
Severing Ties.

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There are several people I know that have left the sport for whatever reason. Some of them I have tried to keep in touch with but I have found that many seem to want to severe all ties to the sport and people. Maybe they think that we want to talk them back into the sport, I don't know.

I just think it is odd that people that you hung out and had good times with just disapear never to be heard from again.

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Maybe their lives got busy with other things. I know I have not been to the DZ in some time now and have lost some contacts. It no big deal. I am taking a big break from the sport for now. I just lost the spark. Some people get into other activities. I got into going to the track with my motorcycle so I have been hangin out with those guys. Maybe when I clean my plate with other things I will get back in the air.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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The truth is there are a lot of people that I have called friends over the years that I have very little in common with other than skydiving. When one of them leaves the sport, the friendship whithers on the vine. On the other hand I have many friends who no longer jump that I keep in contact with.

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Hey Bro, the reasons can be so many and so different until they could consume many pages. I spent years warning people about the dangers of non-current, borrowed gear, situations and the incidents that seem to occur when those two evils connect. Safety

I also spent years listening to people whine about what the DZ and the DZO needed to do for them and the sport, and when it came time for them to give back, all too often, they bailed. Emotions

I spend a lot of time now with mywife, kids, and my granddaughter. I spend a lot of time serving the needs of my church. I took up golf, and found it to be a relaxing and fun way to spend my free time and it puts a lot let stress on my "old broken body". I also don't go around the golf course feeling like I have a "bulls eye" on my back, because somebody thinks they need to swoop me, in the air or on the ground. Personal

I drink a lot less beer and a lot more water. I eat better/healthier. I sleep regular hours and wake up refreshed most of the time. I work hard, but worry a lot less about what the "newbie" is about to do, or if "show-off" if about to hook himself into the ground or another canopy. I am way less stressed. Health

I am proud to say that I to this day have many good friends who still skydive and I support their doing so. I have so many wondeful memories, so many parties, boogies, supper at Georgio's after hours...I can't list all of the wonderful things I have received from this sport. I have a jumpsuit with about 25 jumps on it and 2 altimaster III's (need an altimeter?) Other than that, I am done for now. I may come back one day, and go by the rules and become re-current with some hot-shot JM/I who will teach me all of the ways of the sky, but for today, rock on brother, and when the plane is tied down, give me a call and maybe we can share a cold one and I will listen to your jumps stories, if you will listen to my golf game, or let me tell you about my family.

And Spence you are one of "my" good guys!B|

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IMHO it's a pride thing. I haven't seen it a lot, but I've seen it a few times with things other than jumping. Sometimes people are disappointed with themselves and what they've accomplished in the sport - so when they leave, they drop everything, sever all contacts, and even shy away from discussing skydiving with whuffos. It's kinda sad.
=========Shaun ==========

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Maybe they think that we want to talk them back into the sport, I don't know.

It may not be so much that, but the expectation that people in the sport will judge them for no longer being in the sport. Whether they actually will is another story, but think about how many people come into this sport and drop all of their whuffo friends, say unequivocally "I could never date a whuffo again" and "I'll never, ever quit skydiving, I'm in it for LIFE!"

And now they've quit ... and they assume that everyone else has the same attitude about non-skydivers or ex-skydivers that they had ... that they're somehow worthy of judgment, or somehow less "cool" or aren't going to fit in anymore.

I love the people I've met in this sport. But I know that for a lot of them, the thing I have in common with them is that we're skydivers. When that goes away, I'm not certain how much we'll have to talk about anymore. [:/] There are, however, a lot of friendships I've made in this sport that have moved beyond the dropzone and I hope that I'll be able to maintain those to some degree, and I'll certainly try. But if I'm an ex-skydiver, I don't know that I'm going to be hanging out on the dropzone all the time anymore, and time on the dropzone is what holds a lot of friendships together - it just is what it is.

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it could also just be that most of the socialising is conducted at the DZ, if yo dont go there anymore you lose track of or inclination to visit those who do.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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In my personal observation, I've lost touch with most friends who have left the sport, with one exception. Ex deaf skydivers. I keep in touch with some of them. Of course, I share the disability with them. If you don't have anything in common other than skydiving, 99% of the time you never hear from them again.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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In my personal observation, I've lost touch with most friends who have left the sport, with one exception. Ex deaf skydivers. I keep in touch with some of them. Of course, I share the disability with them. If you don't have anything in common other than skydiving, 99% of the time you never hear from them again.


What the...Dude!!! I even take you out to dinner when I am in that neck of the woods...oh, wait a minute my wife say's I must be deaf all the time...:S:)


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In my personal observation, I've lost touch with most friends who have left the sport, with one exception. Ex deaf skydivers. I keep in touch with some of them. Of course, I share the disability with them. If you don't have anything in common other than skydiving, 99% of the time you never hear from them again.

Now come on Billy....


Do you ever "hear" from any of them


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In my personal observation, I've lost touch with most friends who have left the sport, with one exception. Ex deaf skydivers. I keep in touch with some of them. Of course, I share the disability with them. If you don't have anything in common other than skydiving, 99% of the time you never hear from them again.


What the...Dude!!! I even take you out to dinner when I am in that neck of the woods...oh, wait a minute my wife say's I must be deaf all the time...:S:)


I was dead on, wasn't I? You're the 1%... :D There are only a handful that I still keep in touch with, well, not even a full handful anyway.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I've made some incredible friendships through skydiving- and those friendships are the ones that transcend skydiving and are not solely based on jumping or hanging at the dz.

I also made several "friends" that, just like high school, are not really true friendships and are best left to fizzle out.

Then there are those smiling faces and warm hugs from fellow jumpers that I may not know very well (yet), and always give good vibes.

It's just like any other arena in life; true friendships are true friendships, regardless of their origin.
"He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch."~Jean Luc Godard

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Blech. I think it's a YOU problem...lol. I haven't jumped in a year and a half (when I visited Jack and Lynn, and jumped with skymama. Thanks Andrea), and IF I jump anymore, it'll be a few more years down the line. But I still have my little circle of skydiving friends who are friends first. Skydiving is just something we have in common.

Some of my skydiving friends from years past are people I don't see all that often, but when we get together....we never missed a beat. Maybe you're equating not having seen them with "severing ties." I don't think I've severed ties with Jack or Lee or Kevin or Shawn or Gary, but I haven't seen 'em in at least a year.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I have seen a few leave never to be heard from again. Some, we only talk on a limited basis, but still maintian contact.

My core group of friends though: skydiving just happens to have brought us together. We enjoy many activities outside the sport and sometimes spend days hanging out at a time no where near a DZ. :)

Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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skydiving just happens to have brought us together. We enjoy many activities outside the sport and sometimes spend days hanging out at a time no where near a DZ.

Same here.B|

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I don't think that this is something that just happens in skydiving.....it is something that happens in life in general......people come in and go out of your life and every encounter shapes your life in some way - even if it may not appear so.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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In my personal observation, I've lost touch with most friends who have left the sport, with one exception. Ex deaf skydivers. 99% of the time you never hear from them again.

Yeah, I'll bet it's a bitch getting them to answer the phone....[:/]

OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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I agree that people come and go through your life. That is normal. I am talking about people that you go out of your way to contact with no results.

The arguement has been made that it might just be me but lets get real.:D:D

There are two or three people that I am thinking of that there is no way I offended and were pretty close to that have just disappeared. There is one that I have left a dozen + messages for with no call back. I know, a normal person would quit calling but it kind of turned into a game to see if they would answer the phone.:)

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things to ponder,,,

Some grow up!
A certain percentage of jumpers go all out in the sport.
Of those, some smaller percentage neglect whole major areas of their lives so they can jump as often as possible.
Sometimes it is jumpin that has to be eliminated to get back in balance.

Some get way involved in something else and don't often stop and consider what those they left behing are up to. Or when they do wonder they are not able to make the connection (no phones on the moon)

Some get bummed out after planting a bunch of friends. It can happen that people distance themselves to avoid a repeat of the pain involved when a friend goes in.

Some stop drinking. (and/or other things)
Some do NOT stop drinking (and/or other things) and perhaps they would be more sociable if they did.

Some are avoiding an EX.

Some are waiting for the statute of limitations to run out. They may actually be doing you a favor by not returning calls!!!

Some get skeered after a close call.

Some get depressed and do not trust themselves to keep PULLing they string.

Out of all the people who leave the sport some have to make a clean and complete break, and unfortunately that can include friends.
("1/2 measures availed us nothing")

Sometimes the reality is not pretty and they do not want to answer the question(s) of WHY.

I have been on one or both sides of many of the things I mentioned above.

For myself, I do not expect or demand that my friends 'maintain' contact. I hope they allow me the same leeway. If they are "friends" then if ever our paths cross again they will extend a hand and take the hand offered. (or hugs)

Else, I'll see 'em on the other side.

I suggest we just appreciate that we wonder.
Share your curiosity with the friends you do still see.
Sometimes it's all we can do.

"Dangerous toys are fun but ya could get hurt" -- Vash The Stampede

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There is one that I have left a dozen + messages for with no call back. I know, a normal person would quit calling

Might be the problem?:S

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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I am still good friends with some people I went to highschool with.....we talk about once a year, usually after I have made the effort to call and finally track them down....it is annoying, but when we get together - we never miss a beat, catch up, hang out until the next time.....which is usually a couple of years down the road:S:S:S..........sometimes a busy life gets in the way.

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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