
Are you on MySpace?

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I get such a big kick out of some people on here. They don't have a myspace page, they don't understand why someone would have one, they don't have the time to tend to a myspace site. So they jump in a thread that was started by people who are on myspace and tell them the whole story. Is it really worth taking the time to tell everyone who has a site that you could careless about myspace??


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I get such a big kick out of some people on here.

I live to entertain.:)

Is it really worth taking the time to tell everyone who has a site that you could careless about myspace??

First, I do care. I alluded to some literature I've read about the site which concerns me. But I suppose not-so-much that I'm actually lobbying against its existence so....

Second, the original poster had never heard of the site until recently. I believe all opinions were welcome.

It also doesn't hurt that at the time I responded I had just read yet another disappointing article regarding the site.

What I get a big kick out of are those that would rather get their boxers in a twist over another's opinion than stand up and state their own.:S

It appears I have the pleasure of being judged by you when my response clearly stated I have no such negative judgement of my friends who utilize the site.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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