
Who has met Kbordson?

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Though I've never met her, I have done a careful DZ.com study (better known as "stalking") on Ms.doctor Bordson- here are my findings;

NOT normal category:

She jumps out of aircraft at high altitude. (thats crazy)

She's a doctor. (Most people are not doctors although many just think they are)

She has a medical degree (um, let's hope so)

She is quite attractive to other humans (Shizzzle or super hot)

Says she wants to be a pirate (ok, now thats indicative of a nutbar)

She has a medicallish sense of humor. (most people only have a basic bodily function sense of humor having to do mostly with farting)

Has an obsession with things that can only be described as "chocolaty"

-Everything else checks out as normal.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Yup, she is normal.

Met her at Elsi.... Sweet, respectful, and a whole lotta fun at night!!!

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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