
IT contracting sucks balls!

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in Florida, the max is $475 every TWO weeks.
we be poor here apparently...

if only I still lived on the DZ!:S

bummer, but, every bit helps. i used to get un-employment, between contracts when I live on my boat in San Diego...I could actually put money in the bank and not work...just lived on burritos and cheep beer! B|

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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What is worse, most IT jobs in the US are going to contractor positions instead of FTE. I have been stuck in the contractor land for almost 3 years now. I HATE IT...B|

Edited to add: However if I were in a relationship with someone that I could get insurance off of them and had dual income in the household, it wouldn't be quite so bad.

She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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What is worse, most IT jobs in the US are going to contractor positions instead of FTE. I have been stuck in the contractor land for almost 3 years now. I HATE IT...B|

That's not just true about IT jobs... a lot of technical positions in the US are transiting to Contractor positions... :S

the Govt/Companies like it because they don't have to deal with retirement or medical benifits... though the up front costs are higher thus effectively elminiating that benifit... one of the major advantages is that contractors are easier to get rid of then full time employees...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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That's not just true about IT jobs... a lot of technical positions in the US are transiting to Contractor positions... [Crazy]

Ugh that is sad to hear.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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the post offices in Orlando are starting this process too....just like the cable company.
So a company ends up with a workforce of non-vested employees who could care less. Nice.
Are we actively trying to export our entire economy??

So I submitted for the glorious unemployment...one "waiting week" (try to convince the bills they have a waiting week!) then I can start getting paid...first claim gets filed on the 28th of the month...so I MAY see the first measly payment the first week of next month. :(

I see ramen noodles in my near future...:P

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the post offices in Orlando are starting this process too....just like the cable company.
So a company ends up with a workforce of non-vested employees who could care less. Nice.
Are we actively trying to export our entire economy??

It would seem so... it's kind of sad really...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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What is worse, most IT jobs in the US are going to contractor positions instead of FTE. I have been stuck in the contractor land for almost 3 years now. I HATE IT...B|

I have found this to be very cyclical. Every few years there is a big push to replace FTE with contractors. A few years later they are trying to force all of the contractors to accept full time positions, a few years later the pendulum swings the other way again. I think it has a lot to do with the bottom line. Most companies have different budget structures for contractors vs employees. So every time they are spending too much on contractors they convert them to FT then when the headcount is costing too much they get rid of FTE and sometimes even hire the same people back as contractors for more money.
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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I've been working in the IT world since '84 (yes I am not a young'un anymore) and the industry has seen many many many changes over the years. When it comes to programmers, in many cases it makes sense to contract out the work since most of the programmers will not be needed once the bulk of the project is complete. But many corporations have also decided to outsource the work to places like India since the only thing that matters to the CEOs and CTOs is the almighty dollar.

While it is not thought of as a bad place, I never really considered FL to be a hotbed for software development. In todays world the aspiring IT worker must go where the work is and sometimes that may mean relocation. Of course the IT world is constantly changing and the IT worker must be willing to adapt if they wish to continue working in the industry.

There is tons of IT work up here in Oilberta (that would be Alberta Canada, North America's fastest growing economy). But with the work comes many challenges. First off affordable housing is out of control. Here the rich get richer and unless you already have an house purchased years ago before the boom, you pretty much get left behind. They worship the almighty dollar here more than many more traditional capitalistic places and the fancy 100k cars and multi million dollar homes are the norm here for the privilaged (my modest house is worth a 1/2 million in this out of control market). Finally, while there is tons of work here, our weather pretty much sucks ass and the whuffos are very critical of our sport thanks to some negative high profile accidents the media latched on to. Yes you can skydive here from some weekends in May through to some weekends in October. But after that, well you better like hockey, skiing, beer drinking, curling or flaunting your wealth because there is not much else to do once the frozen tundra reclaims the land. Nope while the work is plentiful here, it is not the best place to be if you like jumping out of airplanes.

You need to reinvent your IT career if you want to continue to jump in FL. But that is no different than many other places in North America.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I've been doing this IT crap since 1980.
I've done main frames, minis, micros, desktops, servers, server farms, laptops, every printer ever made, and for the past 8 years, Cisco networking and security....I should be able to work from home in my underwear! But you're right...Florida is not a hot spot for anything IT.
I have no wealth - I've been divorced :P.
I can live the life of a simpleton...so long as I get to keep my Harley anyway!

I thinks me needs a new career sometimes...I'm getting tired of getting spit out every few years. I need some stability.[:/]

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...I should be able to work from home in my underwear!

Oh, quit complaining and answer my last PM. If you want to work for us at home in your underwear, that is fine as long as you keep the webcam turned off.:P
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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that is fine as long as you keep the webcam turned off.

Mark, don't listen to him. Keep the webcam on!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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and skymama...speaking of web cams....has Peter shown you the videos yet???

Ha...funny! I think. :|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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that is fine as long as you keep the webcam turned off.

Mark, don't listen to him. Keep the webcam on!

OK Mark, but at least have the decency to apply extended ACL's to permit SkyMama, but deny the rest of us.[:/]
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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you never did tell us how you flattened his tires on the Segway...

I thought you had an errand to run, quit wasting time. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I was a contractor for 16+ years. I know the story well. I finally got tired of all the up/down's and took a perm position.

Aren't you in the Bay area?
What kind of work do you do?
I still have recruiters calling me all of the time wanting to know if i'm looking or if i know of anyone who is.

Let me know if you think i can help. I'd be glad to hook you up with them...

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