
how to just pack up and move?f

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ok, i know some have done it, and successfully. How does one just leave, move out of state, find a place to live, and job, and be happy? that is what I want to do, but i am scared, and don't know where to start, let alone have any financial backing to help me do it. ..
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it's just like your first skydive.

You're supposed to be scared.

But even when you jumped out of the plane SOMEONE had a plan,right?

Make a plan, and take some steps to make it happen, successfully.

sure you can give a guy a rig and let him jump and he MAY survive but ,probably not.

You have to learn where you are going to land, how to land, how to fall properly so that if you do land hard you can get up and try again.

I can pretty much say with certainty, those who moved and did so successfully didn't do it on a whim.
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Three years ago I was sitting at work and all of a sudden called a buddy 3 hours away and said hey dude wanna buy a house? Lived together for 2 years then sold and moved back. Same thing actually happened today. This time 5 hours away and a differnt province. Ran it past my GF she is now stoked!! So tomorrow I put the house up for sale!!!! Fuck it just do it!!

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You start with tying your 3 rings together with a pull up cord - this keeps the risers nice and even.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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I can pretty much say with certainty, those who moved and did so successfully didn't do it on a whim.

I know a few people who did - got fed up with work, fed up with life, said fuck it, sold most of their stuff, hitchhiked for awhile and then ended up where ever the wind blew. And they had some of the best stories.

One in particular recently moved - with a plan this time - and said he was more scared and nervous than any of the previous unplanned moves.

Donate all your stuff to good will - then put one foot in front of the other.
Scars remind us that the past is real

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I had the makings of a plan. Once the ball got rolling I just followed. ... Best thing I ever did

Yeah, me too. Maybe not THE best, but definitely among them. Bring a tent so you can camp at a DZ until you have a place to live that you can afford. You'll find resources in yourself that you didn't know you had.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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When I did it, the first step was finding somewhere to stay. I moved to a state/city I had previously lived in therefore I still had contacts. My friend was gone, but her Mom was here and so I stayed with her for a couple of months while I got a job and my own place.

I did not have any finanical backing; in fact I had some debt at the time. Some school debt as well as a car payment. I still am not sure how I pulled that part off.

It's scary, but so worth it. That was 8 years ago and I am soooo glad I did it.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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I can pretty much say with certainty, those who moved and did so successfully didn't do it on a whim.

I know a few people who did - got fed up with work, fed up with life, said fuck it, sold most of their stuff, hitchhiked for awhile and then ended up where ever the wind blew. And they had some of the best stories.

One in particular recently moved - with a plan this time - and said he was more scared and nervous than any of the previous unplanned moves.

Donate all your stuff to good will - then put one foot in front of the other.

I decided in February and left in May. Maybe not a whim by some standards, but it certainly was for me. I was 25 and ready for a change.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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You start with tying your 3 rings together with a pull up cord - this keeps the risers nice and even.

You sure know how to skew a thread. :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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this is what im sort of dealing with right now - im so tired of my job, i've lived in this city my whole entire life, and i'm afraid if i dont leave now I never will! so once I finish school in December, Im hoping to be able to start the real search for a new place to call home. I just have so much debt from skydiving.... [:/]

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