
What makes a Good/Great Skydiver?

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I think good/great skydiver are the ones that really try to give back to the sport by promoting it in a positive way. That may be working with new jumpers or being a load organizer that makes a person feel successful. There are a ton of ways to give back to the sport and these are just two examples.
Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that.

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Someone who does the necessary things to make the sport evolve instead of digress.

Someone who provides confidence yet also promotes safety to the new guys on the DZ.

Someone who is willing to sacrifice a fun jump with his buddies in order to take a newly A licensed skydiver on his first two way.

Coaches that will help out the struggling student's pocket by doing a coach jump or two for slots, or completely for free.

Someone who asks questions to the more experienced skydivers.. or I guess more importantly, someone who listens to the answers.

Someone who can seperate the good advice from the bad.

People that are looking out for their buddies as opposed to turning their heads when they see something questionable.

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People who try hard to set a good example and help the sport grow by encouraging students and low timers, welcoming them on loads, offering opinions on gear. A great Skydiver is someone who will jump with anybody, (safely, that is.

What is the Opposite of that?
Get 1,000 jumps and then come talk to me. .
=========Shaun ==========

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Money, lots of it, (not always theirs, but someones) and time. Oh and a little talent;)

Now what makes a good/great person who skydives, that a different Question completely

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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A few things in my opinion are: Someone who realizes they will never know everything about skydiving, and someone who never gets complacent, complacency kills. Also, someone who is readily willing to take a new jumper under thier wing and help them learn and grow in the sport. Unfortunately, there are not near enough people like this in our sport.

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Someone who is willing to sacrifice a fun jump with his buddies in order to take a newly A licensed skydiver on his first two way.

Amen to that one. There's an instructor at my DZ who did just that and when I told him how much I appreciated it he told me "Just remember when you have high jump numbers and a new guy wants to jump with you how it made you feel when I did the same for you". Selflessness!B|
Muff #5048

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If you are talking about competition, you need lots of money, lots of free time, and the drive/desire to succeed. If you lack in any one of those areas, greatness will not happen. If you are talking about being a nice person on the DZ, helping others, promoting the sport, other personality qualities come into play. So I guess the answer to your question depends on how you define "greatness."

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I agree with pretty much everyone here in making a good skydiver, but what makes a great skydiver?

Duh, all of the above, and gear that matches!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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