
What did Santy Klaws Git Ya

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One warm blanky, sent to me from Ohio. and I got myself 2 jumps yesterday, one of them ending up in a Demo jump!B| Actually, I landed in someones backyard about a mile off from the DZ, hilaciosly honkiin winds! Everyone about 20 people there were very excited to have me drop in, First thing I said was "Merry Christmas" got good laughs from the adults and the children there had a million ??'s for me. The homeowners thanked me for making there Christmas an unforgettable one.B|:D;)


One of the better stories so fa this year, glad you had the presence of mind to offer them some Seanson's Greetings;)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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At Thanksgiving dinner I made the mistake of mentioning how I don't own an umbrella because I don't want to walk to the store when it's raining and I can't remember to go buy one when it isn't. So now I am the proud owner of four umbrellas in various sizes and colors.

I also got GTA: Vice City. Haven't had much time to play it yet, only just finished the first set of Cortez missions. The new vehicles, especially the motorcycles, rock. Nothing like smacking a guy up the side of the head with a golf club and stealing his crotch rocket, popping a 300 foot wheelie between the lanes of traffic, then slamming on the brakes and doing an endo to avoid rear-ending a cop car. All to the soundtrack of authentic 80s music.

Asked for Poynter's Vol II, got both because my dad is awesome and noticed that there was a first edition too.

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for me, a new alti-2 galaxy, a new pro-dytter and a homemade jumpsuit. just need a helmet and i'm all good to go, except a rig, but i can live with rentals for another year. got my sweetie a new 'trinity outfit' (a leather jacket and leather pants), and i got to watch my kids rip into a pile of stuff, then helped my son assemble his knex roller coaster. it took 4 hours!
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I got tons of stuff this year!!!

Santa #1:
A really pretty shirt, perfume, billions of stuffed animals, another shirt w/my sig line on it!, pjs (so comfy!), and sparkly stuff

Santa #2:
PD Reserve, Digital camera, mp3 player, Aerobed, clothes

Santa #3:
Hardsided suitcase for my rig, brakes for my car

Santa #4:
A beautiful handmade quilt

I think there were a few other santas...too early to remember.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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my brother got me handcuffs, christmas colored condoms, and a "mile high" club sweatshirt, that there was a bidding war for on Ebay and my folks, hooked it up. samsung computer monitor. 1600 + 1200
gave whole new brilliance to Good Stuff.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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my brother got me handcuffs, christmas colored condoms, and a "mile high" club sweatshirt


Hrm, perhaps you should seek counseling?

I was so thinking the same thing. Pete, you beat me to it.:S


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Santy Klaws brought me close to bugger all worth mentioning, the bastard. :(

The missus, on the other hand, was an absolute Angel.

She isn't rich by anyone's definition, so it meant a great deal to me; I was speechless for several minutes. On careful reflection, I'd have to say it's the best present I've ever received, ever ever. :) xmas_present.jpg

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NICE LUKE! Does the misses also skydive?

The poor girl broke her femur a couple of years ago on her 5th jump making a mistake that I've seen many students make, usually with less dramatic results. [:/]

The silver lining (for me) is that she loves the sport and lets me get away with murder. Rather than giving me a hard time for spending too much time jumping, when I get home she pesters me to hand over my DV tapes. She'll sit there and watch 120 unedited jumps through choice. :S

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