
Is skydiving getting more popular?

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More popular as people can't pay for their homes, their cars, gas for the cars, their credit cards, their doctor bills, health insurance...Yeah, I'm sure that an expensive hobby like skydiving is bringing in the hundreds of thousands to do more than just a tandem.

Even Harley is having problems selling their $30k bikes now days.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I think when we find the answer to "what is skydiving?"

Took me awhile but it did finally become clear that skydiving is all about looking cool while walking to the plane.:|

Huh? Who said that..
The Dude Abides.

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Even Harley is having problems selling their $30k bikes now days.

That's because they are crap bikes, not because of the E-conin-me:D:D:D

oh come on it was sitting right in front of me:P:ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Even Harley is having problems selling their $30k bikes now days.

That's because they are crap bikes, not because of the E-conin-me:D:D:D

oh come on it was sitting right in front of me:P:ph34r::ph34r:

You're just jealous :P:P:P:P:P Cuz you KNOW my bike is just WAY COOL! B|

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"I'm sure that an expensive hobby like skydiving"

you know, i spend the same amount on a day of skiing, taking out the jet ski, or boat. i spent 5k to get into the sport, thats a smaller barrier to entry than a jet ski, boat, or harley. if i do 3 jumps, it is $72 for the day. i bet people spend way more than that on green fees at some of these golf courses. so, really, i dont think it is that much more expensive than other hobbies. and hell, what people spend at the mall eclipses my skydiving budget by far!:P

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When Wall Street is sliding downhill, the entertainment industry is booming. People want to escape their tragic lives, so for a couple of hours they do so.


Same goes for skydiving. I may be hurting a bit financially right now (was on disability pay for the first 6 months of this year) but I still make it down to the DZ a few times a month and keep current. It really does lift my spirits and lets me think about something positive for the week. :^)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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