. ;)
Non-violent, non-animal abusing fun for the whole family. :P
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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15. Put your M-80`s in their ass.


Fixed it for you.


I guess it depends how long you want your entertainment to last...

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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I guess it depends how long you want your entertainment to last...

That just depends on how many cats you can round up.

Perhaps the Funniest Skydiving related Story I ever heard was a bit Neal Boortz did many years ago. It was a "Live" Broadcast from the Georgia State Skydiving Cat Catching contest". 4 Jumpers and a Pissed off cat in a Cessna, get to altitude, Toss the cat out and then all four jumpers. Who ever lands with the cat wins. (No One won the first couple Rounds.:D:D)

It was all staged with great sound effects and copies of the tape were sold to raise money for the local animal shelters. The Police were scrambling to visit all the local Airports while the show was being aired trying to find out where this was going on so they could shut it down.:D:D

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no, better give it to mine, she likes toys..

i have this stoopid neighbour that lets her persians out for "walks" on strings.. :S and usually when i walk out the door, this damn cats always seem to be stuck right in front of it. its a glass door, cant remember how many times my dog ran into it.. if they're a bit further, and we cant see them from the stairways, she always gets them.. i think the cats like it tough!
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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