
I f*cking hate uninsured drivers!

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So, last night, I went to the dealership, signed all the papers to sell my car, and on the way home some jackass smacks right in to the back of me. Thankfully, he stopped (which just made things easier so I didn't have to follow his ass because I would have). He gets out of his car and starts yelling at ME. WTF? I asked him politely if he had insurance and what do ya know? Nope. He told me he hasn't had the chance because he just got out of jail. Nice...

I'm taking the guy's information down, and I start to believe there is a God. A cop happened to be driving by and decided to stop. He stands there in the exchange of information and asks the guy about his insurance. He tells the cop the same thing he told me. He just got out of jail and hasn't had the time. I have the guy sign some sorry ass excuse for a legal document saying he'll pay the car dealership for any damages (since I was SUPPOSED to be selling it today). As the last letter of his name is written, the cop tells me to go and takes the guy aside. I left.


Not more than 30 minutes later, the cop calls and tells me the guy is on parole for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and they're placing a courtesy patrol on my house. He also told me the guy has a warrant out on him. He asked me to call him to let him know if they guy has paid up as promised. If not, Mr. Hottie Cop will go arrest him. If he has, Mr. Hottie Cop will give him tickets only (about $700 according to the cop).

Either way, I fucking hate uninsured drivers, and if I had it my way, the guy would be arrested AND he should pay me. I have unisured motorists on my insurance policy and it's dumbasses like him that drive our insurance rates up.

Oh, and I'm about 92.7% positive that I persuaded Mr. Hottie Cop to go skydiving. :o:D He said he'll call me to get more info on the dz he should go to (we talked a little about it last night), then he said we could go together. I wonder if that counts as a happy ending... :ph34r:

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Back in the early the mid 90's I was rearended by a guy who had no drivers lic, no insurance, no registration on the car, who was just out of jail also. The guy who hit me tried to leave and i did follow him until he pulled over.
Long story short he was arrested that day for a parole violation, My insurance rates went up due to the accident,and I also spent 4 month in physical therapy for my back which I had to pay for.

At least you got the hottie cop out of the deal....:D

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I just called the numbers the guy gave me, and the number has been disconnected. He gave me a cell phone number who happened to be his sister's cell, which she gave me no information. I guess I'll have another claim on my uninsured motorists insurance. Luckily, the shop said he could have the car back to me tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I can still sell it.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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I have unisured motorists on my insurance policy and it's dumbasses like him that drive our insurance rates up.

Um, in my state uninsured motorists pays for medical bills when someone doesn't have health insurance - collission pays for things like this. Comprehensive pays for "acts of God". (Accidents in general make rates go up.) :)

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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I have unisured motorists on my insurance policy and it's dumbasses like him that drive our insurance rates up.

Um, in my state uninsured motorists pays for medical bills when someone doesn't have health insurance - collission pays for things like this. Comprehensive pays for "acts of God". (Accidents in general make rates go up.) :)

This car is bad luck. I had it for about a month, and some guy side-swiped me in a hit-and-run. After that claim, my insurance went up $120 over 6 months. After this claim, I can't wait to get the renewal. I'm dropping the car anyway after I sell it (IF I can still sell it), so the rates will sort of go down.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Not more than 30 minutes later, the cop calls and tells me the guy is on parole for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and they're placing a courtesy patrol on my house.

They are sending a patrol to your house?:S
Don't they know what you do to cops?:$
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Not more than 30 minutes later, the cop calls and tells me the guy is on parole for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and they're placing a courtesy patrol on my house.

They are sending a patrol to your house?:S
Don't they know what you do to cops?:$

Maybe that's why they're sending 'em. ;) Maybe I'll get the disgruntled cop that just needs... Uh... Nevermind... :|

As 'Twardo would say... 'Fucking cops!' :o:D

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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I have unisured motorists on my insurance policy and it's dumbasses like him that drive our insurance rates up.
Um, in my state uninsured motorists pays for medical bills when someone doesn't have health insurance - collission pays for things like this. Comprehensive pays for "acts of God". (Accidents in general make rates go up.)

Exactly. When i was rear ended by an uninsured driver, i still had to pay my collision deductible to get my car fixed. The uninsured motorist insurance did nothing for me...but had i been injured or something, then that part of the insurance would've kicked in...thankfully i didn't need it though.


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I have unisured motorists on my insurance policy and it's dumbasses like him that drive our insurance rates up.

Um, in my state uninsured motorists pays for medical bills when someone doesn't have health insurance - collission pays for things like this. Comprehensive pays for "acts of God". (Accidents in general make rates go up.) :)

Actually, even when you do have health insurance, your auto insurance is going to cover the medical bills if you're injured in an auto accident. Your health insurance may initially cover the bills, but you can bet they're going to go back and recover the money from the auto insurance company (or companies) if the injuries occurred as a result of an auto accident. Depending on who is at fault and who has coverage, that may come from your liability coverage, the other party's liability coverage, or your uninsured/underinsured coverage. Or ... some combination (that's what happened when I got hit by a guy who had the minimum coverage ... he had enough to cover part but not all of my medical bills, so we got what we could out of him then it went back against my uninsured/underinsured coverage).
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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A few years ago I ran over a still-rolling tire at night that had come off a car ahead of me. Damn near flipped my truck over. I pulled over and to my surprise the transmission and engine were still working so I backed up to the stopped car (minus its left front tire) and got out to meet the people. Turned out they were a transient family, no home, no job, no driver license, no insurance, etc. They looked kind of sad. I should have called the police, but I took them with me to the nearest exit and dropped them off at the gas station and went home. Got on the phone with my insurance and they covered everything, minus the $500 deductible and would follow up on the info the family gave me. That's the last I heard of them. My truck spent 3 weeks in the body shop to fix everything that was wrong. The frame was bent something good. >:(

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I have unisured motorists on my insurance policy and it's dumbasses like him that drive our insurance rates up.

Um, in my state uninsured motorists pays for medical bills when someone doesn't have health insurance - collission pays for things like this. Comprehensive pays for "acts of God". (Accidents in general make rates go up.) :)

It doesn't help that the insurance companies purpose for existence is to make money. It's not in their best interest to extend to you fair rates.

It would be great if we could get things like insurance from a not for profit organization.

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Years ago one of my buddies was in FL, and got rear-ended by a drunk 16 yo kid driving daddies big, new Cadillac. As my buddy was surveying the damage the kid was begging and pleading for him not to call the cops.

Kid: "Here, I'll pay for it!" [reaching for his wallet]

My buddy: "Yeah, right..."

At that point the kid started peeling off hundreds as my buddies jaw dropped. After the kid had pulled out about thirty hundred dollar bills, my buddy said:

"Yeah, that should do it. No cops."

At the time, that was about what the entire car was worth.:D

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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At least in TX if you get a Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility citation (no insurance) and you're found guilty then they place a SR-Suspension on your license.

I'm not a big fan of the "no insurance" types either. ;)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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At least in TX if you get a Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility citation (no insurance) and you're found guilty then they place a SR-Suspension on your license.

Doesn't really do any good. [:/]
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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At least in TX if you get a Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility citation (no insurance) and you're found guilty then they place a SR-Suspension on your license.
Doesn't really do any good.

Yeah, the fucker that hit me got his license suspended...i'm sure that really stopped him from driving. [:/] State Farm did go after him to try and recover money, but alas, he lived in a housing project and had no job, so i never got my money.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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At least in TX if you get a Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility citation (no insurance) and you're found guilty then they place a SR-Suspension on your license.
Doesn't really do any good.

Yeah, the fucker that hit me got his license suspended...i'm sure that really stopped him from driving. [:/] State Farm did go after him to try and recover money, but alas, he lived in a housing project and had no job, so i never got my money.

Pretty much proves my point. If the driver doesn't have anything to lose, he/she isn't going to be bothered with the insurance. :S
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Over here, uninsured driver's are dealt with rather harshly – and rightly so. They're looking at a fine up to £5,000 and 6-8 penalty points (accumulate 12 points and it's an almost automatic disqualification).

They're also likely to get at least a temporary ban (period of months) or disqualification if the circumstances are more serious. New drivers (who've had their licence less than 2 years) will automatically be disqualified and have to re-take their test after a prescribed ban.

You can also get done for this if you let someone else drive when they're uninsured.

Oh, and accidentally kill someone while uninsured and you're going to jail for up to two years with a minimum mandatory driving ban of at least 12 months on top.

We also have an agency called the MIB who you can sue if you're hit by an uninsured driver. This way any smash doesn't directly affect your policy but funding the MIB costs motorists about £30 each annually in increased premiums as part of their insurance premium.

In addition to all that, Parliament is presently talking about legislating to allow the vehicle to be confiscated and ultimately crushed if it's driven uninsured.

Even then however, we're still running at about a 1/4 million convictions per year!

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At least in TX if you get a Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility citation (no insurance) and you're found guilty then they place a SR-Suspension on your license.
Doesn't really do any good.

Yeah, the fucker that hit me got his license suspended...i'm sure that really stopped him from driving. [:/] State Farm did go after him to try and recover money, but alas, he lived in a housing project and had no job, so i never got my money.

Well, my hottie cop called me last night and asked if I had any luck contacting the asshole. I told him that I had not, then he said, "Well, just to let you know... I pulled over a vehicle last night and met up with him again. He was intoxicated and still driving with no insurance. I arrested him. That'll be it for him. He'll be in for a long time, especially since he violated his parole. I was going to call you, but it was 1:30 in the morning." I guess that jackass won't be paying. USAA said they would go after him, but it's kind of hard getting money out of someone who is in jail. Oh well. At least I got to talk to my cop.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Sure people still drive on suspended DLs with no insurance, BUT when they're caught driving again they get larger fines. Then they go to jail. They'll continue to drive, but each time they drive they might go to jail. After a couple times going to jail people tend to have other people drive for them.

The only way to really protect yourself is to have the coverage for these types of scenarios. Beyond that its just nice to know that when the other people are caught driving illegally, it costs them a lot of money and many times it costs them time behind bars.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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This May 25th, it will be four years since my 13 year-old daughter was hit and killed by an uninsured driver. This driver was not even cited after hitting my daughter who had just put letters in her grandpa's mailbox. The sheriff's report said my daughter stepped out into the road. But it was inside a school zone although the speed limit was still 35 mph.

In the sheriff's report, the driver admitted she didn't see my daughter. It's obvious because she didn't try to swerve to miss her. This lady got off scott free while I had to petition the Ohio BMV to get her license revoked. I've heard other people say that if this had happened in their state that the driver would have been charged with negligent homicide.

Well, that's about all I have to say. Words will not bring back my daughter or punish the negligent driver.

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This May 25th, it will be four years since my 13 year-old daughter was hit and killed by an uninsured driver. This driver was not even cited after hitting my daughter who had just put letters in her grandpa's mailbox. The sheriff's report said my daughter stepped out into the road. But it was inside a school zone although the speed limit was still 35 mph.

In the sheriff's report, the driver admitted she didn't see my daughter. It's obvious because she didn't try to swerve to miss her. This lady got off scott free while I had to petition the Ohio BMV to get her license revoked. I've heard other people say that if this had happened in their state that the driver would have been charged with negligent homicide.

Well, that's about all I have to say. Words will not bring back my daughter or punish the negligent driver.

[:/][:/]:( Words cannot bring your daughter back, but for what it's worth I wanted to express my sincere condolences. I'm sorry for your loss. [:/]
Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Even if the DA's office was unable or unwilling to do anything for you, I hope you lawyered up and sued the driver back into the stone age. There is a time and a place for lawsuits, and that is definitely a perfect time for a lawsuit. Even if you don't get that much money from it, it at least would bring some sort of legal action against that driver.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Sure people still drive on suspended DLs with no insurance, BUT when they're caught driving again they get larger fines. Then they go to jail. They'll continue to drive, but each time they drive they might go to jail. After a couple times going to jail people tend to have other people drive for them.

The only way to really protect yourself is to have the coverage for these types of scenarios. Beyond that its just nice to know that when the other people are caught driving illegally, it costs them a lot of money and many times it costs them time behind bars.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. My dad was in an accident (my father accepted fault although it was not determined by the accident report) involving a guy on a suspended license with no insurance. The officer that responded to the scene ticketed the guy, but did not arrest him. I will say he did not allow the guy to drive the vehicle away from the scene but instead had it impounded.

The guy insisted he and his three year old son were fine (the car was not damaged much - $378) and refused medical treatment. Four months later, the guy decided he was injured and sued Allstate (my dad's insurance) for $11900 for medical bills (which he could not produce). Of course, Allstate said to dream on and has not paid a dime to him. The guy has now upped his ante to $14700 and hired a lawyer because they denied his first claim.

It's quite sad that some jackass with no insurance will try to turn the tables to take advantage of someone else who does have insurance. And, I wonder why insurance rates are so high. :|

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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