
Ways to save money?

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Ok, first of all, I'm done jumping, so don't bother mentioning that. Secondly, I'm going to start working as a packer (once I build up my speed), so don't bother mentioning that either.

Those 2 things aside, this is what I have:

- Bring lunch rather than buying – sandwiches, chips, soups, etc.
- Bring dinner (to work) on nights I know I’ll be going out
- Sell car, and buy one with no payment and better gas mileage
- Make coffee at home (not that I buy it out much anyway)

What else you got? :)

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I have dropped the heat down to 57 degrees in my house (its normally snowing outside here in michigan) and I have saved a fortune this winter. I have a few blankets that I carry around with me in the house, but its worth it.

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It's hard to suggest things when we don't know how you spend your money now. Have you tried making a budget and seeing where you could cut back? How about writing down every purchase that you make for a week to see where you might be able to cut corners. Do you clothes shop a lot? Get your hair done or manicures/pedicures professionally? Buy books instead of going to the library? Buy sodas instead of drinking tap water? That's the kind of stuff I'm asking about.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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What are those little things that come about 16 to a pack.. and you light them up and inhale them... they cost money dont they??

Oh, Kel, you are SO outed! :ph34r: How much do you spend on that a week?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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16? What comes 16 to a pack? Cloves?

I actually am horrible at saving lately because I am to lazy to cook a meal at home. It isn't hard to rack up a 20 dollar bill at a resturant around here. :(
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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It's hard to suggest things when we don't know how you spend your money now. Have you tried making a budget and seeing where you could cut back? How about writing down every purchase that you make for a week to see where you might be able to cut corners.

I can barely imagine what such an analysis of my budget would reveal. :S:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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buy generic or store brands.
shop at a dollar store for household items.
buy meat in bulk packs use some and freeze the rest for later.
if you like steamed veggies: don't buy the prepackaged steam in the bag kind, instead invest in an inexpensive steamer basket and cook fresh veggies. it's much more economical and healthier to boot.
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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- Bring dinner (to work) on nights I know I’ll be going out
What else you got? :)

If you are actually serious about saving money (I'm guessing for more travel)dont go out so much
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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- Sell car, and buy one with no payment and better gas mileage

Better yet, sell car and replace it with a bicycle (preferably a free or really cheap older one off craigslist or equivalent "free ad" sites/publications) and/or walk and/or use public transportation. Not only will you save the car payment, you'll also save the insurance, repairs, gas and registration fees. Forced exercise isn't a bad thing either.

I'm positive you can find someone to give you rides to and from the dz.

- Stop buying clothes/shoes. If you absolutely have to replace something, shop only at off-price stores (Ross, Marshalls, etc).

- Stop buying bottled water. Get a Brita or other purifier instead. Take Nalgene bottles full of "home purified" tap water when you go out.

- Sell any furniture you might have that is worth any money and replace it with free stuff off craigslist.

- Sell any expensive jewelry/electronics/toys/etc that you have but never or very rarely use.

- Find a cheaper place to live.

- Quit the health club. You're biking/walking everyplace now so you don't need to go there.

- Cut up credit cards and focus on paying them off ASAP.

- Find a sugar daddy. :D

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you are correct...ALL smokers quit.....eventually


beware of [Gree]Her Hotness[/Green} and that "budget" word...whatever the fuck it is...it's baaaad>:( It gets in the way of:
motorcycle accessories
buying skydive related toys
eating steak
motorcycle riding and rally's

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motorcycle riding and rally's

OK MaArk you are now charge with thwe dubious honour of organising a Rally/Boogie in January 2009. I'll even hire a Harley to attend it. There seems to be loads of riders who jumps (or vice versa), so we need arally (ride) boogie:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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People are getting a little vicious with responses... :P

Maybe I'm crazy but here is what I do...

I have a master excel spread sheet that I track EVERYTHING I spend... ok, so I am crazy. :P

On one tab, I have columns for food, household items, variable bills (electricty, water, etc), fixed bills (rent, car payments, gym membership, etc), Gas and related car expenses, random needs (like doctor's visits) and entertainment. I budget a certain amount to each category(it might take a few months to get the amounts right) and when you max out a category - stop spending. And it's fun when you under spend in a few categories and all of a sudden you have 100 bucks to do with as you please. I put it into savings.

Track it all and see where you spend your money. Personally, I get off under 300 dollars on food a month... but I hardly eat out and I eat healthy, so it's all pretty cheap.

I have another tab where I price compare. I shop at different stores to see where I can get stuff that I buy regularly the cheapest. I still buy the expensive toilet paper!

If you have Time Warner for Cable/internet, check with them regularly for specials. I was paying twice as much as I'm paying now just because I called and asked about a special a coworker had mentioned to me.

Buy a newspaper and cut coupons. Honestly, Walmart will give you the best price.... but sometimes the coupons run double at Kroger and you can get stuff super cheap. Plus you get to see who's running the best sales...

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beware of [Gree]Her Hotness[/Green} and that "budget" word...whatever the fuck it is...it's baaaad It gets in the way of: blah, blah, blah

Soccer games and bad weather get in the way of my jumping more than my budget does, so shush, you. :P

Kel, I own my own home, have no credit card debt and a savings account. Living within your means and having a budget is not a bad thing.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Ooo, saving money! 4 kids, one paycheck, we're really good at that.

Shop the ads at grocery stores. Buy the weekly specials and cook with that stuff.
Get a library card. You can check out books, magazines and DVD's instead of buying or renting them.
Don't go out to eat!
Make your own coffee (or tea) instead of Starbucking.
Use mass transit instead of driving, if you can.
Don't go out to eat!
When you run errands, try to combine them into one trip.
Shop the Sunday paper ads for stuff you need. Hit the 2nd hand stores for stuff, too.
Don't go out to eat!
Don't drink in bars, it's very expensive. Much better to have a party at home with friends.
Become a jumpmaster.:)

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Give up the booze (unpopular and not recommended) but you'll save a ton of money (if you currently drink that is).

In all seriousness the more I've ever worried about money the less I had (or seemed to have). Another way to go about it is to make a list of all the activities and things that are important to you and then go back and list out what you currently are spending on that doesn't support these activities/things.

That also might help to come to some other peripheral realizations -- for me it was "i want to travel" and one of the things I realized was "get job that requires travel so travel is cheaper".

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