
Push Button Start.

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So I've got the TV on in the other room while working on my computer (I like a little background noise) so I overheard a Nissan Altima Commercial talking about the Push Button Start... (i.e. you have a Key Fob in your pocket/purse and start the car by pushing a button on the dash)

is this more or less just another level of laziness... or is it something that is actually pretty cool...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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The old Army jeeps used to have an on/off switch, just like a light switch. I guess back in WWII the Army didn't want to worry about GIs losing their keys in the middle of a battle.

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Those systems have been around for years as after-market add-ons. Theyt used to be popular in the frozen north lands. Ten minutes before leaving work on a frigid day you'd walk over to a window where you could see your car from, hit the button on the keychain fob, and by the time you left work your car was all warmed up and toasty for the drive home.
I had an old Dodge mid-60s station wagon that had one installed.
Zing Lurks

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The old Army jeeps used to have an on/off switch, just like a light switch. I guess back in WWII the Army didn't want to worry about GIs losing their keys in the middle of a battle.

Motorheads made a killing painting new unit designations on the bumpers when a strange one showed up in the motor pool..
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Remote start is the shiznit on a cold day, but just a push button start, lame.

right on hippie, for a car agreed, besides you would have to unlock the steering column with the key anyway, kinda defeats the purpose.

but for an offroad type ride, like a jeep, its stylin.
dont want to lose keys in the middle of bumfuck nowhere while youre wheelin, or get so much mud/sand in the ignition module that you cant get a key back in the fucker.
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Rented on this year for Dublin.....takes a moment to get used to , but then very very cool.

No fumbling with keys walking to the car to get in...

no having to ever take our key out of your pocket actually.....very very nice.

Some cars have the ability to know you have the 'keys' in your pocket and let you in, let you start it without inserting them. Other cars with a push button start switch still need to have keys inserted. The push button start is supposed to make you feel like you're in a race car.
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Some cars have the ability to know you have the 'keys' in your pocket and let you in, let you start it without inserting them.

I test-drove a Mercedes with that option. The "key" was basically a credit card that you just put in your wallet. As long as it was in the car, the pushbutton would work.

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So I've got the TV on in the other room while working on my computer (I like a little background noise) so I overheard a Nissan Altima Commercial talking about the Push Button Start... (i.e. you have a Key Fob in your pocket/purse and start the car by pushing a button on the dash)

is this more or less just another level of laziness... or is it something that is actually pretty cool...

I have this huge mess of fobs, and cards for home, office, workshop, and storage facility. Sometimes I worry that having the whole mess hanging from my ignition switch is going to do bad things.

Especially since German cars are NOTORIOUS for "minor" electrical problems.

Push button start would avoid the whole issue.

I also want my mirrors, seat adjustments, climate controls, and radio station to adjust when they recognize my fob.

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Another reason why this is good, is imagine all the people who have tried to start their car w/ the key not all the way in, have been in a hurry to take the key out, or just have broken the key/bent the key doing other things. This prevents that the most. If one thing sucks is not losing your keys, but breaking them off in the ignition (not experience, just by witness) and not able to use your spare, b/c it don't fit.

On another note, this def. is not a new technology. Personally, I love those German, french, swedish, and italian monster machines (veyron and so forth) have had them for a while!!
...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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It is. A horse and carriage is the WORKS!. Unfortunately, I can't indulge those things anymore - at least not with anyone else...I'm getting (gulp) MARRIED (gulp) this Sunday so my days of carriage rides (with single lovely ladies) look like they are coming to an end. (whimper, snivel, whine).


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Remote start is the shiznit on a cold day, but just a push button start, lame.

I would love to have a remote start... especially since it can be rather chilly up here in the north.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Been helping my boss with the car phone on his new 7 Series BMW. It has a pocket FOB but it only works for the starter not the door locks. Damn shame.
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I have a friend who's mother recently got a car with a push button start. It seems they hang the car keys on a hook in garage when they come home. The hook was close enough to the car for her to get in the car start it and drive to the store. Unfortunately, the store was too far from the hook in the garage to start the car in the parking lot after shopping. Oooops! B|

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The old Army jeeps used to have an on/off switch, just like a light switch. I guess back in WWII the Army didn't want to worry about GIs losing their keys in the middle of a battle.

Actually in WWII they had magneasium strips on all the steering wheels of the jeeps, so if they ever had to abandon a vehicle the germans couldn't take it. Then any motor poolie who was attached to a platoon came across this vehicle they would have a steering assembly that they would be able to replace the burnt up one with, and then they would have a vehicle.

I have no referances to back this information up, and i am sure the motor poolie who told me this is probibly dead by now. We had a long transport from the Northport VA hospital to the Wilkes Barr VA hospital
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