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The definition of irony as I see it:

Having close to 200 jumps, 13 marathons, several triathlons all under my belt, and barely ever being injured, save an occasional ankle or tendon twist. (knock wood.)

Then, 2 days ago, running for the F train when the door is closing, hitting the door at full-speed, and cracking a rib.

Breathing sucks right now.

"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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The fucking door was OPEN when I STARTED running down the steps for it.

Fucking F train.

Timming is EVERYTHING Peter:D:D:D were you "blackberrying" whilst running:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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In London, I got stuck in the doors on the tube. They're ruthless over there as they just proceeded out of the station with half of me hanging out of the train.:D

Yeah, I heard the bell; but chose to ignore it.:S


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The fucking door was OPEN when I STARTED running down the steps for it.

Fucking F train.

Dude, you know the first thing you've got to do is make eye contact with the Conductor! That way you can see if he's gonna fuck with you or not!:D
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I can sympathize; A few years ago on the first snow ski day of the season, I hit a piece of wood in the snow on the edge of a slope which launched me into the trees. I saw the trees coming so I used my arms to protect my head, and used my ribcage to absorb the impact of landing on a fallen log.

Damn that sucked; For several weeks it hurt to breathe, hurt to roll over in bed, and of course this all happened about 10 days before I moved from the South side of town to the North side. And I missed the first month of skiing.>:(

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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at least it wasnt as silly as some of the injuries I have heard of...

imagine being the dumbass who gets really hurt right after saying...

"Here, hold my beer, watch this":P:)

Hope ya heal quick :)

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Aww man that sucks, good thing it's winter though. maybe.

ummm did people laugh at you when you bounced off?? Or were they like ahh man are you ok? I have to know.

Dude - it was NEW YAWK - what do YOU think??? :D:D:D

Peter - hope you're better soon
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Some years back, I tore the tissue between 2 ribs halfway down my rib cage. The pain was excrutiating and the worst part was the breathing. I remember taking only shallow breaths and periodically my body would just heave and take a deep breath. It was completely involuntary. I guess I just needed the air. Holy shit was that painful. It took 2 weeks for me to heal, but I didn't have a broken rib.

Hope you heal fast and I hope they gave you good pain meds. Sleeping in a recliner chair helped me a lot. I couldn't tolerate the pain if I slept in my bed.


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Peter.... [:/]

I hope you slept well (or at least ok) last night.

Breathing is QUITE important and kind of a necessary thing (I think I remember something about that in medical school :S )

Hopefully it mends itself quickly. :)
I would say, "next time, take a cab" but I smile remembering the challenges that you offered about making it to the airport on next to nothing.... I don't think you would just take the cab. :D:D:D

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