
Does any one unpack and then repack rented gear?

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I didn't and I never have seen someone do it... Most of the time rental gear is packed by a professional packer before it is handed to a new customer - thus making it pretty darn safe... It is not like you will have a newbie who never packed before who packed the main.

Now, it is your life and your skydive. You could unpack it if you wanted....

Some gear shops store their demo gear unpacked so that by default you will have to pack.:$

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It is not like you will have a newbie who never packed before who packed the main.

But you may get people with only a handful of packjobs doing it. Before I had my own gear I rented a rig and found out on opening it had a step through packed into it. No big deal and certainly didn't need cutting away but it could have been something more serious.

having said that I still wouldn't bother repacking rented gear, but I'm just lazy.
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I have done this once or twice, when I had "a funny feeling." I couldn't tell you what sparked that feeling: perhaps the risers were't stowed evenly enough for my tastes or something. Never found anything that would've led to a malfunction, but it made me feel better at the time, so there you go.

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Im just wondering....doing my ground school this friday....and of course i will be using the schools gear...and i wont know how to pack....i want to learn how to pack ASAP....once i know how to pack ill just use their gear and pack (with supervision) my own gear on multiple jump days...

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When we had a DZ here, re-packing someone elses pack job on student mains was not only a good idea but, it was a 'healthy' idea. I've caught more than one packer making mistakes and about to pack malfunctions. Most of the ones who packed student gear were doing it for credits toward jumps. Their 'instruction' was breif and simple. Usually students themselves who had just been taught wrong. What upset me was, I would try to correct them and I recieved a whole bunch of attitude. If, you are uncomfortable with a pack job on a student main, don't hesitate... re-pack it. There's nothing wrong with it and it's good experience for you. If, you have questions, try to get a rigger to help you.


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...professional packer...

If you feel more comfortable repacking the main, go for it, no one will stop you. They might give you a hard time, but it's your neck, and therefore your call.

Back when I used to jump student gear, I used to take the rig I was going to jump off the rack... unpack the whole thing, repack it, and then have at 'er. After a while the dz kids just let me be... made for some funny jokes, but I didn;t get any more flack after the first few times.

These days, if I let someone borrow my gear, I ask for it back unpacked... I don't care if they have 10,000 jumps... I like to pack for myself.

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I do. Well I don't rent gear. But if someone borrows my rig and kindly repacks it for me, or has it repacked, I open it up and repack it if I have time. I'm anal. I like my openings (only second best to my husbands pack jobs).

If I borrow someones rig, I jump what I get, but carefully give it a FULL gear check.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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It is not like you will have a newbie who never packed before who packed the main.

It does not matter who has packed it if it was inspected and supervised.

Thats a great idea in aperfect world where rules are followed, but this is skydiving and alot of packers are not riggers and it is rare that they are superviced by them. and hey even us riggers can make mistakes!

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Thats a great idea in aperfect world where rules are followed, but this is skydiving and alot of packers are not riggers and it is rare that they are superviced by them. and hey even us riggers can make mistakes!

Students are packing for themself (except first 2 jumps) under supervison of licensed skydivers and main points are inspected too in the country I'm jumping.

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Just wondering...do people rent gear...unpack the MC and then repack it them self before they jump....

some gear shops(action air at skydance) and square 1 at Perris rent the rigs unpacked. Great for your concern, easy for end of day check in. Does mean a longer delay for jump 1 of the day.

With student gear rentals you can sometimes arrange to pack yourself, though they'll want the final packjob (for the next person) done in house.

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Just wondering...do people rent gear...unpack the MC and then repack it them self before they jump....

just wondering....

When I was a student (1990-1) and did not know better, I wondered this myself...

I especially wondered about this as I was expected to return it packed... and as I had been "signed off to pack my own rig" the supervision included the notion that there was a Rigger around somewhere (in the air?).

Since then, the US rules on what "under direct supervision" means have been clarified, but I don't know how well YOUR DZ supervises the last person (people?) who packed the rig you are using...

So this comes down to assessing your local DZ's practices and doing what makes you comfortable. I still occasionally drag out a packjob if I am not sure about it, even if I packed it!

Blue Skies and clean deployments,
Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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Part of our rental cost for gear includes $5 per jump for a pack job. Rental rigs/Student rigs must be packed by staff packers. However we are a little flexible with experienced people, but last pack job must be done by staff. Typically those renting gear are not highly experienced jumpers though.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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It depends on if I believe them on what size canopy is in there. I rented gear once when I first got out of the Army and was a very new skydiver. They told me the main was a 235, well at opening time it turned out to be a 170. oops! I landed it with a PLF but I was not very happy when I took it back to them.>:(

Muff Brother #4041
Team Dirty Sanchez #467

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