
insurance on rigs

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In the US people typically claim the gear against their home owners/renters insurance. It is possible to put a floater on the policy to specifically cover a particalure item. Typically used on high ticket items such as jewelry, that isn't normally insured through an individual policy.

Now, as for the UK, I have no clue. I figured someone from the US could use the information as well.
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I lost a rig when I was in College due to a fire...

It was covered under my PARENTS home owners policy since I was still claimed as a dependent and was in school.

Just another 'fun fact' that may come in handy for someone sometime!;)

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The Australian Parachute Federation offer specific Insurance for your gear when ever it is not in use.

I believe that your main is even cover in the event that you cut-away as it is deemed to be no longer in use (check that one for sure bob.dino??)
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I believe that your main is even cover in the event that you cut-away as it is deemed to be no longer in use (check that one for sure bob.dino??)

I've been told third-hand that they closed that loop hole [:/]. I can understand why though...

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My cut-away main was lost at Richmond last year and was covered under my homeowners policy. Do your homework on your particular policy and insurance company. In my case the main was taken from its last known location and presumed stolen. Had to make sure I contacted the police to file a report and take reasnoable measures to locate it - in this case I rode the Xkeys helo 4 times searching for it and took out an ad in the local paper. I answered the adjusters questions truthfully but didn't elaborate beyond the question asked. AGAIN know your policy and know what to say and not to say- another example, a swimming pool liner that is torn by a dog falling into it is not covered under a homeowners policy- BUT is is covered if a wild animal (raccoon fox etc...) falls in.

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Our home insurance company offered a "sports" rider for $10/year. It covers us for pretty much anything that can happen, including theft from ourlocker on the DZ, and loosing a main during a cuttaway.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Allstate in Illinois. Don't quote me on the rate, though.

I tried to look it up, but they don't break out that line item.

I do remember it being very affordable. $1,500. max "per item", $10,000 max total.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Ensleigh (sp) offer kit insurance I think, even while in use, but with enough excess so they wont cover a lost freebag and reserve repack. Afaik, its covered everywhere except in the boot of your car at a DZ.

I know people have claimed quite happily on their contents insurance, even after chopping and losing the main. I know someone who lost his main in spain, just before his cover expired and he'd already renewed with someone else. He managed to claim for a brand new VX, with all shipping and VAT paid. So just about doubled the value of his canopy B|

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I have my rig on as an addition on my home insurance policy, costs about 40 quid on top of the normal policy, and is covered up to 4000 quid, any where in the world.
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I use Harrison Beaumont (http://www.hbinsurance.co.uk).

They charge 5% of equipment value and cover claims for theft from DZ, in-use incidents etc.

Haven't had to claim so not sure how efficient their process is...

I did try Norwich Union, Halifax, Post Office & Endsleigh through home contents cover but neither of these firms would offer coverage for 'air-sports' equipment.

Hope this helps!

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